Jurassic World 2

At first my reaction was "lol"...

But if Jeff Goldblum is in it for a significant chunk of the film it may be worth watching.

Also that image on the previous page is...creepy but oddly satisfying.
Not really an indication of quality though is it. Other than the first they were all gash. :)

Just look at The fast and furious dross.

True but it just means they're gonna crank out more if they turn a big profit, they probably got closer to the 2 billion mark if you factor in dvd\bluray and streaming of the movie.
In Jurassic World, I've never figured out why they built an Indominus rex sized door on it's enclosure. Surely the best option would've been to build a human sized door to negate the chances of what happened happening.
In Jurassic World, I've never figured out why they built an Indominus rex sized door on it's enclosure. Surely the best option would've been to build a human sized door to negate the chances of what happened happening.

Because it's a blockbuster film and more often than not, silly things need to happen for the plot to carry on. In these type of films, if they kept to the sensible, not much would happen. ;)
Are they going to brick back that hot burd who got eaten by the Mossauausauaurus in JW1? :( I kinda liked her :)
JW1 actually made me angry while watching it! Just the pure stupidity of the main characters, particularly the main female lead. The sequel should be a court room drama where they send her to jail for 150 years for making stupid choice after stupid choice and getting dozens of people killed.
JW1 actually made me angry while watching it! Just the pure stupidity of the main characters, particularly the main female lead. The sequel should be a court room drama where they send her to jail for 150 years for making stupid choice after stupid choice and getting dozens of people killed.

Every Michael Crichton-derived story is like that. People do incredibly stupid things or else the plot doesn't progress. You will have to disengage brain before viewing, but if they are going to put Bryce Dallas Howard in tight, torn clothes again, then I'm in.
just got to disengage your brain a bit and enjoy seeing loads of massive dinosaurs running amok and eating people. What's not to like? I'll definitely be looking forward to this.
Jurassic Park - man playing god/comes back to bite trope, people getting chased by dinosaurs (like they'd never been chased before)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park - another island, people getting chased by dinosaurs again
JP III - people go to the same island as JPII, get chased by dinosaurs
Jurassic World - same island as JP, people get chased by dinosaurs

I'm going to go out on a limb and say JW 2 will involve people going to an island and getting chased by dinosaurs.

Lol spot on!
The first one is good they get worse with every entry tho, with Jurassic World being the worst thing I could call a film, its boring.
Don't think I've ever seen any JP film, is it worth going back to the start to watch them?

The first one was groundbreaking when it came out back in the day, realistic CGI in feature films was in it's early days and it was genuinely amazing to see as a kid v.s. today when that stuff is so ubiquitous you're immune to it. And of course, it's a Spielberg flick through and through and that guy knows how to put a story to film.

The rest are just progressively more retarded clones of it; the characters, location and superficial story change, but essentially they're just the same formula over and over - like Fast and the Furious where people go to see it primarily for the cars rather than the plot or characters but with dinosaurs.
I didn't mind JW for what it was, a dinosaur movie. Just don't take it too seriously or overthink (or think at all) it. Though the woman running from the t-rex in high heels was ridiculous. Rex/raptor vs Indominous fight was great.
Andromeda Strain?

Unfinished security system, epileptic fit she keeps quiet about, bits of paper stuck in the teletype bell, the staff who won't help him switch off the nuclear bomb because they are scared of him because he's acting stunned (by the laser) etc. It's probably one of Crichton's least worst for "characters doing dumb things" though.

It's become a style though. The number of movies I've seen where I think "Those characters are much dumber than I am. They deserve to get eaten if they are going to be that stupid". It's just lazy scriptwriting and not bothering to do any research. It's insulting to the audience when the studios think they can get away with such nonsense instead of actually bothering to have a reasonable explanation. It's like films where shooting the lock either locks the door or unlocks it depending on how the script requires it. Just lazy.
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