Jessica Jones Season 2 & 3

I would recommend The Punisher though, that one is actually quite enjoyable! :)

True, Punisher is the cream of the crop. Loads of Frank which is never a bad thing.

Not hating on the shows, more the better . I guess I didn't personally get along with them. Glad they got made at least.
Other than dumbing him *right* down, agreed.

I tried really really hard not to bring up that fact. Not everyone reads the comics. If I'm honest, seeing Frank potrayed as a gun toting simpleton grunt was painful.
However, the Frank I know and love is the spec op/ Delta force Vietnam sole survivor of a firebase stood atop a whole company of dead vietkong. The guy who deep deep down uses the death of his family as an excuse to be the Punisher and enjoy the killing.
But that would be waaaay too dark.
I tried really really hard not to bring up that fact. Not everyone reads the comics. If I'm honest, seeing Frank potrayed as a gun toting simpleton grunt was painful.
However, the Frank I know and love is the spec op/ Delta force Vietnam sole survivor of a firebase stood atop a whole company of dead vietkong. The guy who deep deep down uses the death of his family as an excuse to be the Punisher and enjoy the killing.
But that would be waaaay too dark.

Eh? That sounds like the episode 3 flashback to Kandahar where Frank takes out an entire compound by himself.
I'm enjoying JJ, found the first season to be the best they've made alongside DD and season 2 so far is living up to it. (On episode 5)

I like the laconic, gumshoe style that permeates large parts of the show and her one liners are really good.
I am currently only up to episode 7 but jesus christ, after the glorious journey that was Jessica Jones Season 1, Season 2 is barely a shadow of its former self. The story line is diabolically weak and it took me 5 episodes before it really struck me that what I was seeing on the main screen was actually the main plot and that it was not going to ramp up into something suitably epic like we saw with Kilgrave.

The script and acting is notably poorer, especially with characters such as Malcolm and Trish who are now taking up way too much air time with silly, derisive and badly implemented side plots like Trish's addiction to the fighting drug that makes her go around on buses looking to hit people and Malcolm the wet fish's boring-as-hell emotional dialogue over his previous addictions and lost loves. And then, in one completely bizarrely written and shoehorned-in scene they end up screwing. Ugh. In fact, why not just give everyone a past or current addiction, considering that three of the starring roles have or have had them? Talk about milking a concept, and at least in Season 1 it never became overbearing or overplayed.

It is clear that Marvel have invested a lot less time and money polishing this series, which is imo a stupid decision given how popular and awesome the first season was. Ok, much of that was a result of David Tennant's peerless performance as Kilgrave, but the fact is that they pulled out all of the stops to make almost every episode a grand and nail biting watch, with even Luka Cage managing to fit in without being cheesy. The first season was simply on another level of pace and storytelling, and Season 2 is in comparison distinctly second-rate, maybe even third-rate. It's just... dull.

I will power on through the remaining episodes for the sake of completion and wanting to see how it turns out, but after this limp start and painfully obvious reduction in quality of this season I am not expecting great things. :(
Not bothered watching anymore after 2 episodes. Season 1 was barely passable trash too, just dont like the character (though she was ok in Defenders).
Gave up with iron fist, as above only kilgrave saved it first time around.

Punisher was extremely good.
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