I've actually purchased a fair few things from Jessops over past few years, 5DmkII, Sigma 10-20mm, Canon 85mm 1.8, and a couple of compacts and bags. All of these were inline with online prices of other retailers (give or take £5-20) after asking them to price match. The fact that I could just pop into a local store (at home or at work) pick up what I wanted was worth the extra few pounds in my opinion.
Although that's where the usefulness ended for me, basic accessories (memory, batteries, etc) were way over priced. Not enough equipment in store for the hobbyist/semi-pro photographer, and then some of the staff were just painful to deal with.
For example when I purchased my 85mm I reserved over the phone and then went down to pick it up. Young sales girl was more than helpful but as I'm trying to pay some guy comes out from the back and the conversation goes like....
Him: Nice lens
Me: Yep
Him: You like taking photos then?
Me: (thinking, no just decided to spend a load of money of something I hate) Yep when I get the chance.
Him: Are you a Canon or Nikon man?
Me: Errr Canon (did the fact that I'm buying a Canon lens not give that away)
Him: What camera do you use?
Me: (trying to finish paying and escape quickly) 5dMKII
Him: Very flash, any reason why you didn't buy the MKIII instead?
Me: Well it wasn't available when I purchased this a few years back.
Him: Oh, well the MKIII is supposed to be a better camera, better than the MKII.
Me: Errr ok, thanks, buy!
God knows if that was an attempt at customer relations but just makes people feel uncomfortable and want to get out of the shop as quick as possible.