I've found a Micro SD card on the pavement and it's encrypted

Think you missed the Cheltenham bit, BitLocker is very secure, you'd need quite a computer/tool to decrypt it. I have no doubts that the intelligence services could.

They could only do it by waterboarding the creator of the encryption software until they tell them the secret to bypassing it.
Failing that, nope.
Think you missed the Cheltenham bit, BitLocker is very secure, you'd need quite a computer/tool to decrypt it. I have no doubts that the intelligence services could.

Back in the day I used to hang out in a programming group on IRC with a guy that was responsible for a lot of the video game encryption/DRM hacks and while he hadn't cracked (at the time) stuff like RSA he'd found all kinds of clever tricks with modulo, etc. so as to do in hours or days on a 9800GX2 what theoretically should take 100s of years. While I don't know a huge amount about it myself there were people in there who could verify his proof of concepts were for real.
You wouldn't find anything with recuva I'd ha e thought anyway, particularly on an encrypted drive, that's kinda the point of it.

You could for at it then deep scan it again with that software or test disk, but it'd still be useless I think
You wouldn't find anything with recuva I'd ha e thought anyway, particularly on an encrypted drive, that's kinda the point of it.

You could for at it then deep scan it again with that software or test disk, but it'd still be useless I think
Formatting it would do precisely diddly squat to the difficulty of beating the encryption :p
Who encrypts a Micro SD card? I can't think of a single legit reason to do this as they go in phones and cameras which can't really deal with encrypted cards.

It's encrypted with Windows BitLocker.

What should I do with it, delete the partition and use it as a free 64GB Micro SD card? Do a deep scan on it using Recuva to see if anything dubious can be found outside of the encrypted area?

Questions questions....

Are you from the past? Phones and laptops are encrypted by default these days, Android and Windows supports the encryption of SD cards.

We could take it to the next nerd level and say that anything can be decrypted with the right tools. I used to work with SSL V3. There is a reason why it's on version 3 you know...

Public key cryptography has many potential avenues of attack that make it really incomparable to symmetric encryption systems thus doesn't support your assertion even ignoring the mathematically unbreakable OTP encryption.

There is at least one major issue with encrypting your phone's SD card really. If your phone breaks and you have to replace it, you're stuffed. Only the phone that encrypted it can decrypt it. Also if you ever have an issue and need to factory reset the phone, then the encryption keys are reset too, so the card data will no longer be readable on the same phone or any other phone.

Wrong. The drive header (of any good encryption implementation) contains important cryptographic information such as the cipher and its mode of operation, the password salt, and hashing algorithm. This information allows the encryption key to be easily generated given the correct password and the partition mounted and decrypted using any software that supports the same encryption methods.

If I encrypt my sd card using veracrypt I can access it on any phone or pc.
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On Android it specifically says the card won't be usable on any other phone other than the one used to encrypt it:

On Android it specifically says the card won't be usable on any other phone other than the one used to encrypt it:


That's why you don't use the terrible stock android implementation. Generally the risk of losing your data is worse than the risk of it falling into the wrong hands.
Reading this thread was like watching the Monaco gp
You know nothing is going to happen.
You might get an interesting start. But that's all

But the organisers hype out up
Up still sort of follow it but know deep down its a dud.

It is a dud as expected and you wish you only had to read the tldr
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