Just Passed Motobike CBT... WHOOT.

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Well, went down today for the start fo the direct access course, think this is session 1 of 6 in total? Anyway, passed this, got the cert so it's CBT Pass

So, now, this week can get out on the Honda CBR125 get loads of pratice in, the next session for the full licence is 23rd April, so got 2 weeks to get practice in me thinks.

I'm usually quiote confident, and was doing well, but the last 10-15 minutes out on the bikes I was weary... hardly eaten all day and concentration just started waivering a little... made a couple of mistakes not looking left and right when taking off from standstill which was noticed... hey ho...
Trying to get my damn Honda CBR125 started... doing my head in, think a new spark plug may be needed. Basically it'll fire and thr spark looks like a decent spark when I took it out, cleaned it off with very light sand paper... took tank off, checked all the fuel lines as nothing was getting to the spark... sprayed some easy start... however, put back on, the spark smells of fuel now so I know fuel is getting there... it's fired once, hit 5000rpm, then died as I didn't catch it in time.

So, my theory now I've plugged it back together, if there's fuel getting through... then it's the spark... gap seems quite large on it.

Will pick one up tomorrow me thinks... not sure where from near Chester on a Bank Holiday Monday though, wanna get out on this this week.
i watched the top gear vietnam special today,all they did was ride in a figure of eight and they passed there full test!!

if only it was that simple here!!!

congrats btw and stay safe on the roads
Good Job! Now the fun begins, just wait till you step up to the 500's - different bloody story :)

Good luck and listen to everything your instructor says.
Very well done. Let us know how you get on and what's involved in the remaining tests... I've done my CBT, and when pennies permit would like to go for the next stage, but I'm really not sure what it entails, and what the benefits are... except I can ride on motorways or bigger bikes...
Don't mean this to come across wrong...but can you even fail the CBT as it's not strictly a test?

Yeh you can fail it, its not strictly a test as such, but a competency to ride, if the instructors deem you need more time, or are to unsafe they won't give you the certificate, it is rare, but it does happen from time to time.
Don't mean this to come across wrong...but can you even fail the CBT as it's not strictly a test?

Im one of the few people that know several people that have actually failed it, one of them somehow going too fast on a 50cc!

If your clearly hot headed and such they just wont pass you.

I took mine last Thursday, 1 of 3 of us probably shouldn't have passed bless the lad on the 50cc no matter how many times the guy explained it he still couldnt grasp lanes on a roundabout.
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Congrats on passing your CBT!

Get your head in revision mode for the theory if you have not done it yet.

And I know someone who didnt pass their CBT on the day...... ME:eek:

Yep. I work nights and took 2 nights off prior to my CBT so I would be able to get up early....and that idea failed. I was too tired and just could no concentrate so my instructor did not pass me. He did say however that he could see I would be spot on if I was rested and said he was reluctant to sign me off there and then but would if I was getting a 125 only but he would prefer if I went back for a 2 hour road ride, to which I did as I felt I would need to and thank bleep I did go back! That 2 hour ride was beyond epic fun!

Next for me is DAS in mid MAY, will be booking a week off prior so I CAN get some proper rest lol.

Keep us posted Pug and get a pic of your CBR up.:)

PS Congrats too Evil.
Congrats on passing your CBT!

Get your head in revision mode for the theory if you have not done it yet.

And I know someone who didnt pass their CBT on the day...... ME:eek:

Yep. I work nights and took 2 nights off prior to my CBT so I would be able to get up early....and that idea failed. I was too tired and just could no concentrate so my instructor did not pass me. He did say however that he could see I would be spot on if I was rested and said he was reluctant to sign me off there and then but would if I was getting a 125 only but he would prefer if I went back for a 2 hour road ride, to which I did as I felt I would need to and thank bleep I did go back! That 2 hour ride was beyond epic fun!

Next for me is DAS in mid MAY, will be booking a week off prior so I CAN get some proper rest lol.

Keep us posted Pug and get a pic of your CBR up.:)

PS Congrats too Evil.
Woah I know how you feel mate! id had 3-4 hours sleep the night before mine, come off the pc was laying there and all...next thing i know its half 1 sister came belting past my room that was it I was up :( managed to get an hour in before actually setting off to batley to do it.

To say id never been on a bike before it was interesting, especially with bugger all sleep hah :P the guy who didnt understand roundabouts was just ridiculous.

Because there was 3 doing there CBT 2 went out for an hour while one stayed at the centre 1 came back and swopped with me (I was there for the hour at the centre first) so the guy who struggled got to think about what he had done wrong for an hour before being let out on his final hour.....

Long story short it didnt help the guy on roundabouts I was leading in my second hour as you do driving, lifesavers on the go and all that was getting the praise's through the headset when i hear take the second exit.
I pull out did it right, the guy behind me cant see what I do as a car goes behind me next thing hes cut accross from the left hand lane to the right around the roundabout then accross to the left to go off, no indicators :eek:

I hear "PULL OVER NOW" he got a right roasting, pulled up on some estate got a further 5 min roasting, told what to do when on a roundabout then was asked you okay with that to which he replied with a swift "no not really".

I was seriously regreting actually doing it whilst sat there for that hour but once I was on the road for that 2 hours it all came together and thoroughly enjoyed myself I must say :)
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I just cant wait to get my holiday confirmed by work and get my DAS training on the go!

That secong 2 hour road ride i did really was epic. I had the biggest grin the whole time.

Pug, are you going to stay on the CBR125 or move on once you have the full licence?

Same question to you Evil!
Well, worked slightly different, 3 of us on this CBT, and when it came to the 2 hour ride, me and my mate were with one instructor and other fella (who'd been on CBT before) went with other. Was ace... really good, mate led first time... tell ya what, took some getting used to all of a sudden on a open road, they really do thwrow you into it bigtime. No messing.

For the 2nd hour I led and even got my left leg down a little ROFL LMFAO as I went around a sweeping bend at the AWESOME speed of 50mph... was great fun but by the end of it, was feeling tired... and made that mistake.

Plan is, once fixed CBR today hop[efully, ride it back, get out over the next two weeks on it, get practice in big time... then once I pass will probably get a SV650 if it feels ok and comfy and use that... I need to commute from Bryn Celyn in Wales to manchester everyday 53 miles... so need a bigger safer bike... 125 just won't cut it...
Heh, I am looking at the SV's just now.

Also looking at the Bandit's but I will see what I can get once I pass. I think I will have about £2-3k for a bike and £1k for insurance and locks etc. Got my full kit already.

Insurance is going to be a kick in the teeth though as I have no garage and the area I live in is not the best. Datatag, 2 ground anchors and 2 chains, possibly an alarmed disc lock.

But I work nights and we have a locked compound or they will let me put it inside the building. It is going to be fun explaining about where the bike is kept over night:D
Well, I've just insured the Honda CBR125 fully comp for £220 notes all in... didn't think that was too bad. Quotes on SV650's are around...

"This quote is based on a SV 650S K8 645cc 2007, Comprehensive cover, £150 Voluntary Excess and No Claims Not Protected for mark dodd valid until 11 May 2012

Pay Annual£236.59
Pay Monthly
1 x £47.39
10 x£21.57
Total: £263.09"

not bad at all!
Dam! Thats cheap.

I got a quote from the little furry animal market for a 2004 Suzuki GSF 600 Bandit. Fully comp, legal cover, breakdown cover etc and it was £640. But i do not have a garage and the area I live in is a bit.. well, ****e! lol

I should be able to get it lower once I have rang around.
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