Jehovahs Witnesses

woke up yesterday morning ~10am to a knock at the door, i looked out the window and saw a man and a young lad.. the man was holding a couple of books in his hands, i knew it was either jo the witness or norman the mormon so i ignored them and went back to sleep.
woke up yesterday morning ~10am to a knock at the door, i looked out the window and saw a man and a young lad.. the man was holding a couple of books in his hands, i knew it was either jo the witness or norman the mormon so i ignored them and went back to sleep.

New recruits seem to come my way every few weeks!
I funnily enough had a knock on the door this morning, didn't answer, but later found a religious propaganda junk-mail thing from the 'Christadelphians', I'd never heard of them before so Googled them and saw they were Founded in the 1800's by a Mr. John Thomas no less!
This reply simply illustrates what I was stating.

Not all Christian Churches believe in the trinity, you would have to have a very narrow knowledge of Christianity to assume such, however the chap in question felt that the specific Baptist Church he now attends fitted his personal beliefs better than the Jehovah Witness doctrine, whether he has accepted a trinitarian interpretation is not for me to say, however the church he joined are very open about their beliefs and welcome those with different views on scripture and I think that is what he was looking for.

There is plenty of Scriptural references, especially in the Gospel of John as to Christ's Divinity and I am also fully aware of the various (and there are many even if the believers are relatively few) non-trinitarian arguments and interpretations, of which Jehovah Witnesses are but one.

I am not here to convert you to anything, if you wish to discuss scripture in a free and open manner I am willing to do so, the two people I referred to chose their own path, they came to me, not the other way around.

Be aware that I am not a member of any church, I am not a Christian. I am however very well versed in a number of religions and belief systems as many here will attest to, so if you wish to begin a thread on whatever religious topic you like (I would suggest the SC sub-forum) I would be happy to debate it with you.

Good idea
Link to the thread in Speaker's Corner
Only ever had them once, a couple of ladies when I worked nights. They saw me wearing my gown and asked if I worked nights. I replied in the positive and they just immediately gave me a couple of fliers and let me get back to bed. Very nice of them, I thought, not pushy at all.
Hahaha I love this! When people try to prove us wrong they quote some insanely obscure sentence from something printed over a 100 years ago! Where does the Bible say that Christians should kill false prophets?

Zechariah 13:3
"If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the Lord." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through."

Deuteronomy 13:1-5
"Suppose there are prophets among you, or those who have dreams about the future, and they promise you signs or miracles, and the predicted signs or miracles take place. If the prophets then say, 'Come, let us worship the gods of foreign nations,' do not listen to them. The LORD your God is testing you to see if you love him with all your heart and soul. Serve only the LORD your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him. The false prophets or dreamers who try to lead you astray must be put to death, for they encourage rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of slavery in the land of Egypt. Since they try to keep you from following the LORD your God, you must execute them to remove the evil from among you."

Deuteronomy 18:20-22
"But any prophet who claims to give a message from another god or who falsely claims to speak for me must die.' You may wonder, 'How will we know whether the prophecy is from the LORD or not?' If the prophet predicts something in the LORD's name and it does not happen, the LORD did not give the message. That prophet has spoken on his own and need not be feared."

Seems pretty clear cut to me.

I have posted a quick reply to some of your questions. I hope that you will give your thoughts rather than those prescribed by your religion and keep an open mind in all the points discussed.

It would be pointless if you are only going to reply with standard doctrinal dogma from watchtower, I would rather hear what you have to say, not your Church.:)
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My mum's the type to talk to them, since she's too polite to interrupt or just close the door unfortunately. I remember an anecdote that my mum told me at my father's wake. Apparently one Sunday morning the Jehovah's witnesses got their claws into her, and after about 10 minutes or so my dad came to the door to see what the craic was. Upon sighting him, one of the Jehovahs witnesses says to him "Ah, Mr Hamlin! We were just telling your wife here about how you can be reunited in the afterlife-" At that point, my dad interrupts with a wry smile as he replies "Don't you think I've suffered enough already?" before closing the door in their faces. It took my mum maybe, 10 minutes to work out he'd insulted her, jokingly of course. :D
I have posted a quick reply to some of your questions. I hope that you will give your thoughts rather than those prescribed by your religion and keep an open mind in all the points discussed.

It would be pointless if you are only going to reply with standard doctrinal dogma from watchtower, I would rather hear what you have to say, not your Church.:)

I'm sure two JW's came to the door this morning but I was so asleep I didn't get there in time..

Can I ask why they do the door to door thing? Do they have to or aim get to a certain point (converting?) or is it okay if someone wastes their time debating something?

Do you know what impose means? Clearly not

verb (used with object) lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled, paid, etc.: to impose taxes. put or set by or as if by authority: to impose one's personal preference on others. obtrude or thrust (oneself, one's company, etc.) upon others. pass or palm off fraudulently or deceptively: He imposed his pretentious books on the public.
5.Printing. to lay (type pages, plates, etc.) in proper order on an imposing stone or the like and secure in a chase for printing.
I'm sure two JW's came to the door this morning but I was so asleep I didn't get there in time..

How would you know it was Jehovah's Witnesses if you didn't get there in time? If you just saw two people walking away from the door they could have been coming round for almost any reason at all.

Can I ask why they do the door to door thing? Do they have to or aim get to a certain point (converting?) or is it okay if someone wastes their time debating something?


As far as I'm aware they've got to spread the message, that's part of the obligation so whether anyone takes them up on it or not is largely irrelevant. I'm sure that like most people they'd prefer if you weren't simply wasting their time but if you actually want a discussion then I suspect they'd be quite happy to engage you about their faith.

I've got to admit certain doubts about whether anyone liable to be converted after a relatively brief conversation is someone I'd think of as being sufficiently engaged with the religion but maybe I'm looking at this in the wrong way.
Funnily enough that was my exact thought too when I read it. :D

Well let me in on it then since I posted it :)
I'm trying to think what else JW stands for?

When I worked at the factory there must have been at least 25 JoJo's and they all integrated and not one of them would try and preach unless asked.
In my naughty days they also had no problem having computers built filled with dodgy software and I can take you to 3 JoJo businesses where they are still using dodgy software so I don't know what part of their Bible says it's OK.

Hurfdurf, unfortunately you were correct. All that happened was he replied only to things he could find answers to in his watchtower literature. He's gone off in a huff now, he didn't feel that I should be discussing the 'rules' of his society, even though they are the very basis of his faith.
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