Watched the trailer and not feeling it.
There's a great movie in there I'm sure, an Oscar tipping one most probably, as I see the hallmarks of one that carries what the Academy will want to push for a tip of the hat at the very least. But not a "Joker" movie, that's what my feeling says.
ie. If we remove the name Joker (and the relation is has to DC properties), would it make the movie not have the same impact and meaning to it or stand on its own? And technically, the answer is "no" from what I see so far. It will stand on its own perfetly fine. As it appears to show the spiralling descent of a person that becomes the "villian" (doesn't need a name yet or the hero to counter them, just a villian, one that we know), and it seems this movie can do that perfectly well without even needing to tie in with anything else, even the name "Joker". Therefore, not a Joker movie as it could be anyone else.
So unless I hear some better feedback from others on this movie, it's a solid pass from me for now. If I wanted to watch a documentary or docu-drama on someones descent into "villiany", there's plenty else out there.