Joe Rogan and Spotify

It's amusing, the hate he gets, the questions he asks are valid his conclusions are often bordering on the crazy, but at the end of the day as harmless as 99% of the history channel's output, I don't get why people get so offended by him.
It's amusing, the hate he gets, the questions he asks are valid his conclusions are often bordering on the crazy, but at the end of the day as harmless as 99% of the history channel's output, I don't get why people get so offended by him.

People are foaming at the mouth to attack anyone who remotely questions the scientific status quo since Covid, they want to virtue signal to each other by going after "science deniers". Graham Hancock is a straight while male so you know, it's go for the throat territory.
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People are foaming at the mouth to attack anyone who remotely questions the scientific status quo since Covid, they want to virtue signal to each other by going after "science deniers". Graham Hancock is a straight while male so you know, it's go for the throat territory.
You should start a grift.
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People are foaming at the mouth to attack anyone who remotely questions the scientific status quo since Covid, they want to virtue signal to each other by going after "science deniers". Graham Hancock is a straight while male so you know, it's go for the throat territory.

"Going after Science Deniers".

I think you mean "calling out morons with 0 knowledge on the subject who persist in talking utter horse****.

Some do it for the grift, some do it for the attention.. regardless of motivation, morons who think they know better than the entire collective knowledge of Academia should be called out at every opportunity.

When those morons start doing so on subjects that have the capacity to be fatal to those who listen to said morons, that becomes a serious issue for society as a whole.
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When those morons start doing so on subjects that have the capacity to be fatal to those who listen to said morons, that becomes a serious issue for society as a whole.

I wonder how many people actually died unnecessarily from clots caused by "grifters"?
The entire collective knowledge of academia seems to have sold their collective arses.

And yet they still collectively know more about the subject(s) being discussed than ANYONE here. Not me, Not you, Not Roar87 or anyone else.

To think some muppet on a Joe Rogan Podcast has some "secret scoop" or knows better is beyond hilarious and indicates just how far down rabbit holes certain people are when they choose to believe it.

This kind of crap has been going on for decades but it has accelerated rapidly since Covid.

Not much actual "calling out" going on, more "mommy, keep bad man away from me".

I prefer to think of it as "Keeping morons with no knowledge of that which they spew nonsense about away from people who are vulnerable enough to believe the crap being spouted"
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How many people ended up in ER because they tried consuming / injecting bleach after an ignorant walking comb-over mentioned it?

Most likely subbstantially less than those potentially killed off by a mandated vaccine rushed through "testing", no?
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So in essence:

You mean like we already do for any number of situations where people are deemed "vulnerable" or "at risk" from that kind of content.

Why do you think Porn is age restricted? Why do you think Cigarettes and Alcohol are age restricted?

To keep those who are "unable to think for themselves" (as you put it) from doing harm to themselves or being exposed to things unsuitable for them.
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Oh wow, ok you actually are seriously advocating the censorship of an entertainment show? ...on the basis of self harm?

Don't listen to these dangerous people, they may give you ideas...
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