Joe Rogan and Spotify

What is it you are looking for? Do you listen to his podcasts regularly?

Are you expecting Jeremy Paxman level interrogations?

When you are at a family gathering and come across some old bigoted trump supporting uncle would you grill them on their dumb opinions?

I feel maybe you're looking at an entertaining podcaster and expecting him to ask such rough questions that he would struggles
to book guests afterwards.

I'm expecting him to push back on some of the ridiculous stuff people say on his show. It isn't binary, you don't have to just go along with loons or be Paxman, there is a huge space between those.

Great so he can't push back because people won't come on his show if he does. So its just about $.
Yeah not pushing back is really working out well atm isn't it. Now a significant % of the population think covid vaccines make you sterile etc and it was planned that way. Millions believe in Plandemic. You have millions believing the 2020 election was stolen. Millions believe 5G gives you cancer/makes you sterile. I could go on and on. We aren't getting any closer to the truth, we're moving further and further away from it. And there is "truth", some things are provably true but now you have alternative facts.

At no point have I said these people shouldn't be interviewed, my problem is the complete lack of push back by people like Joe and now Elon Musk. And they aren't doing it for any greater good, they are doing it for $ plain and simple.

All these millions of people you mention can believe whatever they want to believe, the only ones that will suffer will be themselves and I assume you'd be the type who would love a bit of natural selection in a future pandemic.

You seem to put blame onto people like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk for the distrust in the government etc.

The reason many lost faith in people in power was when Boris was doing usual Boris things, and when Sunak or fauci etc had clear financial interests in vaccine companies.

Someone as ridiculous as trump became appealing to common people because he was less condescending. I don't believe any of the things you listed but them people will continue to exist. Flat earthers etc.

It's not Joe Rogans job to educate these people. Try listening to some of his chats with respected Physicists or whatever. Focusing on the odd guest who chats crap isn't really giving you the whole picture.
@Hedge - Remember, these are the very high IQ people who know what's best for you, me and everyone else in the world no matter what yours, mine & everyone else's thoughts are on a subject, as theirs is the only opinion that is correct and woe betide anyone who dares to argue back :D

Once you notice its always the same group of 2-5 posters in here all saying the same old things about the same old subjects (on either side) it gets unbelievably easy to guess their almost pre-programmed response to literally anything being said with a really high accuracy rate.
You see the likes of Kennedy as a loon. Millions don't and millions more will jump on board. "Joe knows his stuff and he was agreeing with Kennedy at points so there must be truth in it".

I don’t think millions of his listeners are taking what’s said as gospel. It’s entertainment for most people, something to have on in the background and they’ll form their own opinions on guests.

I’ve had a quick look on the JRE thread on Reddit for this podcast and there are plenty of people calling out his nonsense.
@Hedge - Remember, these are the very high IQ people who know what's best for you, me and everyone else in the world no matter what yours, mine & everyone else's thoughts are on a subject, as theirs is the only opinion that is correct and woe betide anyone who dares to argue back :D

Once you notice its always the same group of 2-5 posters in here all saying the same old things about the same old subjects (on either side) it gets unbelievably easy to guess their almost pre-programmed response to literally anything being said with a really high accuracy rate.

Bit like you always popping in and playing the grounded centrist role :p
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If Joe was a super tough interviewer who tried to "gotcha" people etc. then he wouldn't have nearly the reach and pool of guests that he has - I listen to him a lot and to be honest I quite like the episodes where the guest is someone who has extremely different views to what I have as it's an opportunity to try and understand other points of view... I do realise though that not everyone listening can acknowledge that it's just presenting a particular guests' viewpoint and not necessarily aiming to question and dig to the bottom of everything they say... (I think it's kind of obvious though I mean christ he has on guys who are there to talk about alien abductions and who claim they worked in Area 51 and are spilling all the secrets about alien craft and stuff)

He does try to avoid completely false stuff sometimes though... off the top of my head what about when he had the guy on, can't remember the name, who was a scientist debunking a load of stuff to do with veganism, and they kept ragging on this specific documentary about veganism that had just came out... The guy who made the documentary then reached out to Joe and said hey that guy was being very disingenuous and I'd like the chance to come on and provide a counter viewpoint - so Joe had both him and the original guy back on the podcast and was very insistent that he wanted to get to the bottom of the claims made etc. and it was a great episode
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True, and he's completed axed airing the randal carlson x malcolm bendall episode after they filmed it most likely due to the scammy nature of the claims made.
I do realise though that not everyone listening can acknowledge that it's just presenting a particular guests' viewpoint and not necessarily aiming to question and dig to the bottom of everything they say... (I think it's kind of obvious though I mean christ he has on guys who are there to talk about alien abductions and who claim they worked in Area 51 and are spilling all the secrets about alien craft and stuff)
Ah yeah, fair

He does try to avoid completely false stuff sometimes though...

