Jesters* Crossfit Journey

Thursday we did some more legs.

Warm Up 12:00
3 Rounds

10 x Hollow to Superman holds
30 sec Wall Sit - Right Leg
10 x "360" Jumps
30 sec Wall Sit - Left Leg
10 x Reverse Snow Angels (2.5Kg Each Hand)
Rest 30 Seconds

This was a playground warmup. Watching us all try and make 360 jumps after a while without falling over was hilarious fun. Blatantly did it for the funnies!

E3MOM 9:00
3 Rounds

10 x Front Rack Lunges Forwards
10 x Front Rack Lunges Backwards

Unbroken/Pick Your Weight

I really wanted to chin these off and go quite light. In the end I took the middle ground and went to about 80% and did 60Kg for all sets. Glutes were definitely fired up and ready for what was to come next.

10:00 Clock
Every 30 sec

1 x Squat Clean (100Kg)

Oh it was on, only one other person had managed to complete it at the prescribed weight that day. So I went for it and finished all 20 reps. The last 4/5 were getting really hard to stand up but managed it. Great feeling to come out the other side after making the weight.
Friday team workout was another heavy barbell one. Although lighter than yesterday, many more reps to get done!

In Pairs

EMOM 20:00

3 x Power Cleans
3 x Front Squats
3 x Push Jerks

*No Clusters
*No Push/Strict Press

Normal RX 60Kg
Athlete RX 80Kg

20:00 - 25:00 Rest

25:00 - 35:00

Complex for Max Load

1 x High Hang Clean
1 x Hang Clean
1 x Clean
1 x Push Jerk

*No Power Cleans

You could break up the EMOM however you wanted, myself and another athlete went for the 80Kg and decided to go round for round. The idea being 30 secs work then 1:30 rest and hold on for as long as possible. Meaning we both had to do 10 sets of the complex. We managed to make it through round for round with no issues, apart from it getting really hard in the final few rounds the push jerk definitely seemed to be the real fight.

Complex for load was a combined total and I managed 95Kg and my partner 100Kg. Total of 195Kg. Saturday is rest day and I cannot wait, it feels like it has been a really tough week. But has ended on a high.
Good heavy work as always

Cheers pal. Keeping up the grind!

Sunday was an athletes session, but there was only 3 of us!

Spent a good 30:00 working on handstand drills and more walk progression. Feels so rewarding to make steps forward as it were!

WOD 20:00


6 x Handstand Pressups (20Kg Plates)
3 x Ring Muscle Ups
1 x Deadlift (150Kg)

This was a good workout, my limiting factor became my ability to ring muscle up. Cracked through 6 rounds and 4 reps by the time the cap arrived. So a total 20 ring muscle ups. All positives as this is probably the most I have done during a workout. Handstands were done unbroken and the deadlift got proper heavy towards the end.
Monday between night shifts. Wasn't originally feeling like training but this can sometimes be the best time to train.

Warm Up 8:00
2 Rounds

30 sec LHS Plank
30 sec Scap Rotations
30 sec RHS Plank
30 sec Underhand Deadhang
10 x Back Squat (20Kg Bar)
10 x Front Squat

Back Squat

10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 8 -6 - 4

Use max load for each set.

Quite a new approach, not being given any percentage guidance on load. So it came down to the individual to get it right. My weights went 100/110/120/130(DNF)/110/120/125Kg. I managed 2 reps at 130Kg but didn't have the last 2 reps in me. But all the other sets were hit, the last reps were all a push which meant I did manage to be towards the upper end of my abilities.

WOD 9:00

6 x Burpees
12 x Push Press (40Kg)
18 x Situps

Rather enjoyed this workout, a solid 9 minutes of work. All sets were done unbroken and I managed 5 rounds and 10 reps in the time. Starting to have real belief in my ability with the barbell overhead.
Been nearly a week since my last update. Mainly because after the following session I came down from practicing free handstands and pulled my calve quite badly.

Last Tuesday

Warm Up 8:00
4 Rounds

30 sec Active Bar Hang
10 x Dumbell Single Arm Sotts Press (5Kg - 10 Each Arm)
100m Run

As with all my warm ups, a nice cruising pace was set. Felt good and warm.

WOD 20:00

4 x Squat Clean Thrusters (70Kg)
6 x Burpee Box Jumps (24")
8 x Toes to Bar

I managed to do quite well on this, hit 7 rounds and 1 rep. The clusters were in singles, 70Kg is too much to really touch and go without putting you in a hole for the rest of the workout. THe box jumps and toes to bar were solid and had no isses.

Sumo Deadlift
Every 2:00

3 x 15 @ 50%

Did all sets at 80Kg. Was much harder than I thought it would be.

Then did handstand walk drills and coming down from a free standing handstand I put too much load through my right calve, which had been feeling tight for a few days and pulled. Which took me out of action until the following Monday.
Bank Holiday Monday workout.

Warm Up 8:00

5 x Hand Release Pushups
3 x Deadlift (50Kg)
5 x Handstand Negatives (3 secs down)
10 x Double Unders

I changed the double unders to box jumps. 5 per round.


