Now they exert too much control over their phone, and the App Store is a joke unless they create clear rules that they have to follow. Rather than a "oh, we'll just do what we want" attitude.
I, for one, hope the iPhone dies quickly. It'll give Apple the lesson it now sorely needs to learn.
I'm very tempted to jailbreak mine, my only concern is the warrenty. I know you can restore via itunes to remove the jailbreak software but presumbly if it was a hardware fault which left me unable to restore I'd be screwed?
Any one had any experience of this situation?
PS, hello first post!
Apple are a relatively small company, nobody thinks they have the legal resources to pursue end users
My point was more that it's absurd to say they're small and couldn't afford to sue some people if view so desired.
I bought my wife an iPhone on the day they came out in the UK. When her contract is up (18 months) we will be cancelling the contract and asking 02 to unlock to phone to any network - as is our right. Should be interesting to have an officially unlocked phone...