Joe Rogan and Spotify

He gave his platform to known anti vaxer and spreader of terrible lies Dr Robert Malone did you miss that one?

Yeah I turned that one off, seemed like he was just trying to sell his book for the most part, not really indicative of the vast majority of his podcasts and actually stands out as one of the worst. Doesn't mean he isn't allowed to speak on a subject though simply because I think it's wrong or disagree with it, in the future I might think someone is wrong and disagree with it and then they turn out to be right.
Yeah I turned that one off, seemed like he was just trying to sell his book for the most part, not really indicative of the vast majority of his podcasts and actually stands out as one of the worst. Doesn't mean he isn't allowed to speak on a subject though simply because I think it's wrong or disagree with it, in the future I might think someone is wrong and disagree with it and then they turn out to be right.
He is demonstrably not right, he is spreading lies and conspiracy and Rogan allowed him to use his platform to do it. I will say for the final time as the gatekeeper of that platform Rogan is morally obligated to ensure it isn’t used to legitimise dangerous misinformation.
He gave his platform to known anti vaxer and spreader of terrible lies Dr Robert Malone did you miss that one?

Didn't miss it but also don't really understand the problem with it? I felt like if anything Joe came across kinda skeptical of the guy at a lot of points. What exactly go to you so badly? He basically was saying things like "well what if things are being manipulated by drug companies that can profit from the situation?" and "there are some studies that seem to show that the vaccines might be interfering with women's reproductive organs".... I honestly do not see the issue.

That it was a bad episode of the podcast I still agree though - but that's just because I'm sick of hearing about COVID in general and would rather have a more interesting/entertaining guest on
Didn't miss it but also don't really understand the problem with it? I felt like if anything Joe came across kinda skeptical of the guy at a lot of points. What exactly go to you so badly? He basically was saying things like "well what if things are being manipulated by drug companies that can profit from the situation?" and "there are some studies that seem to show that the vaccines might be interfering with women's reproductive organs".... I honestly do not see the issue.

That it was a bad episode of the podcast I still agree though - but that's just because I'm sick of hearing about COVID in general and would rather have a more interesting/entertaining guest on
Pretty much everything the ‘expert’ says is easily debunked anti-vax nonsense, he is a know for holding these views and Rogan gave him a completely unchallenged global platform to peddle his dangerous giberish. I find this morally objectionable (as I keep saying) someone with a significant platform has a responsibility to not let it be used in this way.
I find this morally objectionable (as I keep saying) someone with a significant platform has a responsibility to not let it be used in this way.
The World doesn't need to conform to your moral values. He doesn't have a responsibility to disallow people you.. the arbiter of truth... disagrees with.

You made the conscious decision to listen to it, that's on you. If you don't like it then switch it off. But others are entitled to listen if they so wish.
The World doesn't need to conform to your moral values. He doesn't have a responsibility to disallow people you.. the arbiter of truth... disagrees with.

You made the conscious decision to listen to it, that's on you. If you don't like it then switch it off. But others are entitled to listen if they so wish.
I am not the arbiter of truth. We are talking about simple facts like the earth is not flat, we go round the sun and COVID vaccines don’t kill people or make them infertile. You think it is ok to give crazy people a global platform to peddle dangerous nonsense I don’t!

Thankfully in the UK the likes of ofcom, and for that matter the new digital media legislation will be able to arbitrate what represent public harm, and what you are entitled to listen to.
I am not the arbiter of truth. We are talking about simple facts like the earth is not flat, we go round the sun and COVID vaccines don’t kill people or make them infertile. You think it is ok to give crazy people a global platform to peddle dangerous nonsense I don’t!

He didn't say the vaccines make people infertile he just said that there were a handful of studies that seemed to show that there might be some interaction with women's cycles... Is that really not true? Nobody has done any studies that might indicate that?
He didn't say the vaccines make people infertile he just said that there were a handful of studies that seemed to show that there might be some interaction with women's cycles... Is that really not true? Nobody has done any studies that might indicate that?
He might have overstated the doses, but he quite early on highlighted the initial tests resulting in spike proteins concentrating in heart and women’s reproductive tissues and causing damage. And here we are now.
So Joe had Robert F Kennedy Jr on his show and Joe does his usual thing of caving to the loon. My god he is weak minded, how anyone takes him seriously as someone who attempts to push back at his guests insane beliefs is beyond me.

His usual thing?

Do you ever actually listen to his podcasts or do you just select the ones that get you fired up?

I think on a whole his podcasts are fantastic and that's why he's so popular. Because million of people also think that. The fact his guests can be so varied is what makes it so good.

He's not some old school journalist who would ask hard questions and force controversial answers. That's not his job. Infact journalism is trash now too and very few people actually "push back" at nonsense.

Complaining that someone else's conversation doesn't go the way you'd like it to is quite ridiculous.

Don't pay attention to his stuff if you aren't interested. I never came across him until his conversations piqued my interest and I stuck around.

And the podcasts run 2-3 hours. So when short snippets end up on twitter it's not quite fair.
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His usual thing?

Do you ever actually listen to his podcasts or do you just select the ones that get you fired up?

I think on a whole his podcasts are fantastic and that's why he's so popular. Because million of people also think that. The fact his guests can be so varied is what makes it so good.

He's not some old school journalist who would ask hard questions and force controversial answers. That's not his job. Infact journalism is trash now too and very few people actually "push back" at nonsense.

Complaining that someone else's conversation doesn't go the way you'd like it to is quite ridiculous.

Don't pay attention to his stuff if you aren't interested. I never came across him until his conversations piqued my interest and I stuck around.

And the podcasts run 2-3 hours. So when short snippets end up on twitter it's not quite fair.
Jeesh. Triggered much?
I'll just agree with him and give him a thumbs up.
If you find yourself actively defending someone you are interested in with nothing objective to say, then maybe take a good long look in the mirror. You are up their with Roar and Chris Wilson and their fantasies about Trump/Musk. Or religious fanatics and Jesus, lol.
If you find yourself actively defending someone you are interested in with nothing objective to say, then maybe take a good long look in the mirror. You are up their with Roar and Chris Wilson and their fantasies about Trump/Musk. Or religious fanatics and Jesus, lol.

Thanks for the sound advice. I'll keep that in mind. "lol"
Moaning about modern journalism being trash and people not pushing back on nonsense whilst defending Joe Rogan is erm…. Unique.

Still lolling at that Rogan interview with Yeonmi Park where she just straight up makes up the most hilarious BS ever and Joe is like “wow”.
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