Just gave blood again, do you?

Lmao, no it shouldn't. The place near me has stopped putting up their advertising outside because they can't cope with all the people that decide to drop by. If it was made mandatory they would need a massive increase in funding and that just ain't gonna happen. Also I would stop getting rewarded for doing it which would suck. In fact thinking about it there are so so many reason why it shouldn't be mandatory such as a massive increase of infected blood for one.

I don't meant that everyone should just get pulled in as soon as they're able to donate again but there's a shortage of doners in many areas.

They could just call people up like they do with jury duty as and when required.
i don't know if i can give blood but to be honest i don't believe in it.

mainly because i have a big problem with needles. ive already turned down a blood test on these grounds ..... woops
They're always trying to recruit more, that's their job. If their was a major shortage, it'd be on the news so I guess there isn't.

The whole point of "news" is that it is, well, new. There's a little clue there in the name. The blood stocks are low, but it only hits the news when it gets very low, because it has been low pretty much since transfusions began. Since this is a years-old ongoing problem, then it's not news so no-one bothers to mention it. To make things even worse, towards the end of the last Tory government, they made some changes to the system that ****ed off so many donors that over 10% of them stopped donating. Forever. That number still hasn't been made up. It got so bad in the early part of the 2000s that a lot of apheresis donors were kicked back to whole blood. Bear in mind that apheresis donors are even rarer, and you get an idea of how short of whole blood they were. But donor numbers are still down on 1990 or so, as I understand it. The main thing that keeps it all under control is less blood being used. But margins are tight, and towards the end of long Bank Holiday periods like Christmas, operations sometimes have to be postponed because there's not enough blood.


Just gave blood for the first time tonight and I'll be doing it again in 12 weeks :D
Well done :)

I've done 2 platelet donations since I last posted here, next one due on 5th Novemeber. Those of you who already donate and are able to spare more time might want to consider platelet donation. Not everyone can donate platelets, but they can do a test to see if you are able to donate them.

If you can spare the time and can donate platelets great, if not then you can carry on with whole blood donation. Both types of donation are important :)
i don't know if i can give blood but to be honest i don't believe in it.

mainly because i have a big problem with needles. ive already turned down a blood test on these grounds ..... woops

I can't imagine being the sort of person that would let a fear get in the way of my life.

Going again in the next couple of weeks. Will be my 18th donation, so not too many to go until my 25th silver award :D
I don't give blood on the account I'm rather selfish and figure as long as enough people are doing so already I don't need to.

Same reason I never had the MMR jab at as a kid, if the rest of the school had it done it meant I didn't need to.

That and I'm not a big fan of needles.
It must be incredible to live your life really.
One word : Karma! , it will bite you in the ass one day.
IIRC, three months. But best bet is to call one of the big donor centres (closest to you is best) and ask to speak to a nurse.

OK, it turns out that I was completely wrong. I was in donating again today (donation 505) and asked the nurse. The answer is: seven days after a Hep B jab you can donate again, whole blood or apheresis.
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