May well have gotten lost in the post, they usually have blank ones as well for you to fill out when you get there if you haven't got it.I'm going tonight, didn't get the form in the post to fill in like I used to is that normal now do you fill one in when you get there.
Got an appointment so let's hope they stick to it or its my last time.
I've found the amount of locations is a lot less than it used to be.I've tried, but there isn't anywhere within an hour and a bit drive from me supposedly
I've found the amount of locations is a lot less than it used to be.
I have to leave work an hour early just to get to this one. It is on my way home though so not too bad.
Are there not implied risks when giving blood, no matter how safe the precautions, you could end up with an embolism for example.
Doesn't seem natural purging 1 pint of blood from your body.
Worst virtue signaling thread ever.
Worst virtue signaling thread ever.
Never seen anything that says it's eight weeks in the UK. Everything says twelve weeks for males and sixteen weeks for females.Give to book my next one. Everything says it's 8 weeks, but the app and site say the next date I can do is 12 weeks time.
I need to give it another go, having only done it once, but in no way was it painless the first time. Hurt like a ************. Is why I haven't done it again, I'm too scared.painless