Monday - Back/Hamstrings
Lat Pulldowns - 60kg x15x2, 80kg x8x3
Close Grip Pulldowns - 70kg x10x3
Laying DB Row - 32kg x10x2, 34kg x10
Machine Row - 40kg x12, 45kg x12x2
Wide Grip Cable Row/Cable Pullover Superset - 70kg x10/30kg x10, 80kg x10/35kg x10, 85kg x8/30kg x10
Hamstring Curls - 35kg x15x4, 40kg x12
Felt something tweak in my hamstrings a bit as I did the last set, so decided to leave it for now, especially as I'm training with ice and dom on Thursday. Don't want to snap my **** up
Tuesday: Chest/Tris
Incline Bench - 70kg x10x2, 80kg x10, 90kg x10 (Dropset 60kg x8)
Incline DB Press - 26kg x10, 28kg x10, 30kg x8
Incline DB Fly - 16kg x12, 18kg x10x2
Bench Press - 70kg x12x3
Cable Pushdowns - 25kg x15x2, 35kg x10x2
DB Extensions 25kg x12, 30kg x12x2
Rope Pulldowns - 20kg x10x2, Giant set 20kg x10/15kg x10/10kg x10
Did a lot more pressing movements for chest today because the the strength was there and got a great pump from it for once. DB press I kept upping the weight as I was surprising myself how easy each set seemed, probably could have gone up again but didn't want to do too many sets