Jesters* Crossfit Journey

Todays session was great fun. Balancing speed with endurance.

36:00 - 3:00 Rounds (12 rounds total)

200m Run
10 x Box Jumps (24")
1 x Squat Clean @80% (90Kg)

Really enjoyed this as it allowed me to see how my running is doing. Came off the run between 47-50 seconds each round and proceeded to hit the box jumps straight away. The clean started to get disgusting around the 8th round (24:00 onwards). My slowest round was actually my first at 1:35 and my quickest was 1:25. Extremely happy I managed to push my pace and keep consistant and did not fall off.

5 x 5 Strict Unbroken Pullups

Every 2:00

These were fine until the 4th round where I failed on the 4th rep. Last round was done with an underhand grip and completed ok.
Fun but 1 intense team workout today.

45:00 Teams of 2 - 5 Rounds

400m Run
20 x Shoulders to overhead (70Kg)
50 x Air Squats
10 x Rope Climbs
50 Cal row

Rope climbs were the killer in this workout. But we managed to complete 4 rounds and get to 5 of the shoulders to overhead in the fifth. Right wrist is proving to be tight and won't release, more mobilising needed.
Hard work was done tonight.

5 x 5 Back Squat @70%
5 seconds down, 1 second up.

All reps done at 100Kg. This was tough, the last set was brutal but felt good.

WOD 15:00

21 - 15 - 9

Deadlift (100Kg)
Handstand Press ups (on 20kg plates)
Hang Power Cleans (60Kg)
Toes to bar

Tough, stayed consistent throughout but didn't manage to finish. Hit cap after finishing the 9 x Deadlift. Gave it all I had so happy with my work.

6 x 20 second hollow hold
30 secs rest between rounds.


Did more bar muscle ups after finishing. Video below shows how far I've come in 6 months.

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Monday Funday

12:00 OMEM

O : 9 x Thruster (42.5Kg) + 7 Pullups
E : 30 x Double Under

This was going really well until I hit round 8 and suddenly started feeling sick. Popped outside for a bit of dry heaving and fresh air and back in for round 9 to finish. Not sure what came over me, but haven't been feeling 100% so maybe that was partly the reason!

10:00 Complex

For max weight.

2 x Deadlift
2 x Hang Squat Clean
1 x Push Jerk

My kind of exercise, I love barbell complexes, worked up to 97.5Kg and failed on the second hang squat clean. Coach asked me if I wanted another shot, of course. Attacked it this time and nailed the complex.

To finish.

6 x 30 seconds on 45 secs off - Weighted Plank Holds (20kg plate on the back)

Mmmmmmm got to love making planks harder. Got through all 6 rounds but was hating life for the last 2.

Started getting used to being on the rings. Moving my focus to ring muscle ups and need to get comfortable.
Today's session.

12:00 OMEM

O: 5 x Wallballs 5 x Chest to bars.
E: 7 x Kettlebell swings (32Kg) 1 x Rope climb.

Good fun, finished each round between 30-40 seconds comfortably.

20:00 WOD

40 x Situps
30 x Deadlift (100Kg)
20 x Handstand push ups (20kg Plates)

4:00-8:00 Rest

20 x Situps
15 x Deadlift (125Kg)
9 x Handstand push ups (2 x 20Kg plates)


15 x Situps
9 x Deadlift (140Kg)
6 x Handstand push ups (3 x 20Kg plates)

First round was a brutal amount of work, hit cap with 15 handstands left. Second round I completed in 3:31 and the last round in 3:48. The increasing deficit push ups were a first for me and I surprised myself by hitting the reps. Deadlift I moved through as quickly as possible to maximise push up time.
Sweetah team session. Both parts of the workout were meant for 4 but we did it as a 3.

1 mile run with somone carrying a 20kg plate.

Completed in 7:58. Both my teammates are better runners than me, but it dragged me faster. 28 seconds off my best 1 mile pace with part of it carrying a plate!


150 Cal row
100 x Box jumps (24")
75 x Power Snatch (42.5Kg)
30 x Burpee bar muscle ups
75 x Power Snatch
100 x Box jumps
150 Cal row

31:39 we finished in. Constantly moving at every point of this workout. So much fun and feel like my engine is really improving and can maintain the pace during longer workouts, even with some technical movements thrown in.
Todays WOD was right up my strasse. But the starting EMOM was hard as nails.

