Jesters* Crossfit Journey

Good effort on the 125kg, just on your toes a touch - you stood the 120kg up easy. Next time for sure!

I want 100kg before the end of the year for my squat clean.
Good effort on the 125kg, just on your toes a touch - you stood the 120kg up easy. Next time for sure!

I want 100kg before the end of the year for my squat clean.

I have never front squatted over 125KG so it is probably partly in my head as well. Not sure I will get a chance to do it this cycle due to honeymoon! It is such a good feeling to break that 100KG barrier, good luck and get it done!

Wednesday evening I had to do the second European Championships qualifier workout or I wouldn't get it submitted.

It was horrible. Glad to never have to do it again!

TEC 19.2 15:00

21-15 - 9

Power Snatch (42.5Kg)
Chest To Bars

Straight into

9 - 15 - 21

Overhead Squat (42.5Kg)

I was quite worried about this one due to the large volume of chest to bars, no way can I cycle them well enough to get a super speedy time. This workout became all about grip and shoulders, but surprisingly when I started to Overhead Squat I found that my legs had blown out. Super fun times.

I finished in 14:28 so at least I beat the cap.

Here is a video of my last 3 pullups (blah blah kipping pullups blah) then collapse + log rolls for some general amusement.

Back from wedding and honeymoon. Today was my first proper session for a good 10 days.

But while I was away in New York I did drop into a Crossfit box there and do 2 sessions.

Monday 15th


4 Rounds 18:00

600m Row
10 x 180 Degree Burpees

Then Ring Muscle Up strength work.

Wednesday 17th

Turkish Getup Skill Work


100 x Double Unders
800m Kettlebell Farmers Carry (32Kg each hand)
100 x Double Unders

Sunday 21st

Barbell work back in my home box.

1RM Squat Snatch

I hit 85Kg and the closest I have ever been to catching that 90Kg PB. Its coming slowly but surely.

Today was my first proper session and it started with

Warm Up


30 sec Chin Up Hang
30 sec Pressup Scapular Rotations
12 x Cossack Squats
12 x Bowling Squats

Got me warm and mobile ready for.

5 x 5 Bench Press @ 70% (close grip)
Every 2:00

Did all my reps at 70Kg as I am basing my 1RM at 100Kg. Felt good and only started to fatigue on the last set.

5 x 5 Back Squat @ 70%
Every 2:00

All reps done at 105Kg. Felt good, right hip felt a little battered but probably from snatch yesterday. Got through ok and glad I didn't go too much heavier.


40 x Overbar Burpees
30 x Overhead Squats (40Kg)

This wasn't very nice. The overhead squats were pretty testy after working through the back squats earlier. Completed one round and got 36 burpees of the second round done.

Welcome back to training!
Deload days are really nice. Today was a relaxed training session.

Warm Up 6:00
2 Rounds

15 x Wallball Cleans
15 x Wallball Throws
15 x Situps

Got warm and toasty.

3 x 15 Deadlift @ 40% (Hook Grip/Neutral Grip + Touch and Go)
Every 2:30

Did all my sets at 70Kg. Was moving well and no problems.

5 x 8 Push Press @ 60%
Every 2:00

Did all my sets at 65Kg. Again no real issues and moved well.

10:00 Team Stretching

Coach led stretching which felt really good and means I have come home feeling relaxed and mobile.
Wednesday athlete session.

We had a bit of a free reign as to what we could do. So I decided to catch up on some of the 1RM testing I missed while away.

30:00 Clock

1RM Bench Press
1RM Deadlift

This was good fun, while hitting a double PB in the process. I didn't miss a lift all the way to hitting a bench PB of 100Kg. The same on the deadlift, hit every lift all the way to 175Kg. Feel as though I have more in the tank. A slow crawl towards 200Kg!

Then a short sprint WOD to redline and finish.

WOD For Time:

21 - 15 - 9
9 - 15 - 21

Cal Assault Bike
Cal Ski Erg

Fast and furious, these short workouts always leave me in pain. Finished in 5:40 and don't particularly want to go again but I am sure I will to see if I can go quicker!
Today was a good team workout.

Using the most disgusting solo hero WOD I have ever done. Probably the only workout so far I have quit mid way through.


Teams of 2

100 x Thrusters (60Kg)
EMOM 5 x Burpees

*Start on Burpees*
*Split the reps however*

This workout is better with a friend! Set the goal as 5 thrusters per minute to make the time cap and as we hit 70 reps I went harder and did 7/7/8 to get us done in 18:52. It still hurt but nowhere near as bad as on your own.
Oh I have a few days to catch up on.

Sunday was the annual "Apocolypse WOD" which has been slightly tweaked from last year.

2 mile run (carrying 60Kg between us)
13Km Row (2 x rowers, 3 team members per rower)
400m Run
50 x Over Box Burpees (2 x 24" Boxes Stacked on top of each other)
50 x Burpee Pull Ups
7 x Rope Climbs (Per person)
50 x Over Box Burpees
1 mile run (carrying 40Kg between 3)

Takes nearly 2 hours to complete and was brilliant fun as always. That 13Km row went on for ever!
Benchmark Workouts have now kicked off.

