Journey Back to The Stage

Tuesday: Shoulders/Tris

Seated DB Press - 30kg x12x2, 38kg x8x2
OHP - 50kg x10x4
Rear Delt Fly - 20kg x12x3
Side Laterals - 14kg x15x3
Face Pulls - 60kg x12x3
Cable Pushdown - 25kg x15, 30kg x12x2, 35kg x10
Overhead Cable Extensions - 30kg x12x3
CGBP - 70kg x12, 80kg x10x2
Think I dun goof'd tonight. Something went pop in my adductor during walking lunges, absolutely killing me.

Thursday: Quads

Walking Lunges - BW x20x, 22kg x20x3 (Last set was the pop)
Squats - 100kg x12x4, 140kg x6x3
Adductor Machine (light work to see if it helped) - 30kg x15x4
Hack Squats - 80kg x10x2, 90kg x8x2
DBSS - 18kg x10x2
Friday: Chest/Biceps

Bench Press - 70kg x12, 90kg x10x2, 110kg x8x2
Incline DB Press - 36kg x8, 34kg x8, 30kg x10x2
Cable Crossover - 30kg x12x3
Machine Press - 70kg x15x3
Lying Cable Curl - 25kg x12x5
Reverse Bar Curl - 20kg x10x3
Standing DB Curl - 18kg x10x2

Chest was horrible tonight, felt so weak, had to drop the weight a couple of times on some exercises :(
Sunday: Squats

70kg x10
110kg x5x2
130kg x5x2
150kg x3
170kg x3
180kg x3x3

Monday: Back
Lat Pull Downs - 70kg x15x2, 90kg x10x3
Bent Over Row - 80kg x12x2, 110kg x12x3
One Arm Row - 65kg x10x4
Rope Pullover - 30kg x12x3

Tuesday: Chest/Tris
Bench Press - 70kg x12, 90kg x10x2, 110kg x8
Incline Pin Press - 90kg x10x3, 70kg x12
DB Fly - 22kg x12, 24kg x10x2
Machine Press Giant Set - (Start at 85kg and go failure, then drop the weight) x70
V-Pushdowns - 30kg x12x3
Rope Extensions Triple Dropset 30kg x10/25kg x10/20kg x15 x3
Overhead DB Extensions - 34kg x12x3
Adductor is still buggered so a slightly easier session this week

Thursday: Quads

Hack Squats - 70kg x12x3, 100kg x10x2
Walking Lunges - 20kg x20x3
Leg Extensions - 50kg x25x5, 65kg x12x3
Front Squats - 70kg x12, 90kg x10x2
Box Jumps - x10x3

Friday: Shoulders

Seated DB Press - 28kg x12x2, 32kg x10x2
Cable Side Laterals - 15kg x12x4, 20kg x10
OHP - 50kg x12x4
Face Pulls - 55kg x12x3
Seated BB Press - 60kg x10x2
Sunday: Squats

70kg x8
110kg x5
130kg x5
150kg x3
170kg x3
180kg x3x2
190kg x2
190kg F

I think I did something nasty with the way I re-racked the last set of 180kg, I almost twisted as I wasn't stood where I thought I was. So the first set of 190 was horrible as I had nasty lower back pumps :( still pleased with 2 though at that weight
Thanks brus

Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Lat Pulldowns - 70kg x12x2, 90kg x8x3
Closegrip Pulldowns - 70kg x12x2
Bent Over Rows - 90kg x12x2, 110kg x10x2
One Arm Row - 65kg x10x3
Rope Pullovers - 30kg x10x3
DB SLDL - 26kg x10x4
Hamstring Curls - 50kg x10x3
Something isn't right with my diet these days. I think I've lowered fats too much as my strength is so hit and miss at the moment. Going to up the calories and add some cardio in so I can throw in some more fats

Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Incline Bench Press - 70kg x12x2, 90kg x10, 95kg x8
Pec Deck - 50kg x15, 55kg x12, 60kg x10
Incline DB Press - 36kg x10, 36kg x8, 32kg x6 (Nope :()
CGBP - 70kg x12, 85kg x10x2
Dips - BW x15x3
V-Pushdown/Cable Pushdown Superset - 40kg x10/30kg x10 x3
Currently on about 70g. Used to be on 120g+ a day. So going to bring it up to at least 100g.

Made up of avacado, rapeseed oil, almonds, mackerel and almond butter
Most of my direct fats are just Olive Oil currently....Then anything else that contains fats 'naturally' i.e. just other food substances.
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