Journey Back to The Stage

Dem first week back feels

Monday: Back

Deadlifts - 60kg x15, 100kg x12, 140kg x8, 140kg x8, 180kg x2, 190kg x1, 200kg F
Bent Over Rows - 70kg x12x2, 80kg x10, 90kg x10
One Arm Rows - 45kg x8x3
Pullovers - 30kg x12x3
Close Grip Pulldowns - 65kg x15x3


200kg deadlift was so close again, got it to within inches of locking out, and probably could have done if I stood there long enough humping it up, but I thought against it and admitted defeat

190kg felt pretty damn hard so I should have known it wasn't to be. But still, 190kg after a week off, obamanotbad.jpg
Cheers dude, it was good, definitely made a lot of progress with my back in terms of strength, not so much deads as my PB has been 200 for a while, but one arm rows and a couple of other lifts have come up a lot quickly


First time I've had a preworkout in months, went for something called Mutant (:shrugs:) and motherofgod, it was awesome. But then a caffeine pill would have probably been awesome with my lack of preworkout action recently


Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Incline DB Press - 22kg x20x2, 32kg x10, 34kg x10x2
Incline Smith Press (extra slow negs) - 70kg x10x3
Cable Crossover - 25kg x10x3
Dips - BW +20kg x12x3
Skullcrushers - 30kg x10x3
One Arm Extensions Standing - 10kg x12x3
Rope Pulldowns - 20kg x15x3

Starting off with DBs was something I haven't done for ages, but I should do it more often, as it was mireful
Nah never have. It always feels like such an awkward movement. And I don't really believe in this upper/middle/lower chest stuff. You'll hit all parts of the chest in most pressing movements. Only reason I do more incline stuff is its more comfortable for me on my shoulders

Dat der Scott training day, with some Dom eye candy too

Thursday: Quads and snap city

Leg Press - (no idea on weights :() 2/3rd rack x15x3, full rack x12 x3
Single Leg Leg Press - Half rack x12x2

Squat -
60kg x12x3
80kg x8x3
100kg x6
100kg x5
Then Scott showed up
100kg x3
60kg x5x2

Paused Squats -
60kg x5
80kg x3
100kg x3x3

Core Work followed and I have no idea what I did, but it hurt, and I wasn't even doing the advanced stuff. Just goes to show how weak and pathetic my core is. But I've got some exercises to do now to take home and do, which I'll do once a week for now then up to twice a week when my core can hack it

I love Scott and Dom, I really do, such awesome guys <3
Knee feels glorious this morning, normally I'd be feeling it right about now, especially when first waking up

But nope, not even once. Feels good!

Scott is a wizard
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