Journey Back to The Stage

Steedie said:
had some guy just hovering behind me the entire time waiting to use the rack, staring at me in the mirror. So really put me off, and just wanted to get them done. Should have told him to **** off but he was a bit of a tank :p

I had that once but it was a skinny little weed wanting to use the mirror in front of the rack for his curls so I just threw plates at him until he left :p.

Looks like a sexy leg session there but I'm not a big fan of leg extensions, for me they have always just hurt and they do put sheer forces on your knees. No doubt that they have a place though, just not for me :).
Yes but as Dom said, they do nuke your knees. Also if you can stack the machine it's only so useful..
I so miss competing! I'm gutted I didn't do the show this year, I know if I did it it would have been purely for competing sake and I wouldn't have been happy with how I looked, but it's such a buzz. But in a way it's only made my hunger for it stronger, I want my next time on show to be a real wow factor, like I want people to say "**** that guy is well up there" or "that guy is miles ahead". I know that's ambitious and a big ask given I'm still a novice too it, but if I don't set goals like that, then what's the point?

Friday: Shoulders/Back Width

DB Press - 26kg x12x2, 30kg x8, 32kg x6
Single Arm DB Raise - 22kg x10, 24kg x10x2
Seated Barbell Press - 40kg x10, 50kg x10, 55kg x10
Standing Reverse Fly/Face Pull Superset - 20kg x15/25kg x12 x3
Cable Raises - 10kg x12, 15kg x12x2
Lat Pull Down - 55kg x12, 65kg x12, 70kg x10
Pull Over - 30kg x12, 35kg x12 x3
Close Grip Pull Down - 60kg x10x3

Pressing movements kids, don't ever think you shouldn't do them! My pressing is so far behind where it should be because I did it irregularly or neglected it all together. My other shoulder movements are not bad at all, but my main goal is to get my press exercises up. I want to be doing 40kg DB Presses by my birthday, a little ambitious maybe, but given how quickly they've come up recently, I reckon I could do it with a spotter.

Monday: Back Thickness/Hamstrings

Bent Over Row - Bar x15, 60kg x12, 80kg x12, 90kg x12
Reverse Grip BOR - 70kg x15
Lying DB Rows - 26kg x12, 34kg x10 x2
Seated Cable Row - 65kg x12, 75kg x10, 80kg x10
Seated Machine Row - 40kg x10, 45kg x10x2
Leg Press High Foot Positioning - 300kg x10, 350kg x10x3
Hamstring Curls - 30kg x20, 35kg x12x2, 40kg x10
SLDL - 60kg x12, 80kg x12 x2

No deadlifts this week, boooooo hiss :p But I wanted to try and conserve some energy for other lifts, BORs for example, I really wanted to do super slow negatives and then pause at the top for a good contraction. And it really helped. I did miss not doing them but it helped other lifts . Hamstrings are coming along really well in terms of strength, before I only did things like hamstring curls and other sort of isolation work. But since adding in leg press, I've found it's helped my strength massively, which then translates into much stricter form in other exercises for hamstrings, which then in turn means a better workout for them.
Mirin, absolutely everything.

Good work man, I know you miss the whole stage thing, but as you say, you're going to come back bigger and stronger, and just down right awesome!

P.S: still awaiting before/after pics of some kind :p
Normally I do an update every two workouts, but I wanted some advice too, here was my workout first, and in the spirit of Obamas victory and US elections on that day, I'll name it accordingly

Tuesday: Chest and Ob-arms
Presidential Incline Bench - O-Bar-ma x15, 60kg x12, 80kg x10x2
El-Pec-tion Deck - 55kg x12, 60kg x12, 65kg x10
DB Press - 26kg x12, 28kg x12, 32kg x10x2 (Although I Mitt Romney'd on the second set on the last rep)
WhiteHouse Dips in Republican Popularty - BW+15kg x12 x3, BW x10
Oval Office-Head Triceps Extension - 30kg x12x3
Cable Pushdowns - 25kg x12, 30kg x10, 35kg x10
Rope Pulldowns - 15kg x15, 20kg x10, 20kg x10
Incline Biden Curls - 12kg x15x2, 14kg x15, 14kg x10
Hammer Concession Speech Curls - 10kg x10x3, 12kg x10
Preach your Policy Curls - 25kg x12, 30kg x12

So after that, arms were absolutely fried, chest was pumped to oblivion, and I felt I had an awesome workout. Next day, chest is sore, triceps are sore, biceps, fuark, nothing.

No matter what I do, or how hard I work them, whether I try more volume, less volume, working them on their own, working them after back...I never get any kind of soreness in them. Now I know DOMS should never be used to gauge the success of a workout, but surely from time to time would be expected?

Thing is, it's not like I'm not seeing progress in them as my arms are probably my strongest point (more down to my triceps than biceps), but just maybe I'm not making the progress I could be, any advices?
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Yeah, just never get it, I know it shouldn't be important, but like you I strive for it as it kind of backs up the fact I know I had a good workout
See 21's are great for getting a pump, but I don't really rate them that much. I think I need to do more bar work, concentrate on slower negatives. I'm even tempted to get one of those Arm Blasters to make sure my form is absolutely perfect
Yeah that's true, I could do more to failure exercises. But I always find going to failure with most biceps exercises is a bit of a con, as by that point you're using so much body english to get the reps out, you're barely hitting the biceps as a primary muscle group anyway. But I guess, hitting them even that tiny bit until failure is better than nothing
You can be strict and fail, you don't need to rocking horse the weight up. Just lock the body in tight and pull that weight in with everything you have, even if you only get it half way up ;)

Then a slow neg for extra burn.
Ring weighted chins. Weighted chins with hold at top. Pull ups less so as they are more back dominant.

Sled pulls with 5" thick rope.

L-sit rope climbs. (good core workout too)

Supinated BORs?

Slow negatives on curls - or go too heavy, and just concentrate on the negative movement - it's the most crucial to building / tearing fibres as you know.
Some of those exercises just sound brutal from the name, will look them up!

But agreed on the negatives, may get someone to stand in front of me next week, help me get the bar up, then just 5 second negatives
Do it brah

Although, I realised something on Tuesday, after feeling the same for a few workouts in a row...It might shock you...

I hate training biceps now. Triceps I don't mind, but biceps are just so boring. Mainly because there is pretty much only one movement, whether it's with a bar, db's or a cable. I'm really enjoying my back sessions at the moment, warming to legs a bit more too now I'm ever so slowly creeping up the weight
I know what you mean. It doesn't feel good doing 4 different exercises that are pretty much the same on this little muscle on your arm. I prefer to do something that feels power.
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