Jordan Peterson thread

I'm not sure everyone does, Murphy seems a bit confused for example.

This is quite a funny example of using bad reviews, the snuck a 2* Guardian review onto the poster of this film:
This is utter genius :D
Was it the 'you're welcome to join them' comment that got him in trouble? I know he posts weird old crank ramblings all the time but thats the only one i can remember that seemed serious enough for him to get in trouble for.
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It seems he got into some trouble with a certain section of his fan base for using the phrase “Judeo-Christian”. Apparently, those particular Christians don’t like being lumped in with the Jews, and also seem unaware of the Old Testament… so then he had a bit of a rant.

Yeah, he has incurred the wrath of the groypers and their allies, so all the anti-semites are gunning for him now.

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