10 Rounds - 35:00

3 x Handstand Pushups
6 x Deadlifts (100Kg)
12 x Pullups
24 x Double Unders

Now due to my recovering calve still not at 100% (waiting for my therapist to fit me in ASAP for some treatment) I changed the double unders to 12 x Box Jumps (24") the idea being to take the bounce out of the movement and put less strain through the calve. Ironically during the pullups I developed matching blood blisters on either hand and one ripped on round 7. I don't seem to be having the best time with my body at the moment! Finished in 28:17. I know for sure that I can double under much faster than box jump so this isn't a true reflection of how quickly I can go. Will have to go again when I am back at 100%.
Wednesday work.

Deadlift Work


1 x 10 @ 50%
1 x 10 @ 60%
1 x 10 @ 70%
1 x 8 @ 75%
1 x 6 @ 80%

Matched what I did earlier in August with lifts of 85/102.5/120/130/140. Felt very solid again.

WOD 9:00

Ascending Ladder in 3's

Shoulders to Overhead (40Kg)
Box Jumps (30")

Great fun workout, constant movement for 9 minutes. Went head to head with one of my fellow athletes and I hit 152 reps, while he hit 151!

Calve has been getting better, had a session with my therapist on Thursday and she put me through the ringer and eased it right off.
Saturday Hero workout.

35:00 Cap

1 mile run
21 x Clean + Jerk (70Kg)
800m run
21 x Clean + Jerk
1 mile run

Posted a 32:37 which is nearly 2 minutes slower than my PB which is quite annoying. Not sure where I lost most of my time this time round as I felt my running was better this time around. Maybe I slacked off on the C+J's. Will have to do better next time.
Sunday Athlete training. For some reason I am not feeling 100% motivated at the moment, maybe with my wedding coming (5 weeks off) I am mentally not focused on it, but I will still be putting in the work as I expect the lul to end and normal feelings to resume shortly.

15:00 Accessory Work

I spent my 15 minutes on my hands, working towards those handstand walks. I feel much better free standing at the moment, progress is being made and I took 1 or 2 steps forwards on my hands.


5 x 4 Deadlift @ 85% Hook Grip / Touch + Go

Did all my reps at 145Kg, felt good, even with the thumbs getting a little bit squashed!

WOD 20:00

9 x Overhead Squat (70Kg)
1 x Legless Rope Climb
12 x Bench Press (70Kg)

At first glance this looks quite simple, in truth it was anything but. The overhead squat felt good in the first round, in fact all the movements felt good in the first round. But for me it is quite a decent weight on the bench and I knew this is where I would struggle in the following rounds. But I couldn't guess how hard it was going from bench to overhead squats, I felt like I had so much less stability as my chest fatigued. Which in turn made the legless rope climbs....interesting. Posted 3 rounds and 2 reps in the 20:00. Bench press took me the majority of that time as in the third round I was pretty much down to single reps.
Monday we revisited the back squat from a few weeks ago.

Warm Up 7:00
3 Rounds

50 x Single Unders
15 x Kettlebell Sumo DL High Pull (24Kg)
15 x HR Push Ups

Good warm up. Always amusing to do single unders!

E3MOM Back Squat (1 sec Pause at the bottom)

8 - 6 - 4 - 8 - 6 - 4

My weights went 100/105/112.5/100/107.5/112.5. So so hard, that 1 second pause being a bit of a pain in the rear!

WOD 5:00

30 Cal Row
20 x Front Rack Kettlebell Box Step Overs (2 x 24Kg KB)
10 x Bar MU

This was amazingly hard. I basically hit a wall with the step overs! Managed to only get 10 done, having those KB in the front rack was just insane! Really wanted to get to the muscle ups as well.
Tuesday seemed to be a bit of a bro sesh.

Warm Up 8:00
2 Rounds

8 x Kettlebell Windmills (8 each arm)
12 x Cossack Squats
16 x Fog Jumps

I swear our coach programs movements that look hilarious just for his own amusement. I haven't frog jumped since school!

3 x 10 Unbroken Chin Ups

Managed 10/10/7. Shame to fail on the last set but overall not too shabby.

3 x 10 Barbell Bicep Curls

25Kg for all 10 reps. Got that pump on. The WOD that followed was just stupid hard.

Every 2:00 for 14:00 - 7 Rounds

20 x Wallballs
15 x Deadlifts (50Kg)
15 x Push Press (50Kg)

This went really badly. Instantly I scaled down to 40Kg as this was going to be brutal. Managed the first 2:00 and got all reps, then as the minutes rolled on I scaled the reps further and further. Not gassy, just fatigue of the lower back being the main factor. So glad when the 14:00 was over.
Last edited:
Athlete training last night. Was a good laugh!

WOD1 50:00

100 Cal Row
80 x Wallballs (9Kg Ball)
60 x Toes to Bar
40 x Single Arm Dumbell Push Press (22.5Kg)
20 x Single Arm Dumbell Squat Snatch (22.5Kg)

The cap was way too generous and everyone finished sub 30:00. There were too many of us and too few rowers, so I decided I needed to improve my assault bike and did the 100 cals on that instead. I knew it would add quite a bit to my time as I am much better on the rower. But working on the weaknesses should be the main priority.

