Just been burgled

I'm expecting to find a note under one of the wiper blades...

Cheers mate, this is exactly the right size to fix the broken window in my van, very thoughful of you.
Oh goody, i've had a call from the officer dealing with this. I can have my property back now.

Great, thanks. :rolleyes:
Electrify the chassis for the win :)

Actually, I'm not that up on car electrics, I'm assuming you'd have to isolate all the earthing from the chassis before doing this? Electricity + Petrol probably isn't a good idea anyhow :)

Or at least connect one leg of the mains to the handle of the shed if it's metal :)

EDIT: If it was me I'd probably find a nice vantage point and snipe the ******** with an air rifle.
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SB118 said:
Oh goody, i've had a call from the officer dealing with this. I can have my property back now.

Great, thanks. :rolleyes:
what did you get back?
how long has it taken?
have you sent in a compliant?
I've not had the stuff yet, i have to drive to the other side of town to pick it up.

How long has it taken? Long enough for any paints/primers/laquers/underseal to have solidified in the nozzles of the cans.

Complaint? No chance, i should be grateful and think myself lucky i didn't have to apologise to the little darlings for the upset they suffered being asked questions by those nasty policemen.
On the subject of burglary in Plymouth my house mates room got robbed in the summer (a laptop) cos the fool had left the front door open! (he is a bit of a **** tbh)

but anyways 2 nights ago another one of my house mates was in the kitchen at about 4.30 am, luckily enough, only to find some scrote with their hood up (who was aged approx 30) so not a stereotypical daily mail hoodie poking around in our back yard looking through the window :eek:

He ensued to give the prospective burgler grief through the window with a pair of scissors in his hand lol. he then tried to give him some crap about how he was looking for a friend :mad: and legged it :mad:

This is after 2 cars being broken into in our road in the past week and having their radios stolen. I don't mean to sound daily mailish (if thats a term lol) but ffs i have never experienced this sort of thing in our area within the last 4 years "what is this country coming to" it just seems to have started recently! Why? i dont know.

Hope the gits that did that get caught SB118. what the hell is going on they should be in jail tbh.

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I'm looking forward to the day, when someone like you, who's persecuted by little turds and let down by the police, goes nuts with an UZI and takes them all out.

The fallout would be superb.

Surely it's just a matter of time?

Perhaps I can tempt you? One UZI for sale. Pristine condtion. Gun metal grey. 50£
Toekiller said:
I'm looking forward to the day, when someone like you, who's persecuted by little turds and let down by the police, goes nuts with an UZI and takes them all out.

The fallout would be superb.

Surely it's just a matter of time?

Perhaps I can tempt you? One UZI for sale. Pristine condtion. Gun metal grey. 50£

Ill take it to prevent it happening to me ;) email in trust (how much ammo included)
jegz said:
Hope the gits that did that get caught SB118. what the hell is going on they should be in jail tbh.


read the thread?

tbh, who cares how much ammo you get with the uzi? as soon as you realise you've pressed the trigger the ammos gone
I'd rather have a scout and sit at range.
or a few birettas and get up close so the last thing they see is the barrel of the gun.
VeNT said:
read the thread?

tbh, who cares how much ammo you get with the uzi? as soon as you realise you've pressed the trigger the ammos gone
I'd rather have a scout and sit at range.
or a few birettas and get up close so the last thing they see is the barrel of the gun.

Sorry I saw the title and area and just jumped to reply tbh. And yes you are right Mac 10's are crap lol. /derail
memphisto said:
knives are the way forward, none of this gun malarky

"guns for show, knives for a pro"
as the man said

"The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it lets you keep your distance from the client. The closer you get to being a pro, the closer you can get to the client. The knife, for example, is the last thing you learn"
They should be made to pay for it literally, and I mean the damage, the repairs, the Police time, inconvenience, everything. The sooner the law changes so that criminals, vandals and their ilk have to actually pay the real cost for what they do, the better. I guarantee that if the usual Friday night fighters had to pay the Police for their time spent dealing with them and their night in the cell, they'd soon stop. Won't pay? Community service. Won't do that? Prison.
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