James Randi has died

Gellar doesn't appear to have done any such thing... he was asked to investigate the kidnapping, and he was also asked to find a missing plane etc... none of which he directly sought and none of which had terrible consequences because of his act. I accept by the mere act of claiming supernatural psychic ability it in itself urges invitation from others, personally I don't see that as an issue.

Which is when he should have told people that he was merely an entertainer and did not have special powers, instead he gave incorrect information in a disgusting attempt to keep up the falsehood of his abilities.

There were no terrible consequences? We'll have to agree to disagree, I'm sure the family and friends could have done without a charlatan giving them false hope for his own selfish benefit.

Geller is trash.
lol they asked him :confused: he didn't attempt to trick them maliciously he was simply caught in his careerial(is that a word?) lie - any harm caused from that is interpreted (unless there is some newspaper article I'm yet to read) and therfore so is its weight.

I'm not saying it's not wrong, I never really got the whole Uri Gellar thing, but I am saying I don't think it justifies sabotage on that basis and I do think the basis was in fact jealousy... however, I only heard of the guy from this thread today and picked up on one comment (I apologise for any derailment) which felt out of place. Turns out it appears to be quite a telling highlight.
lol yes I understood the obvious task, I was referring to the motivation behind it which you previously agreed with...

It seems his issue with Uri was more personal than professional and the more I read up the more it appears like jealousy.

Following him all my life I won't disagree with that.

The fact you feel Uri was such a nefarious fraudster either because of Randi or due to personal reasons is why you cannot see any wrong doing in sabotaging another entertainers performance and career. I feel that part is unsubstantiated, thus Randi was more than a bit arrogant.
As for the "Leave poor Uri Gellar alone, he's only an entertainer" defense; play the worlds smallest violin. The guy was a fraudster who made a fortune from telling lies, that's basically all there is to it.

To be fair to Randi, what made his approach quite unique, is that he never really set out to 'debunk' anybody outright, including Uri Gellar. He merely challenged these individuals to simply substantiate their claims of supernatural powers and gave them every chance in a fair, agreed environment to do so. He never actually set out to debunk anyone, nor did he ever make the claim afaik, that supernatural powers don't exist.
No surprise there. Gellar went onto a talk show back in the 80's at the height of spoon bending stunts in the US and host surprised him by whipping out a load of cutlery and asked him to demonstrate 'his powers'. What Gellar didn't know at the time the producers had consulted with Randi before the show and Gellar after a lot of deflection attempted and failed to bend a spoon which ruined his reputation in the US as he was exposed as a fraud on national television.

Yeah the tonight show with Johnny Carson, seen the clips of it yonks back, funny watching him cringe. :D
I've already established this.

As for someone mentioning Rupert Sheldrake earlier in the thread, of course the man didn't like Randi! Sheldrake came up with morphic resonance which is by many considered to be pseudoscience and is often latched onto by homeopathy advocates.

I think it was John Maddox who, as editor of Nature, infamously proclaimed Sheldrake's book "the best candidate for burning there has been for many years." As he elaborated for the BBC in 1994, "Sheldrake's is not a scientific theory. Sheldrake is putting forward magic instead of science, and that can be condemned, in exactly the language that the Pope used to condemn Galileo, and for the same reasons: it is heresy. Whether or not "formative causation" turns out to be true, that it's a scientific theory is a simple fact. By denying this fact, Maddox sinned against science. Perhaps dimly aware of his disloyalty to the project of clarity and enlightenment, Maddox projected his heresy onto Sheldrake rather than face up to his own failings.

Morphic resonance may indeed sound like magic, but it is a testable scientific hypothesis. That is the difference. It is a legitimate scientific question where Sheldrake summarised the evidence for morphic resonance and discussed 10 new tests in the new edition of his book A New Science of Life. He did not claim that the evidence is conclusive, only that the question was open. It doesn't matter who considered it pseudoscience or who latches on to it.
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It was rhetorical babe, thanks for the reply.


Shows Gellar on the Carson show among a few other things.

Good video. Interesting how Randi committed totally to living a life as close to reality as he can, avoiding alcohol, drugs and anything that could cloud his perception and judgement.

I saw Derren Brown perform (and expose) "psychic surgery" a few years ago when he was touring his "Infamous" show.

The full show is now on YouTube. That part is from 31 minutes in.

As for the "Leave poor Uri Gellar alone, he's only an entertainer" defense; play the worlds smallest violin. The guy was a fraudster who made a fortune from telling lies, that's basically all there is to it.
lol bit defensive, I was not defending Gellar I was condemning Randi

To be fair to Randi, what made his approach quite unique, is that he never really set out to 'debunk' anybody outright, including Uri Gellar.
That's not exactly true now is it, considering the live performance sabotage...
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Interesting how Randi committed totally to living a life as close to reality as he can, avoiding alcohol, drugs and anything that could cloud his perception and judgement.
Do I have some mind openers for you ;)

I've been reading up on that Shreldake fella and it's quite spooky as I've been telling people my whole life that there is some form of non-verbal communication between closely related humans where family members can know if another is in trouble without ever being in physical contact. Then when I studied quantum mechanics I got freaked out.

Interesting theory, I will keep reading. Thanks to whoever mentioned him :)
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