8:00 EMOM

3 x Burpee
3 x Clean and Jerk (75Kg)

Now the prescribed weight was set at 100Kg, seeing as my PB is at 107.5Kg that was never going to happen for so many reps but it was also set at 70% of my 1RM. First set I managed all 3 C+J but having no rest was a sure fire way of burning out way before the 8min mark. Dropped the reps to 2 and gave myself 15/20 sec break. I doff my cap to anyone that can complete this at the prescribed weight and in time.

12:00 5 Rounds for Time

5 x Deadlift (100Kg)
10 x Toes to bar
15 x Hand release press ups

This was right up my street. Had my eye on the leader board of the day so far and wanted to go sub 8 minutes. Unfortunately I hit 8:04, so close but still posted quickest of the day. Didn't stop apart from breaking the last 2 sets of Toes to bar into 5's and HR press ups every 5 for a few seconds.


15 sec on 45 sec off
30 sec on 30 sec off
45 sec on 15 sec off
60 sec on

Managed to get to 35 sec on the third round before grip failure happened. After all the work I was happy with that.
Fun one this morning.

5 x 5 Back Squat @ 80%

First 3 sets at 110Kg, right knee felt slightly tight but loosened up during. Fourth set up to 115Kg and finished on 117.5Kg nearly 5% up so happy with that.

WOD 13:00

15-12-9-6-3 Front Squat (52.5Kg)
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
15-12-9-6-3 Handstand press ups (20kg Plates)

Historically these workouts have been a weaklink in my conditioning. Today I proved to myself I can push hard, finished in 9:48. Kept moving with only a few trips on the skips. Many positives from today. After 5 days of training I might have a lighter day tomorrow with a rest day Sunday.
Thanks Bag!

Saturday was a rest day before my first night shift.

Today I did a small workout at home.

15 minutes of stretching before an 800m run to warm up.

4 rounds - 1 min rest between rounds

5 x Overhead kettlebell squats (32Kg Each arm)
30 x Double Unders
5 x Handstand pressups

This was fun, the Squats were tasty, first time I've tried with the 32kg bell and it went well.

Then 4 rounds of

8 x Underhand grip kettlebell rows (32Kg each arm)

Wanted a workout to blow the cobwebs out before my second night shift and this did the trick. Back into the box tomorrow!
Haha its OK doing it single arm. Haven't got the stones to attempt it with 2 x 32s yet!

Today's workout looked fine. Turned out to be a little disgusting.

15:00 Cap
4 Rounds 1 min rest between rounds

8 x Deadlift (60Kg)
8 x Hang Power Clean (60Kg)
8 x Each leg front rack lunges (60Kg) 16 reps total

Drop the bar at any point and get 5 down up penalty.

Hold onto the bar and go for as long as you can. Managed to complete the first round unbroken but broke once in each of the following rounds, finished in 11:04. Seriously gassy workout but effective and different.

Finished with.

5 x 5 Push Jerk @ 70/80%
Lifting every 2:30

First 2 rounds were done at 70Kg, then 2 more at 75Kg and finishing on 80Kg. All reps were good, nice and smooth.
So today I went in feeling good. Saw the board, and wanted to throw something at it. A repeat of one of the workouts I've done once before and wanted to never do ever again, from the 2016 Crossfit Open, 16.5.

Started with:

4 x 500M Row - Aim is to keep a solid average.

All 4 rows were between 1:38 and 1:45. Happy with my pacing and felt tough on the last 500. A good "warm-up" before the true pain came.

WOD 20:00


Thrusters (42.5Kg)
Bar facing over bar burpees.

Pure hell in a workout. Previously it took me roughly 25mins in 2016 to complete this. Today I smashed that time and posted 15:43. Its just a pure gas tank workout, you've got to keep going and don't stop. It was as horrible as I remembered it, but such a feeling of achievement that my training over the past 9 months is paying off.
Team workout today. Or it would have been if there was an even number which meant that the coach said I should do the workout solo.

7:00 Max distance on the rower.

Did have a partner in this one, and we clocked up 1713m. After yesterday's rowing I wasn't a fan of doing more but hey, get that work done all the same.

