Just been insulted by local art shop owner.

My dad had a similar experience at a VW garage about 10 years ago just before he retired. The saleman spotted him looking at a a Passat - yes just a Passat, nothing fancy and said "there's no point looking pal, you can't afford that."

My dad made a point of getting hold of the garage owner, taking him around to where he was parked and showing him his existing VW Passat, less than a month old. he was in looking to get a second one for my mum..

The shop owner may simply have been having a bad day, I'd cut him some slack but there's also the possibility that he/she isn't actually the owner and simply runs the shop, if that's the case things could get interesting :)
It must be an awful life for him, flogging complete tat to tourists looking for some token coastline art to take back home to Scunthorpe

"Sorry, I've got no oil paintings of boats in today, but I do have a picture of some teddy bears wearing dresses..."

Jebus, stab me in the face with a spoon :(

And his website...jeez. Really? Written in the 90s?
I assume the poeple getting annoyed with the revenge ideas don't realise it's a joke. Everyone is an invincible hero on t'internet.

The thing is, these people aren't joking, seriously. Idiots get like this on the internet and actually think it's okay to do this sort of stuff.
As suggested, I'd tell the artist and then the artist can tear the gallery owner a new one and at the same time offer you a discounted piece - unless they are dead!
This is one of the most stupid comments people can offer in such a situation.

Just because I'd like to know how much something is doesn't mean I can't afford it.

its the unwritten 'rule' if you walk into a place which doesn't have any price tags on the items you wish to buy. but nice of you to jump on it :rolleyes:
I suggest emailing the artist to tell them their art is being represented by that arrogant Arse. Hopefully they'd take action as they wouldn't want their reputation to be stained by his actions.

Reputation? He's selling originals for as little as £36, I don't think they have any. :p
If he had said that to me! :mad:

I would have tried to purchase the whole property he is in, and kick the little
**** out! :p

In general people with money, dont look like they have money. I know a
very wealthy family and to see him or her on the street, you would think nothing
of them.
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