Journey Back to The Stage

That feel when training before Bodypower

Thursday: Delts/Biceps

OHP - 50kg x15, 60kg x10x2, 70kg x8
Side Laterals - 14kg x15x2, 18kg x12x2
Seated BB Press - 70kg x10, 80kg x8x3
Rear Delt Cable Fly - 20kg x12x4
Shrugs - 100kg x15x2, 140kg x12x3
Hammer Curls - 12kg x15, 18kg x10x3
Preacher Curls - 25kg x15x3, 35kg (slow negs) x10x2
Standing Cable Curls - 20kg x15x2

Dat pump to last for days
Good thanks bro, got down to 107kg, then added a certain "creatine" to the mix again and went back up to 110kg, but that would have been glycogen stores etc so good weight. Definitely look and feel leaner.

Friday: Quads

Leg Extensions - 40kg x20x2, 60kg x15x3
Leg Press - 200kg x15, 300kg x12, 350kg x12x3, 400kg x10
Squats - 110kg x10, 130kg x8x3
Adductor Machine - 60kg x15x4
Walking Lunges - BW x50
Well well well, Nano Vapour plus feeling stronk equals one joocey workout

Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Wide Grip Chins/Lat Pulldown Superset - BW x10/70kg x12 x5
Deadlifts - 110kg x10x2, 150kg x8x2, 170kg x8x2
Cable Pullovers - 40kg x10x3
Closegrip Pulldowns - 70kg x12x3
Bent Over Rows - 110kg x15x2, 120kg x10x2, 140kg x7 (FUUUUUAAARK)
One Arm Row - 65kg x12
Hamstring Curls - 40kg x15x5, 55kg x8x3
Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

High Incline DB Press - 30kg x15, 42.5kg x10x2, 36kg x8
Incline DB Fly (3 second pause at bottom) - 16kg x10x3
Cable Crossover - 35kg x15x3
Chest Press - 80kg x12x3
CGBP - 80kg x8x4
Rope Pulldowns - 25kg x10x3
Overhead Cable Extensions - 30kg x10x3
Dat two leg day plan is working! Itshappening.gif

Thursday: Quads

Squats - 60kg x12, 80kg x12, 100kg x10, 120kg x10x2, 140kg x8x2, 160kg x6x2
Paused Hack Squats - 80kg x10, 100kg x8x2
Adductor Machine - 60kg x15x3
Paused Leg Extensions - 50kg x15x2, 60kg x15x2, 65kg x12
60-70 minutes max

I stick to 30 second rest periods, maybe up to a minute for heavier squats. Unless a squirrel falls out a tree in view, then my rests are usually 30 minutes
Friday: Shoulders/Biceps

Seated DB Press - 26kg x12x2, 36kg x10x3
Rear Cable Fly - 20kg x15x3
OHP - 60kg x10x4
Cable Side Raises - 15kg x15, 20kg x12x2
Seated DB Curl - 14kg x15x5
Hammer Curl - 18kg x10x3
Reverse Bar Curl - 20kg x15x2
Sunday: Squats

Squats - 60kg x10
100kg x8
120kg x6
140kg x6
160kg x5
180kg x4
190kg x2
200kg F

Bottled the 200kg, I spent far too much time adjusting my feet positioning and that sort of put it in my head that it wasn't going to go well. Got to the bottom and didn't even attempt it, just let the catchers have it so my fault completely, just wasn't feeling confident with that :(

Still, this extra session is definitely working, reps are going up on the higher weights
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