Just gave blood again, do you?

Due to do my 3rd platelet donation Monday after next.

75 minutes of relaxation reading my Kindle while they bring me orange juice, tea (or coffee) and toast with cheese, jam or marmalade. Can't complain :)
I would love to donate but the only donation events around me are on the ******* buss and they decide to randomly stop donations at 3pm :confused:
have to wait until the blood bus comes into work

Really? Don't they do any drop-in sessions where you are? In my town there's a handful of venues, and they generally stay open until mid-late evening. Sucks if that's not the case where you are.
Got called at short notice this morning and asked if I could come in a week early and donate today. In, donated platelets and out the door in 1hr 10 minutes. Barely had time to finish my tea and toast! :D
They've started sending out the donor health questionnaire in advance now up here to save time as well, just had mine through for sessions in the next few weeks.
Got called at short notice this morning and asked if I could come in a week early and donate today. In, donated platelets and out the door in 1hr 10 minutes. Barely had time to finish my tea and toast! :D

Matched recipient. Are you on the list as being able to come in at short notice then? I've done matches a few times, but it's not that common.

I work literally just at the other end of the corridor to the centre so they can pretty much call me whenever. Working for the NHS means they are fairly flexible if you need to get away for that sort of thing.
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