Just had to punch a bloke in B&Q

All you keyboard warriors - this is how you do it :

Florida Murders Occur over Xbox
ORLANDO, Florida (AP) -- Kay Shukwit is still trying to cope with the August 2004 deaths of her daughter and five of the young woman's friends, who prosecutors said were beaten to death with aluminum bats over an Xbox video game system.

"I'm living with the loss. I'm living with the horror, with all the thoughts and everything and I still can't believe what's going on," said Shukwit, whose daughter, Michelle Nathan, was 19 years old.

Jury selection is set for Monday in Deland for three of the four men charged with the beating deaths.

Prosecutors allege Troy Victorino, 29, Robert Cannon and Michael Salas, both 20, and Jerone Hunter, 19, organized the attack to retrieve an Xbox video game system that Victorino lost when he was kicked out of a different house in Deltona.

The victims, some of whom were sleeping, did not resist or try to escape the attack, investigators said.

Salas, Victorino and Hunter are charged with six counts of murder and eight other felonies. Cannon already has pleaded guilty and will receive life in prison in exchange for his testimony. Prosecutors said they will seek the death penalty for the remaining defendants.

"We think it's an appropriate punishment for this case and that's what we hope to end up with," said prosecutor Leah Case. "I'm hoping that the families will get some sense of closure with this trial."

Defense attorneys sought unsuccessfully to move the trial to South Florida, arguing that the media has depicted Victorino as the ringleader.

"He's been sitting here listening to all the other people in the courtroom pounce on him and blame him for everything," Victorino's lawyer, Jeff Dowdey, said Friday.

The victims, who all worked at a local Burger King, also included Erin Belanger, 22, Francisco Ayo-Roman, 30, Anthony Vega, 34, Roberto Gonzalez, 28, and Jonathan Gleason, 17.

Investigators said they had been terrorized for several days over the Xbox, which Victorino had left at another Deltona house where he had been squatting. The game system was taken by Belanger when she cleared Victorino's things out of her grandparents' winter house.

Shukwit said she dreads hearing the gruesome details of the crime in court.

"Granted they're going to be using pretty graphic, gory pictures from the crime scene and that's going to be something that I'm going to have to see," she said.
Cuchulain said:
Let's see, could it be because he inflicted GBH on someone? We have laws in this country for a reason, similarly I'd also like the person who alledgedly damaged his car to get the appropriate penalty for criminal damage.

He stopped someone vandalising his property. Come on man! surely you don't think he should spend 5 years in prison for doing so?? What should he do stand there and watch him doing it?

Gotta say I really disagree with you on this
I would normally agree with that if a crime has been done then you should be punished to the full extent of the law.

However this country is becomming such a nanny state that the punishment no longer fits the crime. If you purposely kill someone then you should get more than 10-15 years in prison similarly if you rape someone a couple of years in prison and being labelled as a sex offender is not enough.

It makes a complete mockery out of the system.

Sometimes people react, if someone was breaking in my house I wouldn't hide under my covers thinking 'ooh all this stuff I've bought you can have' I'd use as much force as possible to get them out of my house - if that involves seriously injuring them I don't see the problem - they are on my property and I have a family to protect. To then prosicute me over protecting my property is absolute stupidity.

I think the law in this country needs seriously reviewing. It takes the **** that most people nowadays can daily break the law and know they are not going to get sufficiently punished for it.

vonhelmet said:
As a random sidenote, the title is misleading. The OP in no way "had" to punch the bloke.

The title is hilarious though, for that reason, and it's an expression. People state they have to do things they didn't all the time.
wordy said:
He stopped someone vandalising his property. Come on man! surely you don't think he should spend 5 years in prison for doing so?? What should he do stand there and watch him doing it?

Gotta say I really disagree with you on this

No, he shouldn't do 5 years for stopping someone vandalising his property, but that's not what he did, the bloke had already keyed his car and THEN he punched him.
Cuchulain said:
Of course not, and what makes you think it'd get thrown out of court? Your extensive legal background?

Oh I don't know, perhaps i'm hopeful that the judge would also see it as six of one, half a dozen of the other. Which let's face it, it was!

It would be a complete waste of the courts time.
Cuchulain said:
No, he shouldn't do 5 years for stopping someone vandalising his property, but that's not what he did, the bloke had already keyed his car and THEN he punched him.

Ok I've re-read the OP and you're right but I still think it's as someone else has said 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other. The bloke acted like ****, and got treated like one
wordy said:
He stopped someone vandalising his property. Come on man! surely you don't think he should spend 5 years in prison for doing so?? What should he do stand there and watch him doing it?

Gotta say I really disagree with you on this
Tony Martin "stopped" a guy from burgling his property...and went to jail for it.

i'm sure the legal people would say the key phrase is "reasonable force" in both examples....and in both of them the force used was excessive.
Mr Joshua said:
I thought he shot the scrotes as they were running away, not that I'm saying that was a bad thing.
he was jailed because he shot the guy in the back and thereby losing the ability to claim he'd felt threatened (as they guys were obviously fleeing) AND because he had an unlicensed shotgun.
but i was merely addressing the point that the previous member had made.
there is an accepted level of response and both Mr. Martin and the OP overstepped this.
Cuchulain said:
Let's see, could it be because he inflicted GBH on someone? We have laws in this country for a reason, similarly I'd also like the person who alledgedly damaged his car to get the appropriate penalty for criminal damage.

Are you kidding me? Grevious bodily harm is punching someone in the face?

Phnom_Penh said:
Nah that would be assault.

I wonder if punching in a person in the ovaries would get you charged for rape? :p

Listen I am not saying good one to the OP, but if I was in his shoes I would probably have done the same, I just don't see how a punch can in any way be GBH, if the guy has a knuckleduster with razors on it maybe :p

That could be rape, fisting :eek:
pyro said:
Listen I am not saying good one to the OP, but if I was in his shoes I would probably have done the same, I just don't see how a punch can in any way be GBH, if the guy has a knuckleduster with razors on it maybe :p

That could be rape, fisting :eek:
I'd probably have gone into reverse if not what the op did, going into autopilot can make people do mad things.

lol :D.
This thread got me thinking about a true story of one of our members in here who only trawls through the Hardware forums.

He was in a KFC in Hanley when a bloke come in and started on him for absolutely nothing.
He'd never seen this bloke before and made it very clear he was a wimp and wouldn't put up a fight.
The bloke carried on and my mate even offered to buy him his food.
The bloke got more aggravated and at this point the police were rung and the staff tried to calm things down.
While he was being calmed my mate escaped only for the brute to run out and thump him in his face and he fell to the ground.
The police ran round the corner and my mate needed an ambulance.
The thug had broken his cheekbone and he had to have an X-ray and he was immediately called to the consultants.
They discovered that he'd got a very advanced tumour in his head which would have killed him and they only found it because of the accident.
He had major surgery, had his cheek wired and his life was saved.

Now started the dilema, this thug had saved his life - does he prosecute or thank him?
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