Really? Its the people refusing to get children vaccinated against diseases that can kill and maim children or those that can't be vaccinated that are the ones that will suffer?
If you watch the episode with robert kennedy, the point he makes is, the pharma companies were being sued, found guilty in court, and forced to pay for damages for things like causing autism.
The pharma companies lobbied the government to make vaccines except from said laws, and they did it in 1998 or something around then, otherwise the companies would stop producing vaccines.
Now if you take a vaccine, and that vaccine can be proven 100% that it has killed you, or caused any issues, the pharma companies will not be liable for anything.
The amount of vaccines have subsequently increased.
It is very clear that vaccines or various drugs are not safe, its a risk reward, you take a vaccine because its better than not taking it.
This is not true for covid, taking a vaccine to vaccinate you from covid is only sensible if you are elderly or have serious health conditions.
However, if a random animal attacks and bites me, its an extremely good idea to take a rabies vaccine immediately, in that instance the side effects of the rabies vaccine are not worth even considering because rabies will kill you.
This is what you call common sense.
Finding full on lunatics with anti-vax views where zero vaccines or drugs of any kind, and using them up as an example is insane, this only serves to polarise everyone.
Either you are 100% against any medical intervention or you blindly take any drugs or vaccines.
I have listened to plenty of his shows, especially when it was still free. I haven't said all his shows are bad have I? And I would say Joe does hope people find his talks with guests educational, in that they learned something they hadn't heard before. But just allowing the likes of Kennedy to spout dangerous nonsense isn't good for anyone but Kennedy's career and Joe/Spotify's bank account.
It is free, so are all podcasts on spotify. Just sign up a free account via google.