James Randi has died

@NVP it's me - we've already been over that. :D

Bloody stoners... :D
lol bit defensive, I was not defending Gellar I was condemning Randi

That's not exactly true now is it, considering the live performance sabotage...

He made a career debunking fraudsters, not entertainers. Fraudsters.

I'm not sure what you're hoping to achieve by trolling a death thread. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

Very sad to hear of his death.
Trolling a death thread? I'm sorry you're unable to follow the conversation. If I troll, you won't even know about it ;)

So was Uri a "fraud" or an entertainer? What about Dennis Rodman?
Uri was 100% a fraud.
He earned money by pretending to first be an Alien with his ship orbiting Earth and claimed his powers were real.
The Alien bit fell away after a while.
Ok, so Randi was needed to prove to the public that the guy with the Israeli birth certificate who "bends spoons with his mind" wasn't an alien?

Give people more credit.

Randi may have been some great fella and exposed some who took advantage of others... but his obsession for Uri appears nothing more than initial superiority that turned into raging jealousy.

I'm yet to understand the justification otherwise.
Give people more credit.

we live in a world where people genuinely believe:
the earth is flat
covid is caused by 5g
aliens exist
people can talk to the dead and vice versa
god can heal cancer
homeopathy works
etc etc

granted of the people randi pursued uri wasn't as dangerous as say the homeopaths or psychic surgeons, all uri did was get stupidly rich off his claims.
we live in a world where people genuinely believe:
aliens exist

I think anyone with a brain believes there's a strong possibility that aliens exist, hence the existence of SETI.

Also it's looking increasingly possible that there is/was life on Mars [even single-celled organisms qualify, though it would be nice if it were intelligent life].
I think anyone with a brain believes there's a strong possibility that aliens exist, hence the existence of SETI.

Also it's looking increasingly possible that there is/was life on Mars [even single-celled organisms qualify, though it would be nice if it were intelligent life].

Seriously? All the billions of planets out there and you think we're the only planet with life?

ahh good ol' gd homing in on a single phrase.

i believe whilst it's possible we're alone in this universe it's statistically very unlikely there isn't some form of life out there we'd call sentient, whether we ever meet it or not is a different story.

however my post was meant to be referencing the tin-foil hat wearing area-51 storming "aliens took muh dawg" kind of CT nut.
ahh good ol' gd homing in on a single phrase.

Yes, I did notice that I did this. It's quite funny.

I fully believe that aliens, of the intelligent variety, do exist and are out there. They may have visited us historically, or they may currently coexist with us but in an alternate dimension.
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