Benchmark #7

5 x 5 Touch and go power cleans. Lifting every 2:00 @ 80% of 1RM

Did all the sets at 96Kg, this was a 1Kg increase on 6 months ago, while tough I think there is more in the tank for next time! Slowly creeping up!

4 x 12 Bench press. Lifting every 2:30 @ 60% of 1RM

Upped this to 70Kg over the 62.6Kg of last time and it was going well until I failed on the 6th rep of round 3. Dropped it to 65Kg for the last set and managed 7 before failure. All in all not too bad!

9:00 Min AMRAP

2 x Squat Cleans (80Kg)
4 x Handstand press ups (hands on 20kg plates)
8 x Pullups

Always enjoy this workout and hit 8 rounds and 1 rep. Just 1 rep short of 6 months ago. So basically the same!

Not been feeling 100% for this week which is a shame. But still glad to see I am getting stronger while maintaining engine.
Benchmark Workout #3

Sooooooo this did not go that well at all.

50 Wall Ball Cash In
12 x Deadlift (85Kg)
12 x Over bar Burpees.
5 min rest

35 Wall Ball Cash In
9 x Deadlift (100Kg)
9 x Over bar Burpees
5 mins rest

20 Wall Ball Cash In
6 x Deadlift (125Kg)
6 x Over bar Burpees

Completed 2 / 2 / 2 + 6 compared to 2 +5 / 2 + 2 / 2 + 7 of 6 months ago. Just really was not feeling this workout. Not helped by the cleans and bench press from the previous day murdering my chest and shoulders which made the wallballs/burpees much more taxing than they should have been. Still felt very ill after finishing each round. Disgusting workout.

Finished on

4 x 12 Push Press
Lifting every 2:30 Min

Push press also did not go that well. Did 2 complete sets at 62.5, then failed set 3 on the last rep and then only managed 7 reps in the last set. A bit of a write off today.
Benchmark #5

Mixed feelings again.

10:00 min cap

100 x Double Unders
150 x Situps

Core felt like it dropped off here and I went 7:58 which is nearly 40 seconds off my usual pace. Double unders didn't go as well as they could have. Sometimes I wonder how on earth I went faster!

4 x 8 front rack lunges (4 each leg)

2 sets at 75Kg, 1 at 77.5Kg and the final one at 80Kg. Matched my score from a year ago exactly. In hindsight my legs were feeling super solid and I should have probably started at 80Kg.

Final workout is an ascending ladder in 3's. AMRAP for total reps.

3 x Shoulders to overhead (60Kg)
3 x Box jump (24")
6 x
6 x
9 x
9 x

I didn't realise until I had finished and counted my reps that I hit my exact same score of 126 reps again. Completed the round of 18's and hit 6 shoulders to overhead. I broke the round of 18's lifts into 6/6/3/3 if I hadn't fatigued in what should have been a set of 8 I am sure I would have made a good few rep improvement. Frustrating but still a really solid score.
Been a busy weekend and have a few updates!

Thursday's Benchmark

5 x 3 Back Squat @ 90%

Every 3:00

Tough. I completed 4 sets at 130Kg then failed the last rep in the 5th set at 135Kg. A slight improvement over 6 months ago so all good.

WOD 9:00

15 x Power Snatch (85Kg)
20 x Power Snatch (70Kg)
40 x Power Snatch (52.5Kg)

My weights were scaled to 70/60/52.5. I didn't manage to get to the round of 40 and was about 5 reps behind my score of 6 months ago, which is strange as I felt as if I was snatching really well! :D
A good fun Friday Team Workout which is a repeat from 6 months ago.

Every 2:00
3 x 15 Bent Over Rows

90 Degree Pullup holds 5 rounds 20 secs on 20 secs off.

Treated the above work as a warmup and went easy. Failed on the fourth round of the holds, good bicep pump before having to do some climbs!

Then into

Teams of 3


175 x Power Snatch (35Kg)
25 x Rope Climbs
115 x Thrusters (50Kg)

I enjoyed this workout 6 months ago and it was still good fun now. We kept our reps to 5's for the snatch/thrusters. Rope climbs were obviously singles alternating through each person. Got all the work done in 21:23.
Today was the day of the dreaded EMOM. I jokingly said to the wife as we were walking the dog that this one hadn't been programmed yet.....should have kept quiet.

36:00 EMOM
9 Rounds

1. 10 x Burpee Box Jumps (30")
2. 15 x Wallballs
3. 25 x Double Unders + 8 x Toes to bar
4. Rest

ARX = No rest (12 Rounds Total)

Being on the athlete team you are obliged to get as far as you can with no rest. Previously I died on the Burpee Box Jumps in the fourth round, this time around I managed to make it through these 10 before falling to bits on the wallballs and red lined. Dropped down to the standard workout and it took about another 10 minutes to bring myself back from the edge to be able to hit the RX standard of reps again.

