This is America.
would not surprise me if he won.
He's from LA, California. A bit to be expected.
This is America.
would not surprise me if he won.
If you read the DM article on it there is an interview with him from 5 years ago. He struggles to string a sentence together and I wouldn't be surprised if he has taken a huge amount of drugs.
Hes also clearly taken advantage of the fact he was the baby on the album cover, he has tattoos referencing it, hes promoted himself based on it and been part of anniversary celebrations. The only way anyone would even know it was him was because he would have told them as well. Apparently women know its him on the cover of the album and try to date him because they think hes rich and then dump him when they realise he isn't. I would say that you couldn't make this stuff up but...
Even in America I imagine this will be thrown out before it even hits the courts.
The kid on Tears for Fears' 'The Hurting' album cover is a friend of mine.
Not naked, and somewhat irrelevant, but thought I'd mention it...
One wonders if she had anything else in her life.
Some time ago [on MySpace] I got a message from a girl who said, "I am one of the girls on the front of Smashing Pumpkins' Siamese Dream!!!"
I was like, "wow, that's amazing!". And didn't know what else to say.
It seemed she'd just gone round messaging as many people as possible about it.
One wonders if she had anything else in her life.
It's more than the vast majority of people have in terms of publicity. Personal things are a different matter. Maybe a person is really pleased with the work they've done on their garden. Or they're doing as well as they reasonably hoped to be in a line of work they chose. Or they made themself reasonably fit. Or they stopped being a drug addict. There are many things a person might have in their life but almost all of them are personal, not public. Hardly anyone has anything of any significance in terms of publicity. Mine would be that I once made the top 1000 lap times for one circuit in one racing game. Hold the front page for me!
I have to say, I heard that album when it came out and listened to Nirvana avidly throughout the '90s as a teen, and that never crossed my mind.
Funny the world today of everyone being connected that somehow this came across on my feed.
“Compare your self to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today, that’s the only way you’ll win the game”
If this nutcase manages to get this to court and then manages to get a nutcase judge who rules in his favour, does that mean I have to turn myself in to the police for possessing CP?
There is some good stuff in that video, but only 2% "succeeding" is because that is literally how our society and economy works. The biggest lie that is told is that everyone can be whatever they want to be and can "succeed" if they try hard enough. The world doesn't work that way and our society isn't built to accommodate it.
Obviously you have to put yourself into the position to potentially succeed and that takes a lot of hard work. However, there will be countless people who do this who will ultimately fail at their goals through no fault of their own, because there just isn't room in our society to accommodate them.
No one ever says this, because it isn't very motivational, but it is the truth. However, the bit about just trying to improve yourself and be better than your previous self is probably the best way to counteract the horrible truth of that.
If this nutcase manages to get this to court and then manages to get a nutcase judge who rules in his favour, does that mean I have to turn myself in to the police for possessing CP?