Job Vacancy: OcUK Product Content / Community Assistant

Shame we're literally opposite sides of the UK, otherwise I'd apply, I've been in different jobs, through agencies, and whilst only two of the many jobs i've had were IT, they were the best 6months work I've had.

Even if it was just I.T support, I just love working with computers, I was tasked at one point with setting up 200 Dell laptops with encryption software to be done within a week and even though it was repetitive and getting the required software off the server was slow....I still enjoyed it.

This, as I can see will secure you (hopefully) with a full time permanant job, these guys have contacts within most of the big name companies around...and As someone said earlier, its a foot in the door for a young person (Or maybe old) to start off their IT Career.

All I need now is for OcUK to expand there business and have a store in Wales :D

I've been to cwmbran there's not enough there lol xD Cardiff needs a decent computer shop that one on city road is a rip off XD
I've been to cwmbran there's not enough there lol xD Cardiff needs a decent computer shop that one on city road is a rip off XD

I work in Cardiff, and I know what you mean :D

I believe the shop you're referring to is gone, not too sure, don't venture down City Road much.
This was my role at the company and the position is an experience, I came here thinking i'd be a robot, typing away in my cubical but really its the polar opposite.

No day was the same, even for a Junior role I feel any person who would take this opening, would thrive mainly because of the people you work around, I can say I've gained experience that will carry on and be of useful in later life;

As the role is so versatile the better I got at my job the more doors that opened, I'd say a person coming into this role will not be disappointed, if they have an open mind, and willing to put the work in.

Sad to leave myself, as the atmosphere is great.

I know all of Acemodder's living expenses.

What a vital piece of information for anyone looking to take up this job.

They are not my living expenses, that is of something I estimated based on a single person who works 5 days a week would spend.

I wish my food bill was only £150 a month with a wife and child ;);)
This was my role at the company and the position is an experience, I came here thinking i'd be a robot, typing away in my cubical but really its the polar opposite.

No day was the same, even for a Junior role I feel any person who would take this opening, would thrive mainly because of the people you work around, I can say I've gained experience that will carry on and be of useful in later life;

As the role is so versatile the better I got at my job the more doors that opened, I'd say a person coming into this role will not be disappointed, if they have an open mind, and willing to put the work in.

Sad to leave myself, as the atmosphere is great.
And the 6 months you did in this role paved way for the opportunity for you to be CEO of Microsoft now too :p
Yeah I don't understand peoples animosity towards minimum wage - it beats being on benefits you scabbers! (j/k) ;)

I started at the bottom in an IT role (telephone support) in '96 for much less than current minimum wage at a small local IT company. 13 years later I was still with the same company and had done on-site field support in SME's for a good number of years.

Follow that with 3 years of self-employment while trying to find another IT role, I soon learnt how much easier life is on a salary! I'm now back into a full-time IT Support role and consider myself very lucky as I know many others doing manual labour - as they can't find anything IT related! A couple with more qualifications and experience than me! :o

Don't underestimate 'starting at the bottom' - if it's a field you want to work in you'll soon progress up! :)
BT Openreach CEO Liv Garfield will be earning £2.4 million a year salary plus bonus when she join CEO of water company Severn Trent Water next year. She is very lucky lady!

and I had sushi for lunch...

seeing as we are adorning the forums with random statements and pictures.

here is a picture of a dog stomping majestically through a garden that has no relevance to anything posted in this thread.

and I had sushi for lunch...

seeing as we are adorning the forums with random statements and pictures.

here is a picture of a dog stomping majestically through a garden that has no relevance to anything posted in this thread.


LOL Do Not Want Dog strikes again
BT Openreach CEO Liv Garfield will be earning £2.4 million a year salary plus bonus when she join CEO of water company Severn Trent Water next year. She is very lucky lady!

Name things correct, mate :)
She must be (nobody knows, if she really is, maybe she loses everything in casinos ?) RICH, not LUCKY. Happyness ends very quickly where money raises quickly, too: overloading, destroyed marriage, dangerous temptations, ulcers etc - so can you name it "luck" ? :)
This would be a great job for someone leaving Uni or living locally.

That first foot in the door is the hardest to get by far. Get a year or two worth of experience and better paid roles will open up.

All the best to the lucky guy or girl
Well I started at OcUK in May 2007 (purchasing), and ended up slogging it out for 6 years, left in May 2013 :)

Made some great friends along the way. :D

There is and was some awesome people that work at ocuk never a dull moment.
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Just Emailed my CV and cover letter across.

Fingers Crossed

It wont be a problem that I live in Newcastle....... Upon Tyne will it?

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