I don't fancy doing it but if I was called up I'd go. Doesn't sound like much fun though really.
Well isn't that very selfish of you. I hope that one day you remember this when you are trial for something and wondering what the jury of your peers are made up off.The problem is the financial compensation from doing Jury service would result in a significant loss of earnings for me, which I'm not willing to bear, so I'd be looking to swerve it too. I'm all for "doing my bit" but not if its going to have an adverse impact on my financial situation.
Well isn't that very selfish of you. I hope that one day you remember this when you are trial for something and wondering what the jury of your peers are made up off.
I hate people who won't give up two weeks out 45 years of working to stand on a jury. Selfish
Two weeks of my time, and about £3k.
I don't know about your financial situation, but a £3k hit to me at the moment is not something I could absorb without resorting to debt.
and what if you get stuck with a long case that gos for longer than two weeks? What if its a 3 month hit?
Match my salary, I'll be there as long as you need me, but £64.95 a day is a farce.
So you cant survive with two weeks on £64 per day but earn £1500 per week, around £78k per annum? That is just selfish. If you tol me you had a wife and 6 kids and was really struggling and wouldnt be able to put food on the table then I might have had some sympathy.
I'm not going to defend my situation, I don't feel the need to. You're of course entitled to whatever opinion you choose to hold.
Lets consider your point of view - its ok in your opinion that people selected to do Jury service may be forced into debt in performance of that service?
No way i would want to be loosing out on money either regardless of how much i earn.
Lmao @ this forum lol.
No but I will drop it there as I cant see how somebody earning £1500 a week and missing two weeks can or should go into debt. Chances are there has been times in my life where I lived hand to mouth when jury service would have put me into debt as well. Im probably sore as I have done jury service yet know lots of people, like my old boss who earns £300k per annum who says the same as you - "why should I be out of pocket to do jury service, if they pay me £6k per week I will do it"
I mean seriously? I'm currently contracting / freelancing for a couple of the big consultancies doing DevOps type work. I can earn anything from £500 to £1400 per day depending on what I am doing. Unless they can match what I am pulling in then no, they can **** off. My time is quite literally my money.
No one should be defending or justifying why they don't want to do it. In the similar vain people calling others selfish can jump off a short plank as well.
My time is quite literally my money.
No, it really isn't. Your money is literally your money, your time is just your time.