Wait what?
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If Joe was a super tough interviewer who tried to "gotcha" people etc. then he wouldn't have nearly the reach and pool of guests that he has - I listen to him a lot and to be honest I quite like the episodes where the guest is someone who has extremely different views to what I have as it's an opportunity to try and understand other points of view... I do realise though that not everyone listening can acknowledge that it's just presenting a particular guests' viewpoint and not necessarily aiming to question and dig to the bottom of everything they say... (I think it's kind of obvious though I mean christ he has on guys who are there to talk about alien abductions and who claim they worked in Area 51 and are spilling all the secrets about alien craft and stuff)

He does try to avoid completely false stuff sometimes though... off the top of my head what about when he had the guy on, can't remember the name, who was a scientist debunking a load of stuff to do with veganism, and they kept ragging on this specific documentary about veganism that had just came out... The guy who made the documentary then reached out to Joe and said hey that guy was being very disingenuous and I'd like the chance to come on and provide a counter viewpoint - so Joe had both him and the original guy back on the podcast and was very insistent that he wanted to get to the bottom of the claims made etc. and it was a great episode

Again its not a binary thing. You don't have to "gotcha" or just sit and nod along with the craziness.

Cleary not with Kennedy though.
All these millions of people you mention can believe whatever they want to believe, the only ones that will suffer will be themselves and I assume you'd be the type who would love a bit of natural selection in a future pandemic.

Really? Its the people refusing to get children vaccinated against diseases that can kill and maim children or those that can't be vaccinated that are the ones that will suffer?

I don't need to wish anything on anyone. Nature doesn't give a damn what I think.

You seem to put blame onto people like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk for the distrust in the government etc.

I didn't say that, I said they aren't helping when they could with their massive platforms.

The reason many lost faith in people in power was when Boris was doing usual Boris things, and when Sunak or fauci etc had clear financial interests in vaccine companies.


Someone as ridiculous as trump became appealing to common people because he was less condescending. I don't believe any of the things you listed but them people will continue to exist. Flat earthers etc.

Trump is what you end up with after decades of the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News filling people's minds with lies and fear for $. And its only getting worse.

It's not Joe Rogans job to educate these people. Try listening to some of his chats with respected Physicists or whatever. Focusing on the odd guest who chats crap isn't really giving you the whole picture.

I have listened to plenty of his shows, especially when it was still free. I haven't said all his shows are bad have I? And I would say Joe does hope people find his talks with guests educational, in that they learned something they hadn't heard before. But just allowing the likes of Kennedy to spout dangerous nonsense isn't good for anyone but Kennedy's career and Joe/Spotify's bank account.
Wait what?

lol really badly worded sorry, what I meant was - when he is actually alerted to stuff being misleading / outright incorrect (and can't just be construed as "the viewpoint of the guest") he does tend to walk it back (as per my example)

Again its not a binary thing. You don't have to "gotcha" or just sit and nod along with the craziness.

I suppose, but that is his (very successful) style - he lets the guest talk very openly about whatever they are there to present and keeps the conversation going, most of the time not really either strongly supporting nor contradicting what they say. So if they are there to talk about their not widely supported antivax theory, or their interest in alien abductions, or how they are rejecting highly industrialised farming techniques, or their current activities as member of some big rock band or tv show, or to drone on endlessly about boring UFC stuff, then he enables them to do that and it's up to the listener to decide which episodes they want to listen to and how seriously they want to take the things presented in it.

I've seen episodes which I thought were really eye opening and then gone on to do a little further reading and found that the stuff presented isn't very widely supported, but just as many where it's all verifiable and something I knew nothing about before, or where it's someone who has views on things I 100% do not agree with at all and come away at least feeling like I understand where some of their thinking on the matter is coming from (even if I still 100% don't agree with them)
Really? Its the people refusing to get children vaccinated against diseases that can kill and maim children or those that can't be vaccinated that are the ones that will suffer?

If you watch the episode with robert kennedy, the point he makes is, the pharma companies were being sued, found guilty in court, and forced to pay for damages for things like causing autism.

The pharma companies lobbied the government to make vaccines except from said laws, and they did it in 1998 or something around then, otherwise the companies would stop producing vaccines.

Now if you take a vaccine, and that vaccine can be proven 100% that it has killed you, or caused any issues, the pharma companies will not be liable for anything.

The amount of vaccines have subsequently increased.

It is very clear that vaccines or various drugs are not safe, its a risk reward, you take a vaccine because its better than not taking it.

This is not true for covid, taking a vaccine to vaccinate you from covid is only sensible if you are elderly or have serious health conditions.

However, if a random animal attacks and bites me, its an extremely good idea to take a rabies vaccine immediately, in that instance the side effects of the rabies vaccine are not worth even considering because rabies will kill you.

This is what you call common sense.

Finding full on lunatics with anti-vax views where zero vaccines or drugs of any kind, and using them up as an example is insane, this only serves to polarise everyone.

Either you are 100% against any medical intervention or you blindly take any drugs or vaccines.

I have listened to plenty of his shows, especially when it was still free. I haven't said all his shows are bad have I? And I would say Joe does hope people find his talks with guests educational, in that they learned something they hadn't heard before. But just allowing the likes of Kennedy to spout dangerous nonsense isn't good for anyone but Kennedy's career and Joe/Spotify's bank account.

It is free, so are all podcasts on spotify. Just sign up a free account via google.
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