Small improvements in a horrible gassy workout. Oh and I hate 30" burpee box jumps.

Every 2:00 for 10:00

3 x Strict Handstand Pressups (20Kg Plates)
15 x Pushups

Did better here than I have in the past, managed to get to the third round and get 1 HSPU before failing. Pushed the plates to one side and repped out the stricts with hands from the floor no issue.

What will tomorrow have in store....
Today was Benchmark #9

June 2017 was the last time I did this workout so I was very interested to see what I am now capable of. (Please god let me do better)

20:00 Rolling Clock
Lifting Every 2:00

5 x 3 Push Press @ 90% of 1RM
5 x 5 Push Jerk @ 80% of 1RM

Previously I did this with 75Kg, and today I hit all the sets at 90Kg. So a good 15Kg jump!

WOD 13:00
3 Rounds

21 x Overbar Burpees
15 x Power Cleans (50Kg)
9 x Toes to Bar

*Every 3:00 - 5 x Thrusters (50Kg)*

I had forgotten how tough this workout could be. Previously I hit cap with 9 reps remaining, and today I finished in 11:54. So very happy with the progress here. My strength increases have definitely allowed me to move the barbell quicker and push through the thrusters. Still some tasty workouts remaining during this benchmark period.....ready to go through it all again tomorrow.
Wednesday was Bench #4

This didn't go as well as it could have in the past.

WOD 20:00

1 RD
800m Run
80 x Double Unders
21 x Hang Power Cleans (60Kg)

40 x Double Unders
15 x Hang Power Cleans

20 x Double Unders
9 x Hang Power Cleans

So I was 3 HPC from finishing the first 200m round. So I was the run and 6 double unders off my previous PB. So a good minute off my previous pace. Boohiss.

Front Squat
Lifting every 2:30

1 x 12 @ 60% (77.5Kg)
1 x 10 @ 65% (82.5Kg)
1 x 8 @ 70% (87.5Kg)
1 x 6 @ 75% (92.5Kg)

I matched all my weights from 6 months ago. Was hating life truely madly and deepy by this point.
A small interjection in my training routine to mention the sudden loss of a girl I trained with for about a year.

I found out Wednesday afternoon that she had taken her own life the previous night.

She was troubled enough to leave 2 children behind. This left me shaken and still hits hard as I type this.

May you rest in peace.
Friday Team Workout

Warm Up

10:00 Coach led stretching

Hero WOD "Jenkins"

Teams of 2

50 x Burpees
400m Run
50 x Kettlebell Swings (24Kg)
400m Run
50 x Pullups
400m Run
50 x Pushups
400m Run

Alternate partner takes a 400m run each time (So you do 2 x 400m each round per partner)

Myself and my partner cranked through 2 rounds and finished the pullups in the third. so 2 rounds + 158 reps.
Which brings me to today. November 11th and we paid tribute Crossfit style.

Warm Up - Teams of 2

30 x Wallball Throws (9Kg ball)
10 x Strict Pullups
20 x Burpee Lateral Box Jumps (24" Box)

A nice warmup followed by some stretching to get to our workout.

18:00 AMRAP

11 x Hang Power Snatch (35Kg)
11 x Burpees
11 x Thrusters (35Kg)
11 x Pullups

*On the 11th minute rest in silence for 2 minutes to pay respect to the fallen*

A highly emotional workout which proved to be much tougher than I thought it would be. Shoulders have taken a battering this week and proved to be one of the first things to fail a few rounds in so I broke my thrusters and snatch into 6/5. Got through 5 rounds 10 reps in the time.

It has been an amazingly tough week, both mentally and physically and has really made me take stock of the people I love and how I am living my life. Asking myself if I am truely happy and is there anything wrong, to which I know I am living the best life I can and can say that I do feel mentally tough and happy. Driven to keep improving and hopefully bringing some enthusiasm and positivity to those around me.

With regards to training I am going to look at adding in some swimming to my current training program. The aim is to swim without dropping any of my current sessions to help improve my cardio and also for active recovery purposes.
Thanks man very true, always onwards and upwards.

Monday was a bit of a write off. I started the days workout and sacked it off after 3 minutes as I really was not feeling right and rested until Wednesday evening.

Athlete Training

Warm Up

30 secs on 30 secs off.

5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13 Ascending Reps each 30 sec - Down Ups

20:00 Warm Up and Prep

30:00 Clock - Alternating 3:00 Rounds

1. 1 x Skin The Cat
2 x Ring Muscle Ups
4 x Ring Dips
8 x Toes to Ring

10m Handstand Walk

2. 12 x Handstand Pressups (20kg + 15kg Plate Deficit)
3 x Snatch @ 75%
50 x Double Unders

Really fun workout, knew I was going to have to scale from the start as I cannot handstand walk. But the ring work was great fun and proved to be really taxing. The shoulder fatigue was definitely a factor the further through we went and reps were scaled down. Wanted to focus on good technique and not grinding myself into the ground.
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