Just had to punch a bloke in B&Q

PaulStat said:
Yeah but he didn't did he. They're both as much to blame imo, if this ever went to court I think it would get chucked out fairly quickly.

And you think that you could predict everytime you punch someone to the floor that they won't get a knock to the head that could kill them? Of course not, and what makes you think it'd get thrown out of court? Your extensive legal background?
Von Luck said:
Kudos to the OP.

Can't comment on the rights and wrongs of the actual crossing incident, but nothing justifies deliberately keying your car. The other bloke deserved a smack.

Lets all remember....
Yes he was wrong, but he is still someones dad/son/husband
Yes you were wrong, you are/could be someones dad/husband/son

what if it went wrong, what about the peole left behind. You only get one shot at life. Do you really want it to say.. Dies in road rage incident, left behing loving family/children etc..
I have lost a relative recently at 25, road rage, knocked off his bycycle. Lasted a week in hospital, then died. All this because he peed the driver off for riding how the driver thought he should not, so he lost it. I hope he feels sorry everyday for his actions.
Maybe, just maybe, if everyone took 10 seconds to think about their actions, before doing anything, we probably would all do thinks a little differently.

Look at what caused this, then tell me looking back it looks a bit soft
All of the people whining that the op did the wrong thing by resorting to violence, please get over yourselves. If someone shows disrespect for my property by intentionally damaging it, they are gonna get a smack in the mouth end of.
I'm actually sat here shaking my head at the guy saying he could have fell over and killed himself....

People like the idiot keying his car deserve to be punched. If your parents or grandparents were doing such things in their childhood they would have got a pasting.
DanSolo said:
All of the people whining that the op did the wrong thing by resorting to violence, please get over yourselves. If someone shows disrespect for my property by intentionally damaging it, they are gonna get a smack in the mouth end of.

We're hearing one side of this story - from somebody who just happens to post here and we should just accept that?
I mean, the OP may have been speeding.
The OP may have been in a hurry and just didn't want to stop.
We see one post on these forums and suddenly we believe everything this person has to say as if he's our best mate and we know him on an intemate level.

However if I post "Yer, my PC roxs yours" or "My ADSL line is so much better than yours" it is immediately met with:
"Yer, proove it"

I've never seen anybody come on to these forums and admit their own mistakes, admit they were at fault, hell even admit there was a possability they may have been at fault and this is especially true in the motoring forum which this post could just about scrape into.
dmpoole said:
I've had my cars damaged 3 times but I was more subtle.

1 - The first time I was T-cutting it when I'd just had a new paint job and a woman came out with a dirty bucket of water and chucked it all over my car and started complaining about cars being in front of her house. I waited two weeks then started a campaign of throwing all my dogs poo over her back gate into her yard for well over a month.

2 - I was at a party and decided to leave because some lads there were getting out of hand. I'm a wimp and didn't want aggro and as I was driving off a thug ran out and kicked my car which left a huge dent. The thug was an assistant chef at a well known hotel in Stoke and he ended up paying for it with his wages because it was his bosses party. I waited 3 months and got my revenge. This was the early 80's and Ska was all the rage and he drove a scooter. He turned up for work and I turned on his scooter with stanley knife, pliers and cutters and completely wrecked it.

3 - I had an accident on a roundabout because some fool didn't know how to use one. The police weren't interested and the lad gave me his address. I turned up in the evening and showed his Dad the Highway Code on how to use roundabouts and his son admitted that he didn't do it properly (he was on the left side when he wanted to turn right and turned straight into me). His Dad laughed, admitted to his sons fault but said I wouldn't get a penny. Six months passed until I got my revenge. You guessed it, it was late at night and I set about their car with a stanley knife. I only knifed the tyres and knifed the bodywork this time.

So the next time this happens, find out where they live, bide your time and take your revenge.
It is much sweeter.
Riiiiiight, 3 counts of criminal damage and one of harrassment. Not really the sort of behaviour you should be bragging about frankly.
Mickey_D said:
Gawd, how people like John Wayne must be just rolling over in thier grave right about now.....

Guess I'm just too old fashioned for this new poofty world we're living in nowadays. Glad I live in a part of it that still sees things how they should be.

Unforunately, this is how England is nowadays. A large portion are to scared to stand up for themselves and hide away thinking about what ifs and the offender usually walks away scot free. This is why the UK is becomeing so bad now and overun with stupid Political Correctness. The british public could be mugged, beaten and ridiculed but they will end up limping back home, not wanting to get involved and make a cup of tea and whine about the state of the country. Only a few old fashioned people will actually stand up and recognise a wrong situation and say NO and do something about it. Then they get moaned at on here by the ones who get walked over. :(
Chris [BEANS] said:
Riiiiiight, 3 counts of criminal damage and one of harrassment. Not really the sort of behaviour you should be bragging about frankly.

Oh yes it is, it means "don't mess with me because even though I'm a dwarf and a wimp, I will get my own back" :D

Phnom_Penh said:
Don't knock it, it isn't impossible. My uncle smacked his head when he fell over and now he's six feet under.

My Uncle died falling off some ladders which was acceptable. We were shocked when we found out he'd slipped on the bottom rung.
wordy said:
That still doesn't explain why you want the OP to go to prison for 5 years

Let's see, could it be because he inflicted GBH on someone? We have laws in this country for a reason, similarly I'd also like the person who alledgedly damaged his car to get the appropriate penalty for criminal damage.
Cuchulain said:
Let's see, could it be because he inflicted GBH on someone? We have laws in this country for a reason, similarly I'd also like the person who alledgedly damaged his car to get the appropriate penalty for criminal damage.

But no one knows how they will react until they are put into a certain situation. This incident, he saw red mist and got instant revenge (and hopefully, the keying idiot will now think twice before doing it again). If someone tries to mug you, you might fight back. Its easy to sit here and type, you did a bad thing, but until it is happening right in front of you, you dont know what instincts you will take. For example, if some bloke punched your girlfriend in front of you, what would be the first thing you would do, would you think, i better not touch him because he could fall over ???
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rayer said:
But no one knows how they will react until they are put into a certain situation. This incident, he saw red mist and got instant revenge (and hopefully, the keying idiot will now think twice before doing it again). If someone tries to mug you, you might fight back. Its easy to sit here and type, you did a bad thing, but until it is happening right in front of you, you dont know what instincts you will take. For example, if some bloke punched your girlfriend in front of you, what would be the first thing you would do, would you think, i better not touch him because he could fall over ???

We're not talking about someone punching my girlfriend, we're talking about someone vandalising someone elses property, you are capable of spotting the vast difference between the two I take it?
Cuchulain said:
We're not talking about someone punching my girlfriend, we're talking about someone vandalising someone elses property, you are capable of spotting the vast difference between the two I take it?
In the context he was talking I'm not sure there is a vast difference.

A difference, yes. Hardly vast.
Gilly said:
In the context he was talking I'm not sure there is a vast difference.

A difference, yes. Hardly vast.

I think he is getting a bit annoyed. Dont worry, he is so sensitive to the mean big wide world :D
I just hope that no muggers read this thread, coz he and some others would be the worlds easiest target ;)
Cuchulain said:
We're not talking about someone punching my girlfriend, we're talking about someone vandalising someone elses property, you are capable of spotting the vast difference between the two I take it?

There is a difference but the point he was making is that you don't know how you'll react until you're in that situation yourself.

i.e. With the idea if someone tried to mug you with a knife, would you fight back? I know I would because it's happened before.
I think what it boils down to is the individuals animal instincts and also knowing that if you lay down and try and get the police involved, the law will hardly do anything to these individuals anyway. :(
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