The logic is applied unilaterally across the board.
I behave in such a way I want others to - it's that simple.
Most donations (such as the blood cancer ones & sometimes I believe blood stocks) are trading around the world - I'm signed up-to the Anthony Nolan register & if I get called to donate it could got to anybody around the world.
The entire concept of nationality is a fiction, one I don't personally ascribe to (except when forced by society).
We are ethically, but we don't because the governments don't care about that part of the world at the moment.
That's just a complex rationalisation.
The fact is, if everybody was like you, then you had an accident & needed blood - you would die.
You want blood in the event of needing it, but make no effort to ensure it remains - you can rationalise it as much as you like - but those are the facts.
If everybody in the world shared the same view as the donors in this thread, blood stocks would be brimming to the gills for all groups (including the ability to donate larger portions or blood to research/nations with lower O- stores etc) & the blood cancer registers would be saving a significantly larger amount of people annually.
I wonder what would happen if all the money spent on staff and hiring venues and all the advertising and award stuff was spent on creating synthetic blood.
Personally I'd be annoyed. I'm on 20 donations and want to get to 25 so I get a new card and a cool badge. Literally the only reason I do it. I pop in the donation center, squeeze the blood out as quickly as possible (my record is 4 minutes 48 seconds) have a cup of orange juice and a pack of fruit shortbread then leave. You have to eat biscuits or they think you'll faint for whatever reason. Then I have another notch on my belt. The only reason I don't donate platelets is because I read it takes over an hour and quite frankly I have better things to do with my time. I am slightly worried my blood has had its DNA recorded by MI5/regular police though.
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