
Ooft, I think the 780T is one of only 2 Corsair cases that I like the look of. That and the 540 which was my previous case. Which pump are you using? I think we do the DDC holder. And thanks dude, I'm really am happy with the cables and the job Diamond Cooling have done. I'm expecting great things from Both of those companies.

Using a D5 pump, had to outsource in the end, it it is here. :D

Those HOF cards, just wow, so very smexy!
Thanks for the support guys :)

peeky peek


The cut side needs a bit more filing (took what felt like 5 years) to make it a bit smoother. Thank to Chris for giving the bracket the chop with his dremel. I need one.
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Got the cable combs on last night while the other half was reading Y The Last Man (awesome graphic novel by the way, if anyone is into them). The motherboard is literally a couple of days off so I can start assembling everything by next weekend I think :)

The card looks much sleeker without the bulky DVI port and with the new waterblock, you must have robotic hands to pull off such a task :D

Seriously though, nice work :)
The card looks much sleeker without the bulky DVI port and with the new waterblock, you must have robotic hands to pull off such a task :D

Seriously though, nice work :)

Thanks, Tech! I have one of the guys here to thank for the removal of the soldered points. I would have given it a go but I chose not to chance ruining the thing :D Would have been an expensive replacement if I had.
Looks very interesting. I remember a build log that included the idea of stacking 4 120mm rads on top of each other with fans in between, can't remember for the life of me who it was tho. Will be interesting to see how this config works out!
Looks very interesting. I remember a build log that included the idea of stacking 4 120mm rads on top of each other with fans in between, can't remember for the life of me who it was tho. Will be interesting to see how this config works out!

A guy who used to work here did a build like that. It was in an In-Win case if I remember correctly and had pink fluid. Think the temps were very good actually although it depends on the hardware I guess.
I remember a build last year with 4 or 5 thick 120s stacked on eachother.
I haven't seen the finished build but maybe that is what you are refering to?
A guy who used to work here did a build like that. It was in an In-Win case if I remember correctly and had pink fluid. Think the temps were very good actually although it depends on the hardware I guess.

I remember a build last year with 4 or 5 thick 120s stacked on eachother.
I haven't seen the finished build but maybe that is what you are refering to?

Yup, that's the one alright! I don't remember seeing it finished either so will be following this with interest to see how it pans out!
you might want to look at this;

you'd be better off with a single radiator with push/pull than having 2 radiators sandwhiched

Thanks, Andy! That's actually a really interesting read, especially with so many configs being tested. It seems like the higher the rpm on the fans, the smaller gap in temps between setups. I'd call 2 degrees quite a difference still. If I do decide to go for the stacked method, it's worth noting that the flow will split before the two rads and join back after them and part of this is simply to see how it would perform. If not, I'll have push/pull on both of the rads and place one of them at the bottom of the case. Thank you for that link!
I'd call 2 degrees quite a difference still.

? all of the "sandwhich" configurations with 6 fans are worse than the single rad with 6 fans, so if there is 2 degree difference, the sandwhich is 2 degrees worse?

the only time 2 rads are better than one is when the rads are separated entirely, so your rad at bottom and top sounds like the best config with 2 rads being used :)

Great post and really interesting results! I'm surprised at how well the 6 fan radiator sandwich did.

yeah, but 2 rads with 6 fans is still worse or the same as a single rad with 6 fans, so it's costing you the price of an extra rad for no temp benefit, if you separate the rads, with 3 on each rad, then temps drop to 7C delta, but regardless of one rad or two, with 6 fans temps are ~9C
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ah I get you - to be fair I thought 2 rads might actually give a benefit, particularly with 6 fans, as thick rads do... I guess that is the one thing he didn't test, was the 2 rads in parallel, but then it looks like you probably need to run fans at like 1850 to get the benefit
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