WOD 30:00 Teams of 2

50 x Wallballs
50 x Box Jumps (30" Box)
50 x Situps
50 x Handstand Pressups (20Kg Plates)
30 x
30 x
30 x
30 x
10 x
10 x
10 x
10 x

Every part of this was OK, bar the handstands. They were the real test, shoulders were hurting badly but completed in 29:03. Only 8 mins slower than the team of 2.
I used to CrossFit. I was chasing a 200kg deadlift (stuck on 192.75) and pulled something in my ass, think it was the sciatic nerve. Then I did my rotator cuff.

I don't blame the CrossFit I just think it wasn't compatible with a manual labour job, I just pushed to hard and at 35 years old my body told me to have a break.

If I can get off the installation and into testing work (electrical) I would consider going back.

I am a maintenance engineer (electronics) so thankfully not really a manual labourer so I don't have to be as wary at work physically. That being said, I stretch every night, use trigger point balls and voodoo floss to hit areas that I know flare up without maintenance. Along with seeing my sports therapist every month for an hour to smooth out the kinks really enables me to train at the volumes I do.

I am a maintenance engineer (electronics) so thankfully not really a manual labourer so I don't have to be as wary at work physically. That being said, I stretch every night, use trigger point balls and voodoo floss to hit areas that I know flare up without maintenance. Along with seeing my sports therapist every month for an hour to smooth out the kinks really enables me to train at the volumes I do.
I just don't have the time or finances for all that.

On top of my full time job I care for my disabled wife and have 2 young girls that are both in a swimming club. For now I just train at the gym whilst they are in swimming training.
I just don't have the time or finances for all that.

On top of my full time job I care for my disabled wife and have 2 young girls that are both in a swimming club. For now I just train at the gym whilst they are in swimming training.

That is fair enough. It sounds like you are a champion and have much more time intensive commitments there.
So today I went in feeling good. Saw the board, and wanted to throw something at it. A repeat of one of the workouts I've done once before and wanted to never do ever again, from the 2016 Crossfit Open, 16.5.

Started with:

4 x 500M Row - Aim is to keep a solid average.

All 4 rows were between 1:38 and 1:45. Happy with my pacing and felt tough on the last 500. A good "warm-up" before the true pain came.

WOD 20:00


Thrusters (42.5Kg)
Bar facing over bar burpees.

Pure hell in a workout. Previously it took me roughly 25mins in 2016 to complete this. Today I smashed that time and posted 15:43. Its just a pure gas tank workout, you've got to keep going and don't stop. It was as horrible as I remembered it, but such a feeling of achievement that my training over the past 9 months is paying off.

Mate, that is an awesome time for 16.5! I've not done it myself before as I started Crossfit just after the 2016 games, but it fills me with dread...........when it appears as the WOD, I will cry, a lot. Bet it comes back for next years open!
Thanks Rainbow! I really hope it never comes back as it really is disgusting. But it is a good way of bench marking yourself :D

Today was a bunch of short sharp workouts.

Death by Power Cleans @ 70Kg 15:00

1st Min = 1 x P Clean
2nd Min = 2 x P Clean
3rd Min = 3 x P Clean
4th Min = 4 X P Clean

Fail a minute and you are done.

So this was fun, felt pretty good up to minute 7, then the pain kicked in from there. Managed to get 7 reps into the round of 11, which was 72 reps total. Happy with that and my technique was good, eventually just ran out of steam.

7:00 Ascending Ladder

3 x Hang Power Snatch (42.5Kg)
3 x Goblet Squat (32Kg Kettlebell)
6 x
6 x
9 x
9 x

Finished on 7 reps of the Snatch in the round of 15, which was a total of 67 reps. Really felt myself hit the wall in the 9's, the previous workout must have taken more out of me than expected. But again the technique was smooth and didn't require much playing around with.

10:00 OMEM

1. 20 x Hollow Rocks
2 15 x Situps

Yea this was survivable, core really started to burn around the 3rd set of hollow rocks but completed all reps in the time.

Finished with some Skinning The Cat practice on the rings. Want to get more comfortable using them and this is a good way to go about it. Managed to start stringing them together while keeping the body as tight as possible to prevent any swinging.
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