Journey Back to The Stage

Thanks broseph <3

Thursday: Quads

Walking Lunges - BW x30, 30kg x24x2, BW x30
Squats - 100kg x15x3, 120kg x8x3, 130kg x6x2, 100kg x15
Adductor Machine - 60kg x15x4
Leg Extensions - 55kg x20x4, 65kg x12x2
Cheers brus, in b4 disappointment

Friday: Shoulders/Biceps

Seated DB Press - 32kg x15x2, 40kg x10x3
Side Laterals - 18kg x15, 22kg x12x3
Standing Rear Cable Fly - 25kg x15x4
OHP - 50kg x12, 60kg x8, 50kg x12
Seated DB Curl - 12kg x15x3
Standing Alternating Curls - 18kg x10x3
Single Arm Preacher - 15kg x10x3
Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Lat Pulldown - 80kg x12x2, 90kg x10x3
Close Grip Pulldown - 75kg x8x2
Seated Cable Row - 100kg x12x4
Cable Pullover - 35kg x10x3
One Arm DB Row - 60kg x10x4
SLDL - 90kg x15x4
Hamstring Curls - 40kg x20x5

Wednesday: Chest/Triceps

High Incline Bench Press - 70kg x15x2, 90kg x10x2
Pec Deck - 50kg x12x3, 70kg x10
Incline DB Press - 36kg x10x3, 32kg x10
Dips - BW +20kg x12x3
Cable Pushdown - 30kg x15, 35kg x12x3
Rope Twists - 15kg x15x2
Thursday: Quads

Leg Extension - 50kg x20x3
Squats - 70kg x12, 90kg x10, 110kg x10x2, 130kg x8x3
Walking Lunges - 22kg x18x4
Adductor Machine - 60kg x15x4
DBSS - 16kg x10x3
Leg Extension - 60kg x20x2
Saturday: Bro Down

60kg x10
100kg x8
140kg x3
160kg x1
180kg x1
185kg x1
190kg x1
195kg x1
200kg x1

OHP - 40kg x12, 55kg x10x4
Side Laterals - 18kg x12x4
Calf Raises - Lots
Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Wide Grip Pullups - 3x10, 1x8
Close Grip Pulldowns - 75kg x10x3
Bent Over Row - 100kg x15x2, 120kg x12x3
Single Arm Row DB - 60kg x10x3
SLDL - 70kg x12x4
GHR - 8x3
Thanks broseph

Tuesday: Chest/Triceps

Bench Press - 70kg x15, 90kg x12, 110kg x10x3, 70kg x15
High Incline Pin Press - 80kg x10x4
DB Fly - 22kg x12x3
CGBP - 70kg x10, 80kg x10x3
Cable Pushdown - 25kg x20, 30kg x15, 35kg x10x2
Ladders - BW x10x2
Thursday: Quads

Leg Press - 200kg x20x2, 300kg x12, 340kg x12, 380kg x10, 400kg x10
Squats - 100kg x10, 120kg x8x3
Adductor Machine - 60kg x15x4
Front Squats - 80kg x10x3
Leg Extension 50kg x20, 60kg x15, 65kg x10
So after a first week of dieting, which included 4 McDonalds, an Atomic Burger, a Dominos and several Easter eggs, my weight is now...


So not even gained a pound, BOOM :p
Look, fatty... Let me lay out the truth for you, seeing as you appear to be completely delusional about yourself, men, women, and life in general.

You ARE fat. In fact, you're obese. Yes, your moobs are large but in no way shape or form are they desirable. They most likely hang like an African tribal chick's. That's just the way it is, you can't help it, but the least you can do is admit it and stop trying to come off as a more rationally responsible poster than anybody else - because anybody with half a brain can see through your charade.

DAMN, to be blunt, you don't even have an attractive face. You talk about how many chubby chasers there are out there and how many lasses that want to smash you... Well, sorry to break it to you bru, but the lasses that want to smash you just recognize you as an easier target than a bru they'd consider, potentially, out of their league. No 'chubby chaser', given the choice, is going to choose your moley fat face over an athletic, fit zyyzz with facial aesthetics. It's just that simple, mate.

And regarding the 25 desperate axe wounds you've had in your face.. Yes, the higher the number of individual sexual partners you have, the higher the risk of contracting an STI. I mean, it's simple mathematics, but seeing as you told a miscer to go back to sex-ed for point that fact out... I present you this:

Have fun with it.

After you're done reading, take 15 steps back from the computer and punch yourself in the face. Try not to wear out your cardiovascular system with those 15 steps though, fatty.

not 100% srs <3
Friday: Shoulders/Biceps

Seated DB Press - 30kg x15x2, 38kg x10x2
Face Pulls - 60kg x12x4
Seated BB Press - 70kg x12, 80kg x10x3
OHP - 50kg x10x2
Lying Cable Curls- 30kg x12x5
Reverse Bar Curls - 20kg x12x3
Monday: Back/Hamstrings

Deadlifts - 100kg x12x2, 140kg x10x2, 180kg x6x2, 200kg x3x2, 215kg x1 (PB)
One Arm Rows - 47.5kg x12, 60kg x10x2
Close Grip Pulldowns - 70kg x10x3
Bent Over Row - 80kg x12x2, 100kg x10x2
Hamstring Curls - 35kg x15x3, 45kg x10x2
GHR - 10x2
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