Just gave blood again, do you?

I don't even know what blood group I am!

When in deepest darkest Africa I knew and memorised who I could give blood to and take blood from (local blood was a big no-no) but since I've forgotten :(.
Nope not allowed to as I'm from the UK and Kiwi places won't touch you because of the BSE cow thing years ago! They think we're all infected I suppose!

Grats to people that do though as my dad had to have regular transfusions but it kept him going for 18 years! Without the blood he would have died much earlier.
No I don't and it's because I absolutely bloody hate (lol pun) having blood taken as it is due to a few bad experiences in the past.

I'm in absolutely no rush to force it upon myself when I don't have to either. Blood tests are one thing as I've got to do it. Being systematically drained for the fun of it, isn't.

My problem is I'll fixate on what's actually going on and be anxiously wanting it all to hurry up and be over, as opposed to shutting off and ignoring it.

I'm not afraid of needles, either. I can deal with the idea of them just fine. I just really don't like them being jabbed in me.

Maybe one day I'll have a revelation, but don't get your hopes up.

Kudos to you that do it. I just have to be charitable in other ways.
More O+ means higher demand yes but also more to supply that demand, it's all proportional and the rarer groups are the real issues.

Oh great, it's the 'if you don't give blood you deserve to die, irrespective of how you give to society in other ways' crew.

ALL blood groups are an issue. Mainly because a high proportion of the country thinks like you: I'm not going to give, but I demand my share if I need to receive. I can smell the hypocrisy from here. Whatever you might "give to society in other ways". And since I'm sure you want me to ask, I will: what?

Just given blood for the 10th time, woohooo (O negative:D).
10 internet points to me.

Cant understand why people dont give blood tbh, I find the most painful part of the experiance is when they remove the tape, which holds the tube to my arm :D (i have hairy arms btw):p.
Might see if I can give marrow next, if I can the time off work.
dont see the problem with it myself, done it a few times...the biggest issue i have with it is catching a centre that does it at a good time. The ones around Oxford are always moving about and it seems 9/10 i catch the sign the day after its happened!

still when it does take place, it takes 10mins, doesnt really hurt and your potentially saving someones life for little effort....really dont get the issue? are people that selfish?
If not, why not?


They wont let me!

Id love to but wont take it, serious accident at 17 and a few serious operations since so I shall never be able to. However I turn 25 in March when I shall be riding the blood running bikes Volentery work!

Yes it was a serious bike accident at 17, could you have guessed :p
They come to our company in a lorry a few times a year but the last two times I've not been able to give blood.

I've never given blood, due to a stupid fear of needles, but felt it time to get over it!

A trip to China last year wrote me off 6 months ago, and a stomach bug wrote me off a fortnight ago (The latter time I actually got to the nurse and filled in the paper work). I'm definitely going to be doing this when they're back though!
I have a stupid fear of needles as well. Need to get over it, i've not been to bad when it's come to injections, I guess because I know that I actually need it.
Hopefully there'll be a lorry who comes round when I start work I would like to try.

Just curious how long does it take to donate a pint of blood? Do you have to have your blood tested before you start donating? and.... does it hurt?

And also (not wanting to sound stupid) but why can't people who have had accidents donate blood in time? I would have thought after a few years that your body would have reproduced it's own blood again.
From start to finish about 30-45 mins (book a slot ;)) - time actually donating is usually 5-7 mins, but anything up to 10 mins is fine (I'm about 4 and a half minutes)

No, it doesn't hurt.

FWIW I used to absolutely hate needles, but kept donating anyway. You soon get over it.

I have a stupid fear of needles as well. Need to get over it, i've not been to bad when it's come to injections, I guess because I know that I actually need it.
Hopefully there'll be a lorry who comes round when I start work I would like to try.

Just curious how long does it take to donate a pint of blood? Do you have to have your blood tested before you start donating? and.... does it hurt?

And also (not wanting to sound stupid) but why can't people who have had accidents donate blood in time? I would have thought after a few years that your body would have reproduced it's own blood again.

Nothing down to that. They just dont want to take the risk. Fair enough. I will volteer my services in other ways (Blood running)
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