Just gave blood again, do you?

Would love to but i pass out at the sight of my own blood!
I blame my father for this and passing those genes onto me :p
Would love to but i pass out at the sight of my own blood!
I blame my father for this and passing those genes onto me :p

You don't have to look, I can't stand seeing needles going in so I just look away. You just lie there, and if you have a friend with you you can chat, or bring a book etc... I don't do it very often, but do do it, worth it. :)
I haven't got round to it in a while, been about a year since I did it I think due to various holiday locations I have been to and not being allowed for X amount of weeks e.g. USA

I usually get called once a month as I am AB- ...high demand, short supply etc etc
My dad made it to 60 odd donations then cahnged the swab to clean your arm and he had a reaction, it absolutely killed him as it was "his thing" he loved doing it.

So I took up the torch, ive done 2 now and dont plan to stop unless they wont take my blood, would like to do platelets to but nowhere near me.

Anyone that doesnt give blood because they dont see the point or think that someone else will do it are incredibly stupid. give blood, save a life.
I actually cannot give blood. I actually really want to, but apparently because I have recieved blood I now cannot give it?
It might be worth noting that the rule about people who have received blood not being able to donate has now been removed/changed. It was linked to the BSE scare, but the feeling is now that anyone who was going to show symptoms would have done so by now. This is certainly true of apheresis, and I think for whole blood a swell.


I actually cannot give blood. I actually really want to, but apparently because I have recieved blood I now cannot give it?

Might be worth checking out ;)
thanks for the reminder, need to find out where my local one is after moving house..

Other than that id see it as an inconvinience..

so is dying.. :rolleyes:

How do you feel after they've taken the blood, and how much do they take? I've heard it said that you can feel a bit wiped out for a while afterwards.

the only time i felt rough after was when i didnt eat all day before going. felt miles better after eating though.
Also just a little word of advice to people having not gone before its not about how much you eat before hand, its about how much you drink, they always ask me to drink a pint of water before hand, even if ive had LOADS! giving blood and needing to go to the toilet is not a good thing :P
Question. How are they doing for blood? Do they actually need more people donating, or is there a shortage?

There's normally a shortage around this time of year with people getting flu etc.

There must be a shortage as I received my invite with the health questions on and then 3 days later a letter basically pleading for me to come along.

If you book a time slot then from walking in to walking out is usually no more than an hour.
I saw a sign that said only 6% of the population give blood and they always need more.
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