Quads were on fire getting down to business on the wallballs and kept those to sets of 10. Toes to bar were done in sets of 5. Push press were done in 5's each arm before breaking and the snatches were singles. Finished in 27:07

WOD2 8:00

50 x Bar Muscle Ups

Oh this was fun, prayed to the man up above to keep my hands in one piece for this and amazingly he responded in kind. Wanted to hit 25 reps and managed to in the end.

Overall really quite happy with the evenings training. Thursday is a rest day after 5 days straight.
Friday team workout.

Teams of 3
"I go, you go"

25:00 AMRAP

3 x Power Cleans
6 x Over bar Burpees

5:00 Rest

15:00 AMRAP

10 x Push Press (60kg)
20 x Kettlebell Swings (24kg)

Good fun. Went fast on my rounds at the start and we posted 57 rounds + 6 reps. Then on my rounds on the second AMRAP I made sure I kept unbroken and we made 10 rounds + 6 reps.
Today's session.

Warm Up 12:00

3 Rounds

200m Plate Bear Hug
45 sec Active Bar Hang
15 x Romanian Deadlifts (40kg)

Took my time and worked through the movents slowly. Complete 2 rounds.

WOD 5:00

40 x Thrusters (40kg)
100m Overhead Plate Carry (20kg)

Went as fast as I could, thruster reps went 25/8/7 and tried to jog the carry. 2:56 was my final time.

E3MOM 12:00

OHS + Snatch Balance (5/5)

4 rounds and definitely didn't go too heavy and went 40/45/45/45

WOD 6:00

10 - 20 - 30

Weighted Situps (10Kg Plate)
Hollow Rocks

Mmmmmm aaaabs. Shoulders toasted and the abs were burning, only just managed to finish in 5:41.
9/11 Tribute Workout


2001m Run/Row
11 x Box Jumps (30")
11 x Thrusters (55Kg)
11 x Burpee Chest to Bar
11 x Power Cleans (75Kg)
11 x Handstand Pressups (20Kg Plates)
11 x Kettlebell Swings (32Kg)
11 x Toes to Bar
11 x Deadlift (75Kg)
11 x Push Jerks (50Kg)
2001m Run/Row

Athlete RX 10Kg Vest + Run/Run

So last year I managed a 29:30 with no vest and opting for Run/Row. This year I did the full athlete RX and hit cap with 500m left on the run. It really is a game changing element putting that vest on and trying to balance while doing Handstand Pushups was hilarious fun. A very good workout and gives me something to aim at for next year.
Had a nightmare session in Athlete training last night. Nothing seemed to go right and it was immensely frustrating.

30:00 Warmup

Mixture of stretching, warmup games (monkeying around the rig) and warming up into snatch.


7 x Snatch (82.5Kg or 90% of 1RM)
12 x Ring Muscle Ups
100 x Double Unders
12 x Ring Muscle Ups
7 x Snatch

Looks fairly straightforward and snatch is usually one of my stronger lifts, but everything seemed to go wrong. Warmed up to a solid 80Kg snatch then managed 1 rep come workout and after 5 minutes of subsequent failed attempts dropped down to 75Kg and even struggled here. But eventually cleared the first 7. Ring muscles ups aren't my strong suit so after a good opening 12 I felt a little better. Then double unders just felt all wrong and my rope just didn't feel smooth or fast. Final 12 ring muscle ups were singles as I started to fatigue hard but never missed a rep. Got 3 of the final snatches before hitting cap.

Went home feeling a bit disappointed and frustrated. Positives being I felt a little better on the rings and didn't fail any reps. But other than that an evening I will try and write off.
Friday was a team workout and was a lot of fun. To blow out those blues from Wednesday.

Teams of 3
Rolling Clock 40:00

3 Rounds of Jackie

1000m Row
50 x Thrusters (20Kg Bar)
30 x Pullups

2 Rounds of Elizabeth

21 - 15 - 9

Squat Clean (60Kg)
Ring Dips


150 x Wallballs

Really enjoyed this, fast and furious. Nothing really to say about these movements we just got the work done as quickly as possible. Ring dips are definitely something I should do more of though! We finished in 32:04
Sunday Barbell Club

Warm Up 7:00

Various movements couples with 100m runs.

Every 90 sec for 12:00 (8 Rounds)

3 x Hang Squat Snatch
3 x High Hang Squat Snatch

Aiming to hit 70% of 1RM

This was fun and challenging, 90 seconds is tight and we were getting no repped if we stepped forward after making a lift. The idea was to drill good and stable technique. My weights went 40/45/50/55/55/DNF/55.


Complex Aim 5 sets at 80%

Squat Clean
Front Squat
Split Jerk

This was good. I hit my percentages and even went above them. Weights went 90/90/90/95/100.

E2MOM 6:00 @ 60% of 1RM

1 x Power Clean
8 x Split Jerks (4 Each Leg)

Did all my sets at 65kg, alternating legs feels so strange as we all favour split jerking on one leg. My technique definitely started to falter towards the later sets but good volume done.
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