Jailbreaking now illegal...

SO they don't mind us jailbreaking the touch then?
Slap a voip client on that, find some nice wireless spots and away you go.....take that small green fruit company :)
Now they exert too much control over their phone, and the App Store is a joke unless they create clear rules that they have to follow. Rather than a "oh, we'll just do what we want" attitude.

I, for one, hope the iPhone dies quickly. It'll give Apple the lesson it now sorely needs to learn.

I don't get the fuss. Apple have always been this way. This isn't news.

I agree with another poster that if it was Microsoft (or Apple had as much market control as Microsoft) then there would be a big stink, however they aren't and they are not doing anything they haven't done before - in other words be control freaks.

You must know this when buying Apple products and if you don't like it then don't buy them.

It's not going to stop people JailBreaking iPhones anyway. Apple would be foolish to disable Jailbroke phones. They'll just keep the status quo that exists at the moment where new firmware break the jailbreak. ;)
In my opinion the App Store should allow allow the sort of apps Cydia has (i.e. not restrict use of the benefits of a Unix OS). The only pre-requisite should be a decent disclaimer.
I'm very tempted to jailbreak mine, my only concern is the warrenty. I know you can restore via itunes to remove the jailbreak software but presumbly if it was a hardware fault which left me unable to restore I'd be screwed?

Any one had any experience of this situation?

PS, hello first post!
I'm very tempted to jailbreak mine, my only concern is the warrenty. I know you can restore via itunes to remove the jailbreak software but presumbly if it was a hardware fault which left me unable to restore I'd be screwed?

Any one had any experience of this situation?

PS, hello first post!

I'm assuming they would have to repair it before they knew you jailbroke it, therefore it would be repaired anyway? Just a guess...

EDIT: Hello!
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Rants about the quality of the iPhone aside (and it is undeniably the best mobile device available. For me.) this really means absolutely nothing to the end user. Apple have declared a stance. That's it, a stance. Apple are a relatively small company, nobody thinks they have the legal resources to pursue end users, let alone the resources to survive the public backlash it would generate.
So you reckon they'd rather pursue a legal route with each individual iPhone user, costing hundreds of millions of pounds, but at the same time they are not willing to take the completely free and extremely simple route of stopping iTunes from syncing with jailbroken phones? Or perhaps cause iTunes to disable such a phone?

Nope, Apple know which side their bread is buttered on, if they alienate the geek community, thats 25% of their retail revenue evaporated. It's all legal guff- Apple are not Microsoft and as a result they can't throw their weight around.
im a lemming.....lol:rolleyes:

no different to putting custom firmware on a psp, or using an r4 for a DS i guess. whatever the intentions of the end user are, using these custom firmwares has always been a legal grey area. i think its all silly really - custom firmware has only ever increase hardware sales. but if they dont want you reverse engineering their software then they should have a right to make that desicision, imo. sucks but there you go. buy with your wallets - if you dont like it gid rid or dont buy at all.

i'd still jailbreak mine - i couldnt do without swirlyMMS, the 5 button dock and other little things that transform the phone. if they offered these things as standard then id have no reason to.

i wonder if talk of jailbreaking will go the same way as other sensitive topics on ocuk. i bet it doesnt ;)
illegal who really cares, it wont stop anybody

and if itunes wont work on a jailbroken phone
there will be a way around it........theres always is

it will just go underground like imei changing in mobile phones
which makes of mobile phones say it cant be done i.e nokia
sure it cant

iphones, should be, simfree, and jailbroken when sold instead of all this crap

neoni http://blog.iphone-dev.org/
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My point was more that it's absurd to say they're small and couldn't afford to sue some people if view so desired.

They couldn't afford to sue anyone. Not the cost of starting a lawsuit, I could afford that myself. I am talking about the cost of the resultant PR disaster if they did.
I bought my wife an iPhone on the day they came out in the UK. When her contract is up (18 months) we will be cancelling the contract and asking 02 to unlock to phone to any network - as is our right. Should be interesting to have an officially unlocked phone...
I bought my wife an iPhone on the day they came out in the UK. When her contract is up (18 months) we will be cancelling the contract and asking 02 to unlock to phone to any network - as is our right. Should be interesting to have an officially unlocked phone...

How is that your right? I'm pretty sure it's technically their right to ask for the phone back.
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