I've given up on LPG - the future is Electric.

TBH I think that is the only way EVs are ever going to be viable. Unless someone comes up with a way to charge the battery as quickly as filling a petrol tank.

Also, it doesn't sound all that cheap. £6 for 40 miles is about what it costs me in petrol for my hot hatch, maybe more actually O_o

EVs are already viable for a lot of people. If an EVs limitations don't affect the way you typically use your car then there's no issue to address. For electric vehicles to become the norm then they will need to evolve and given the money involved their evolution is pretty likely.
Sounds terrible lol, another 5-10 years and it'll be a decent alternative but for now imo it's a joke.
TBH I think that is the only way EVs are ever going to be viable. Unless someone comes up with a way to charge the battery as quickly as filling a petrol tank.

Also, it doesn't sound all that cheap. £6 for 40 miles is about what it costs me in petrol for my hot hatch, maybe more actually O_o

charging times will drop and capacity will increase over time.
CCS chrging standaard which is backed by most of the auto manufactures is 350kw which is about 190miles in 20mins, tesla will be announcing there new superchargers v3 sometime this year which they say will massively beat the ccs standard.
although no cars in production can charge at this rate yet.

its only £6 a charge when you need to charge on the road, at your house and destination chargers are super cheap.

the industry think that for mainstream you need around 200 miles range, which equates to about 60kwh battery pack.

As said for a fair portion of people a leaf already makes sense, if you don't do long distances its not an issue, and the chevy bolt and model 3 are the first of what what is considered real 200mile affordable electric cars.
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Solar panels give free electricity hence free fuel. Even if he pays for fuel charging over night its a tiny price compared to fuel.

Solar panels also cost upwards of 10 grand for a worthwhile amount of them. Plus your not going to get much from them at this time of year lol
My employer is moving in the summer and I'll be commuting mainly through the city instead of on the motorway so I've been looking into a BMW i3, but my god they're expensive. However, they have a range of a lot more than 50 miles!

Surely you must be bummed knowing that you'll have to stop to recharge on your commute? How much time will this add each way?
Solar panels also cost upwards of 10 grand for a worthwhile amount of them. Plus your not going to get much from them at this time of year lol
Solar panels haven't cost anywhere near that much in well over 5 years try cutting that price in half. You don't get much at this this time of year but you still get a decent amount. I produce more power over 1 year then I use up in 1 year and I didn't pay anything close to 10 grand. My last monthly electric bill was below £0 so even at this time of year they are worth while. Still on the odd bad day you charge up at home as electric over night its very cheap.
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This sounds hard work, and well just awful.

Why not a high mpg diesel. Surely wouldn't cost too much extra. Mad.
My employer is moving in the summer and I'll be commuting mainly through the city instead of on the motorway so I've been looking into a BMW i3, but my god they're expensive. However, they have a range of a lot more than 50 miles!

Surely you must be bummed knowing that you'll have to stop to recharge on your commute? How much time will this add each way?
I already stop for over an hour. I leave a 4 to avoid traffic and get through the tunnel before it gets busy.

It's not fun, but it's only once a week. The commute home is pretty much on my own terms. I'll just leave work half an hour earlier. Actually at the moment I park a 20 minute walk away to avoid paying for parking. So actually parking right next to the office will make up some of that time.
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