Journey Back to The Stage

That's the thing, I only ever do incline press now, so I'd hate to think what my flat bench would be like now :(
I can't do incline of any significant weight - my shoulder just doesn't like it. Heck even my bench now is my weakspot.

You're doing brilliantly dude. :) Very chuffed for you :)

Feel like death today :D Back is ruined with DOMS and my chest and tris are also sore as buggery, my upper body is no good for anything today! :D

Good job the next workout is quads!
Thursday: Quads/Calves

Leg Extension - 50kg x15x2
Squats - 100kg x10x2, 120kg x8, 130kg x6, 140kg x3, 100kg x10
Walking Lunges - BW x20, 28kg x16x2, BW x20
Single Leg Leg Press - 180kg x10x4
Front Squats - 70kg x8, 80kg x8, 100kg x8

Delighted with tonight. Squats felt so comfortable, the fact I managed 140 for 3 was amazing, as previously 1 felt like it was going to be all I could manage last time I tried it.
Didn't do double leg leg press tonight as my lower back was a bit pumped from squats, due to it still being a bit sore from Monday, but did plenty of volume on single leg at a decent weight.

Then topped it all off with a PB of 100kg front squats. Really enjoying my legs sessions these days!

Didn't attempt calves as I felt so sick after finishing front squats I thought I'd just do them tomorrow
Just to warm my knees up and get some blood into my legs

Beats 10 minutes on a bike or something (cardio during off season, wtf? ;) :p)
Mate, that sounds lovely, but I'm trying to eat clean, so I'll replace the milkshake with a diet coke, nomsayin'?
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