Jumping on the bandwagon (Nirvana baby sues Nirvana)

If you read the DM article on it there is an interview with him from 5 years ago. He struggles to string a sentence together and I wouldn't be surprised if he has taken a huge amount of drugs.

Hes also clearly taken advantage of the fact he was the baby on the album cover, he has tattoos referencing it, hes promoted himself based on it and been part of anniversary celebrations. The only way anyone would even know it was him was because he would have told them as well. Apparently women know its him on the cover of the album and try to date him because they think hes rich and then dump him when they realise he isn't. I would say that you couldn't make this stuff up but...

Even in America I imagine this will be thrown out before it even hits the courts.

The kid on Tears for Fears' 'The Hurting' album cover is a friend of mine.

Not naked, and somewhat irrelevant, but thought I'd mention it...

Some time ago [on MySpace] I got a message from a girl who said, "I am one of the girls on the front of Smashing Pumpkins' Siamese Dream!!!"

I was like, "wow, that's amazing!". And didn't know what else to say.

It seemed she'd just gone round messaging as many people as possible about it.

One wonders if she had anything else in her life.
Given that he's falsely accusing people of making child porn and implying they were somehow involved in selling children for sex work, I think he's the one who should be sued. But nowadays, who knows? He's claiming superior group identity status ("child" is vastly superior group identity status to "men" and even more so to "white men") so he might win on that basis with complete disregard for the facts.

Maybe the intention was legalised extortion (i.e. he was applying a threat and demanding money to take the threat away) and the publicity wasn't part of the plan.
One wonders if she had anything else in her life.

I think the sad thing is that she probably didn't. At the risk of derailing the thread, I can't help but feel that is at the core of a lot of peoples unhappiness and perceived victimhood. Trans rights activists are a prime example of people who hang far too much of their identity on a single aspect of their being. Its not healthy. Blaming your poor lot in life on a photo taken of you before you can even remember being is just beyond mad. I do feel for some people who have had their lives effected by something that has made them famous through no fault of their own but this isn't one of them. Hes entirely done this to himself. I assume because there was little else in his life to direct him or give him purpose.
The irritating thing is, that it is probably more financially viable for the band members to shell out the $150k rather than 'lawyer up' and challenge the accusation.
Some time ago [on MySpace] I got a message from a girl who said, "I am one of the girls on the front of Smashing Pumpkins' Siamese Dream!!!"

I was like, "wow, that's amazing!". And didn't know what else to say.

It seemed she'd just gone round messaging as many people as possible about it.

One wonders if she had anything else in her life.

It's more than the vast majority of people have in terms of publicity. Personal things are a different matter. Maybe a person is really pleased with the work they've done on their garden. Or they're doing as well as they reasonably hoped to be in a line of work they chose. Or they made themself reasonably fit. Or they stopped being a drug addict. There are many things a person might have in their life but almost all of them are personal, not public. Hardly anyone has anything of any significance in terms of publicity. Mine would be that I once made the top 1000 lap times for one circuit in one racing game. Hold the front page for me!
It's more than the vast majority of people have in terms of publicity. Personal things are a different matter. Maybe a person is really pleased with the work they've done on their garden. Or they're doing as well as they reasonably hoped to be in a line of work they chose. Or they made themself reasonably fit. Or they stopped being a drug addict. There are many things a person might have in their life but almost all of them are personal, not public. Hardly anyone has anything of any significance in terms of publicity. Mine would be that I once made the top 1000 lap times for one circuit in one racing game. Hold the front page for me!

Funny the world today of everyone being connected that somehow this came across on my feed.

“Compare your self to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today, that’s the only way you’ll win the game”

I have to say, I heard that album when it came out and listened to Nirvana avidly throughout the '90s as a teen, and that never crossed my mind.

That's because it is completely fabricated and not at all what the cover implies... the dollar on a line isn't implying the baby is a "sex worker" - he's every one of us in life, chasing the dollar from practically the moment we are born to the day we die. Which is pretty funny and ironic given the lawsuit in question
Funny the world today of everyone being connected that somehow this came across on my feed.

“Compare your self to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today, that’s the only way you’ll win the game”

There is some good stuff in that video, but only 2% "succeeding" is because that is literally how our society and economy works. The biggest lie that is told is that everyone can be whatever they want to be and can "succeed" if they try hard enough. The world doesn't work that way and our society isn't built to accommodate it.

Obviously you have to put yourself into the position to potentially succeed and that takes a lot of hard work. However, there will be countless people who do this who will ultimately fail at their goals through no fault of their own, because there just isn't room in our society to accommodate them.

No one ever says this, because it isn't very motivational, but it is the truth. However, the bit about just trying to improve yourself and be better than your previous self is probably the best way to counteract the horrible truth of that.
If this nutcase manages to get this to court and then manages to get a nutcase judge who rules in his favour, does that mean I have to turn myself in to the police for possessing CP?
If this nutcase manages to get this to court and then manages to get a nutcase judge who rules in his favour, does that mean I have to turn myself in to the police for possessing CP?

No because it has a bbfc (sp?) Rating.

Weirdly if you took the sex and shooting scene from any action movie and cut it out it will be illegal in the uk as its porn with threat to life and as such only legal as part of the whole unedited movie with a rating
From his own admission, he was upset because they didn't return his calls/e-mails about working with him for some art exhibit he was trying to organise... as if they owe him anything at this point simply because he was on an album cover years ago.
This muppet doesn't realise the irony of the image; chasing the dollar from the moment you Americans are born.

He's still a child, throwing his toys out the pram because they wouldn't validate his art exhibit.
There is some good stuff in that video, but only 2% "succeeding" is because that is literally how our society and economy works. The biggest lie that is told is that everyone can be whatever they want to be and can "succeed" if they try hard enough. The world doesn't work that way and our society isn't built to accommodate it.

Obviously you have to put yourself into the position to potentially succeed and that takes a lot of hard work. However, there will be countless people who do this who will ultimately fail at their goals through no fault of their own, because there just isn't room in our society to accommodate them.

No one ever says this, because it isn't very motivational, but it is the truth. However, the bit about just trying to improve yourself and be better than your previous self is probably the best way to counteract the horrible truth of that.

It’s not so much about how society and economy works but how according to the Pareto principle is the way the distribution of things naturally end up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle

This guy has as much chance of winning the case as that guy in Motors has of winning his insurance claim against the audi that "break" checked him, sending him into the barrier :D
Disappointed with the lack of Nirvana lyrics within this thread. I suppose most of you come as you are to these things.

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