Journey Back to The Stage

Not a great legs session last night, got home from work late and then had to go to the gym an hour late, so my routine was all out of sync, which makes me feel uncomfortable :D

Thursday: Quads/Calves

Squats - Bar x15, 80kg x15, 100kg x10, 120kg x7, 130kg x5
Lunges w/ DBs - BW x20, 28kg x20x2, 28kg x18
Single Leg Leg Press - 140kg x15, 170kg x12x2, 180kg x10
Calf Raises on Leg Press/Standing Raise Superset - 180kg x15/BW x30 x3
Standing Calf Raise Machine - 60kg x15x3
Leg Extension 21s - 35kg, 50kg

Still felt knackered, sometimes less is more with legs I feel if you do the right exercises, but still would have liked to have done front squats, but the rack had been well and truly taken by the time I got round too it.

As for squats, 130kg for 5 was good, could have probably managed a couple more, but wanted to do 140 for a triple. But then my spotter (guy who works in the gym) had to take a call so figured I'd just leave it rather than attempt it on my own
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Friday: Back Width/Shoulders

Wide Grip Pull Ups - BW x12 x2, BW x10, BW+5kg x8
Alternate Grip Pulldowns - 70kg x10x2, 75kg x8
Pullovers - 25kg x12x3, 35kg x10
DB Press - 24kg x12x2, 30kg x8x2
Single DB Upright Row - 22kg x10x2, 24kg x10
Rear DB Fly - 12kg x15x3, 14kg x12
Rear Cable Fly - 20kg x10 x3
Machine Press - 55kg x12, 60kg x10x2
Lateral Raises - 14kg x12x2

This workout was pretty strong, tried adding weight to my pull ups for the first time, and although it dropped the amount of reps I could do, it was still very productive. Even just 5kg made the world of difference, but I definitely need to build on that, I'm going to try starting with 5kg on next week.
Shoulders was pretty standard, although, an interesting experience. On the machine press, the last set, towards the end as I was struggling, something felt like it went ping in my back. Not a muscle, it's hard to describe, more of a popping sensation I guess but ever so slight, like I barely felt it, but straight after that, I felt quite dizzy, and my back had that sensation you get after blood comes back into somewhere that's been asleep for a while. It quickly went, but was quite odd. No pain or anything from it since

Monday - Back Thickness/Hamstrings

Deadlifts - 100kg x12, 120kg x12, 140kg x10, 160kg x5, 170kg x1.5 :p
Machine Rows - 45kg x12x3, 50kg x10
Bent Over Row - 60kg x12, 80kg x10, 90kg x10
Seated Cable Rows - 75kg x10x2, 80kg x10
Laying DB Rows - 30kg x10x3
Shrugs - 100kg x12 x4
SLDL - 80kg x10x3
Hamstring Curls - 30kg x12x2
Standing Ham Curls Single Leg - 20kg x10x2

Deadlifts were good this week, managed to keep DOH grip up until 170, then on the first rep there was just no chance it was staying in my grip so had to bail and resort to mixed grip to get a rep out. I'm still pleased with that though
I gave the hamstrings a bit of a rest this week as they're constantly sore at the moment. By the time they're recovering from Monday they get hit again slightly on Thursday, so thought I'd give them a light session, so no leg pressing.
Cheers :) I know if I want to get past my current PB of 180, I need to start a lot higher, just I can't get myself out of the hypertrophy mindset :p
Well, it's what you're aiming for presumably? Or are you trying to build a strength base first to enable you to train higher weights for hypertrophy?
Nah, I want decent lifts don't get me wrong. But strength training just doesn't really appeal to me as much as hypertrophy training, not because I don't see the point, I absolutely do, just I don't enjoy it as much. And the minute I stop enjoying it as much, I start losing motivation :(
Nah, I want decent lifts don't get me wrong. But strength training just doesn't really appeal to me as much as hypertrophy training, not because I don't see the point, I absolutely do, just I don't enjoy it as much. And the minute I stop enjoying it as much, I start losing motivation :(

No I know buddy :)

Perhaps look at a hybrid thing? Something that incorporates both? When I sort my shizzle out and get happy with how I look I'll probably sort out a decent strength program and get myself up to scratch, then hit the hypertrophy again.
Tuesday: Chest/Arms

Incline Bench Press - Bar x15, 60kg x12, 80kg x10x2, 80kg x6 + 6 with 10 second negatives
Cable Crossovers - 25kg x15, 35kg x12x2
Pec Deck - 55kg x12, 60kg x10x2
Weighted Dips - BW+5kg x15, BW+10kg x12
CGBP - 60kg x12, 70kg x10x2
Pulldowns with twist - 15kg x12, 20kg x12, 25kg x12
Pushdowns - 30kg x10, 35kg x10x2
EZ Bar Curls (2 second negatives) - 35kg x10x4
Preacher Curls - 25kg x10, 30kg x10x2

Thursday: Quads/Calves

Leg Extensions - 45kg x15, 50kg x15
Single Leg Leg Press - 150kg x10, 175kg x10, 190kg x10, 200kg x10
Leg Press - 300kg x15, 350kg x12, 375kg x12, 400kg x10
Lunges - BW x20, 24kg x20, 24kg x20, BW x20
Squats - 80kg x10, 100kg x10, 100kg x10 (2 reps with my balls hanging out. YEAH BUDDY!)
Calf Raises on leg press - 120kg x15, 150kg x15x2
BW Superset (Toes Forward/Toes Out/Toes In) - 10/10/12 x3

So two great sessions for me, legs especially. Repping out 200kg on leg press on single leg was awesome for me. And I totally attribute this to my hamstring work that I've been doing. Since doing so, my leg press has come up leaps and bounds, ok it's not the leg exercise I'd like to see shoot up, but I'm sure squats will get there eventually.

Was pretty pleased I managed 100kg for 2 sets at the end of the workout tbh, my legs were fried. But it felt pretty good, if anything the movement felt more comfortable than it did if I did at the start of a workout? lol no idea if that was actually the case.

Chest session is good, 10 second negatives with 80kg on the bar was absolutely brutal, I could have so easily given up after one, but the great thing about my spotter is he doesn't let you give up so I was forced to do 6, and it really does give you such a good pump, recommend it to anyone.
Never played around with negatives like that...Kinda pointless for me really, just need to et strength up.
Negatives rock for size - when I was doing AGVT I think my calorie intake went over 4k owing to the sheer amount of effort required. You saw the results I got from my volume training! Not needed for strength/explosive power though.

Steedie - I put on an inch on my calves with some pretty simple calf work.

literally did 50-100 calf raises for a month every single day. Then added some weight - rinse and repeat. I never got to do it that much as I gave up - but I wasn't bothered about size, and calves are a great feature for a BB to develop. Within a couple of months I had gone over 16" which considering the size of my legs still look ridiculously tiny - but better than they were!
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