I've found a Micro SD card on the pavement and it's encrypted

probably nothing interested on it anyway, on a lot of phones if you want the memory card and phone storage to appear as one you are forced to encrypt them?

probably from a windows phone or nudes stick it in with your family valuables and let it get passed down the generations until home computers are powerful enough to break the encryption with ease.

probably just nudes or nothing of interest though
Reminds me of a story when a young lad found a sd card in Asda parking area. He put it in his pc to be greeted with nudes of one of the hottest girls in school.

Always encrypt.
Who encrypts a Micro SD card? I can't think of a single legit reason to do this as they go in phones and cameras which can't really deal with encrypted cards.

I think if you adopt the SD card to be part of the phones main storage, it'll encrypt it. Obviously it wasn't done on Android since it's bitlocker, I wonder if WinMo10 encrypts?
The minute you said bitlocker I knew you wouldn't get anything

Bitlocker *shudders* fell foul of the bitlocker bug in Windows 8 when it first launched. Ended up losing thousands of family photos!

Turns out if you did a fresh install of windows 8 with an external disk attached, it would enable bitlocker without telling you. Rebuild the machine a second time and reattach the disk, bye bye data. Enter your recovery key.....erm, what key?
A thread full of 'nerds' expecting to recover something from an encrypted drive without the encryption key :p

He's not based in Cheltenham...
We could take it to the next nerd level and say that anything can be decrypted with the right tools. I used to work with SSL V3. There is a reason why it's on version 3 you know...
We could take it to the next nerd level and say that anything can be decrypted with the right tools. I used to work with SSL V3. There is a reason why it's on version 3 you know...
Think you missed the Cheltenham bit, BitLocker is very secure, you'd need quite a computer/tool to decrypt it. I have no doubts that the intelligence services could.
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