Jessica Jones Season 2 & 3

Season 1 was a little hit or miss with me. I seem to recall it peaked around ep9 for me, not so great either side. Interested to know the opinions of others that were not so keen on S1, if this is better before I start into it.
Finished s2 and for me it wasn't as good as s1, this felt dragged out like they had to make it fill 13 episodes where 10 could have easily done the same story.

I know who they are hinting Trish to become but she was one of my favourite characters in s1 and now she's pretty much turned into 'I want this and I don't care how I get it'.
Do you need to have watched The Defenders before watching this season? I stopped watching The Defenders after the first or second episode as it was naff...
Do you need to have watched The Defenders before watching this season? I stopped watching The Defenders after the first or second episode as it was naff...

Nope no mention of anything that happened in The Defenders that I recall.
Nope no mention of anything that happened in The Defenders that I recall.

Yeah, to me that felt incredibly stupid. To not have any of them show up for any part and not mention it at all. The whole series was a mess, more of the sidekicks being far too big a part of the show but all their stories being boring. I'm so fed up with there not being any normal extra characters, they all constantly make massively stupid decisions for no reason, they all turn on her in a second all the time for absolutely no logical reason.

The 'big bad' was pathetically boring, uncovered stupidly early then spent what, 4 episodes of a 13 episode series going in circles in the most boring way possible.

I like Jones herself, but almost everyone else in the show is irritating. The assistant investigator is a good actor and his character was pretty good right up till he decided to betray her for absolutely no freaking reason.
if you have nothing else to watch it's ok ..if you do wait till you don't .. lol
but they had to do it this way you need to know the past to see the future ..
I seem to be in a minority but I did enjoy it, it showed that she might be freakishly strong but she's as human as anyone else. If there's a third series it should be a clean slate because her past is now done and dusted.
I lasted half an episode. It reminded me that’s there’s much better stuff to watch out there than spend time on this particular series for now.
It’s just so dull, and this is coming from someone pushing themselves through a The Walking Dead still...

Think I’ll only watch new Daredevil stuff out of the Marvel series on Netflix for now.
Couldn't keep me interested, stopped at ep2.
I just don't like the character, even series 1 was average.

I just don't think these Netflix marvels shows are any kop. Serious background tv. Shame.
Agents of Shield at least makes it fait watchable.
Couldn't keep me interested, stopped at ep2.
I just don't like the character, even series 1 was average.

I just don't think these Netflix marvels shows are any kop. Serious background tv. Shame.
Agents of Shield at least makes it fait watchable.
I would recommend The Punisher though, that one is actually quite enjoyable! :)
s2 was ok thought it was gonna get somewhat interesting but last few episodes just meh.

if they had done this..... then maybe it could've saved itself.

The kilgrave hallucinations ....if they were from actual kilgrave ie he was still alive...i kept hoping he had been behind the scenes manipulating one or two characters to get JJ to kill people...basically him playing mind games with her...but anyway it was pap as it was just a couple of random JJ hallucinations herring folks :( dammit
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