Jurassic World 2

That trailer didn't do much for me, I must admit.

That trailer looks barely coherent, which means film will be even more garbage.

That's coming from someone who has a soft spot for all the previous films, I even really enjoyed The Lost World: Jurrasic Park. Thought last film was pretty competent too but they seem to be trying to mix far too many things together here and that's just a trailer.
Watching this tonight as Star Wars only had two slot time. I am hoping it's at least better than the first.
Booked for Saturday morning, 2d showing as not holding much hope considering how much the tone and story changed in the trailers.
Just saw this. Thought it was much better than the first JW. Probably a bit intense for young children. Deffo fresh for the series in some respects. Otherwise, I’ll let you make up your own minds - so I’ll just give my rating and put the rest in spoilers.

Without great thought as to the order of my comments....

This is a classic example of a trailer ruining a film. There is, sadly, not much to say that wasn’t shown or heavily implied in the trailer. So for me there was very little intrigue and that makes it hard to engage with the plot, because it was so obvious to me. With that said. I’m pleased to say that what was there was generally quite fun and definitely a fresh tone for the series.

The is the first of the franchise to really put a traditional ‘creepy horror film’ spin on things, which is mostly confined to the later sections. There is a lot of darkness and lightning and storms... and at one point the villain dinosaur creeps around like Nosferatu. There is a slight ‘Resident Evil’ vibe afoot and the villain dino does look more unsettling than those before, with its exaggerated claws and limbs. So, yeah, that was all different. Deffo a nice change from the usual ‘broken theme park’ romp.

There was also a few notable ‘sad’ moments in the film and a lot of death... not necessarily in a good way. It’s almost impossible not to smile when seeing the dinos plod along but it’s absolutely not fun to see them dying by drowning and being gassed. The scene when they leave the island on the boat and see the one left behind is horrible! Poor dino!! :(

I was surprised that I was on board with the idea of ‘blue’ the raptor at the end. The whole ‘trained raptor’ thing had my eyes rolling in the last film but by the end of this I was OK with it. Moving away from the original film is most welcome.

Other misc. thoughts:

The actors were all fine. I really disliked the female lead last time but she was far more likeable here. Jeff’s ‘cameo’ was a bit token.

Violence was mostly offscreen but the violence implied was quite strong, most so than in the other films... from my memory anyway.

I likely the charging baby dino - that was cute :D

Epic lol when that submarine got munched.

Also epic lol when the dinosaur smiled cheekily before nomming that hunter - just, wat! :D

Only intrigue for me was when there were going to let the dinos be gassed - quite liked how that was resolved.

Was is me or did they fluff the ending a bit? They could have presumably rounded them all up and there wasn’t that many. I get it in the context of Jeff’s spiel about being unable to control nature but the visuals made it look like you’re gunna have to get used to them on the way to work.

The lead up to arriving at the island seemed fairly well paced.

Brain has to disengage for the purposes of surviving lava at close proximity.

If I hadn’t seen the trailer my rating probably would be....

7.5/10 - after all.... come on, it’s big dinos :D
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They have completely lost their way with the franchise. As a film it was okay, just. Compared the the original Jurassic Park there is no longer the sense of danger instead going with cartoon physics plus the direction they went with 'friendly' dinosaur just doesn't work for me.

The actual story was pretty poor with plot holes galore.

For what it was, I enjoyed JW1, this was 'fun' to watch in the cinema, but it's a pretty poor film :(

Too much working with dinosaurs instead of being deathly scared of them.

Mini spoiler I guess

Wu is great once again, I smile each time I see him on screen.

Called the little girl twist early on
Well, my girlfriend wanted to see this so we went last night. Me, her and the 'kids' (four mini plastic dinosaurs she'd got from the pound shop). That was the fun spirit and excitement she was going in with - I (Debbie Downer :p ), having seen JW1, was expecting no more than a predictable popcorn flick.

... and that's what I got.

The good guys are the good guys so you know they won't face any real threat or death, while the bad guys are the bad guys and you instantly know who's for it. No depth. No suspense. Just "oooohhh... dinosaurs amok".

I described it as a film for ten-year olds that their parents could be sufficiently entertained by.

I will declare that I was never that in to dinosaurs as a kid and I think that "inner child" excitement is what carries this film for many. Just not me

5/10. Sack the dinosaurs, make a decent giant robot film and then we're talking.
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**** a duck, the last one made over $1.5bn! This needs to make >$420m to roughly break even.

It's a shame it sounds like a disappointment, when you have a film about dinosaurs - the simple things shouldn't be that hard.
Well I thought there was better Dino carnage than JW1. Some pretty brutal bits. I really liked it :)
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