Very enjoyable game but my framerate is appaling. I think I'll have to limit to 30fps![]()
what spec is youre system?
970@1500mhz, 4790k, 8gb of vram. The in-game v-sync is borked and drops to 30fps all the time so I thought forcing it through the nvidia control panel would solve everything but it didn't help.
I've disabled bokeh and motion blur and only use FXAA. Dropping LOD and Shadows to high doesn't do much either. Surprisingly, GTA at 1440p runs a lot better than this.
what resolution are you running at? Im running at 1080
My system is more or less the same bar ive got 16gb of ram.
Ive got my setting's on ultra with v synch on and im getting a constant 60FPS without any problems.
EDIT: just noticed.. you have the 4790k ive got the i5 4690k
Aye, I'm currently stuck at between 30-40FPS most of the time (occasional drops to 20s and towards 50s, but 30-40 is the norm). Really wish they'd enable multi-GPU so I could actually use the second 290 to get those rates up towards 60FPS more.
Did try dropping the visual settings to lower settings, but it takes away so much of the beauty I couldn't do it to Medici!I also refuse to drop down to one screen as the whole game works so well at 5760x1080 it seems a crime to cut off two thirds of it.
Still loving the game (keep grapple kicking the enemy, then attaching rocket mines to them while they're getting up - great fun!) but a higher framerate without sacrificing visuals would be the icing on the cake.
It's great but I won't be able to enjoy it, as I refuse to drop the res or play on low on a bloody overclocked 970 and a 4790k![]()
What's the simplest way of monitoring my fps - seem to remember issues with certain overlaps causing crashes?
How do you enable the steam one I've seen mentioned?
Had to revert to the 15.11.1 betas last night as my drivers auto updated and broke the game but all working fine again!
I'm having very few issues TBH. I5 [email protected] 8gb ram and a 980 running at 2560x1080. Like most people the FPS drops when there are some big explosions but generally it's nailed on 60. Not had a single game ending crash at all so far.
I use afterburner on my 2nd screen to monitor the FPS, you can get the overlay working in Afterburner. I think there's a guide on how to do it a page or so back.
Can you share your settings?
anyone know how you stay offline. i get constant connecting to server issues.