Just got myself

peripheral vision of the simpson helmet makes them not for the road.. So I've been told. I don't mind tho kind of got used to it now.

As for the Exhaust that will not be near me (side of block) keeps it away from me
Tank went to my friend last night. Lucky for me he has a sand/soda blast machine
That should get the rest of the paint off pretty good.

Brakes stripped and cleaned last night (they where pretty good)
Making seat unit over the weekend
would have like to of done my seat unit base this evening but wife thinks better:rolleyes:

Getting my tank back Monday after soda blasting
Then I'll get some fuel lines sorted out (clear ones)
If you don't mind me asking, how much did you buy that run down old goat for?

I wouldn't mind a similar project to keep me entertained once the 1098S goes!
Making rivets tonight (brass ones) for that ol' skool look am after
Then that's the mudguard sorted out

Plus would got my fork seals if natwest did not mess up :rolleyes:
So It's been a long weekend for me.
First up my Honda firestorm gave up on me front cylinder has gone bust. Then I hope on to my srad 750 3 miles later that went bang! All in the space of 12 hours :(

Good news is working on the bmw
So far I've made the rivets and sorted them and making spacers to fit the on the mounting points from brass to.





Also dome headed the bolts


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Outstanding project, didnt know bmw did a flat 4, how cool. Whats the output? You got this on any other forums?!

Yes i got it on vtr1000.org (honda)
Bmw k100 forum also

Flat four been around awhile now
They did the 8v flat four and the 16v
The output is pretty low but the best bike for smiles n' miles

Sweet, RM250?

Rm 125

Cuts out when the powerband kicks in :confused:
Need to strip carb,clean air filter etc
So the bad news is the Rm is broken
Needs gear box rebuild, wiring sorted out etc!

So I gone back to working on the bmw.
Sorted and shaped mudguard stay's and shorted brass spacers to.

Then started dome heading all the bolts I could get my hands on

And started the seat base to





Hello postman!
Got some more bits to fit now!! Fork seals,exhaust gaskets,sump washer,fork bolts
Means I can get the forks done brakes back on
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