Journey Back to The Stage

Well assuming LiE is on about 2 pull for every push, there's something between 5-6 push and 1-2 pulls in that routine, depending on how you work the cables :D but then this is bodybuilding not strength so I am not sure that that matters as much?
Exactly that, it's not really important to think about that for a mass program. Remember I'm trying to a decent pump and as much blood into the muscle as possible, and cable work is excellent for that due to the constant tension.

A routine like the above would be next to useless for a strength program
Since getting the home gym I've been doing lots of pressing movements, no flyes or other movements. It's been amazing, the gains have been great.

Pause Bench Press
Bench Press
Pin Bench Press

Literally ruins my chest and triceps. Great swole and my lifts are going up each week.

My brother has been making good chest mass gains doing very similar.

Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Pause Bench - TUT gains
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Since getting the home gym I've been doing lots of pressing movements, no flyes or other movements. It's been amazing, the gains have been great.

I haven't used flyes in years and made good strength gains with just presses. Great for pumping though.
Thursday: Quads

Leg Extensions - 50kg x15x3
Back Squats - 80kg x12, 100kg x8, 100kg x5x3
Leg Press - 300kg x12x4
Front Squats - 50kg x10, 70kg x10x2
DBSS - 2kg x12x3

The back squats were odd sets due to adjusting my stance each time trying to work on my leg imbalance and right leg dominance. Didn't sort it but at least I've had it confirmed its not just a mental thing. So now I can get to work on fixing it, and get bummed in the process at the Oxford mini meet
Monday - Back/Hamstrings

Lat Pulldowns - 60kg x15x2, 80kg x8x3
Close Grip Pulldowns - 70kg x10x3
Laying DB Row - 32kg x10x2, 34kg x10
Machine Row - 40kg x12, 45kg x12x2
Wide Grip Cable Row/Cable Pullover Superset - 70kg x10/30kg x10, 80kg x10/35kg x10, 85kg x8/30kg x10
Hamstring Curls - 35kg x15x4, 40kg x12

Felt something tweak in my hamstrings a bit as I did the last set, so decided to leave it for now, especially as I'm training with ice and dom on Thursday. Don't want to snap my **** up

Tuesday: Chest/Tris

Incline Bench - 70kg x10x2, 80kg x10, 90kg x10 (Dropset 60kg x8)
Incline DB Press - 26kg x10, 28kg x10, 30kg x8
Incline DB Fly - 16kg x12, 18kg x10x2
Bench Press - 70kg x12x3
Cable Pushdowns - 25kg x15x2, 35kg x10x2
DB Extensions 25kg x12, 30kg x12x2
Rope Pulldowns - 20kg x10x2, Giant set 20kg x10/15kg x10/10kg x10

Did a lot more pressing movements for chest today because the the strength was there and got a great pump from it for once. DB press I kept upping the weight as I was surprising myself how easy each set seemed, probably could have gone up again but didn't want to do too many sets
Yeah it definitely felt good, I have days where I just feel it too much in my shoulders, so avoid more pressing movements, but today everything just felt good. So yeah, really enjoyed it :)
Funnily enough I prefer pressing; flyes cause me massive shoulder discomfort in my left delt, probably from OTT tightness!

Mirin 90kgx10 though, dizzy heights it feels like I'll never achieve atm :p
I found cable flyes easier on my delt Monkee, just naturally be cautious with them otherwise you'll end like a delvis.
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