Just Passed Motobike CBT... WHOOT.

Dam! Thats cheap.

I got a quote from the little furry animal market for a 2004 Suzuki GSF 600 Bandit. Fully comp, legal cover, breakdown cover etc and it was £640. But i do not have a garage and the area I live in is a bit.. well, ****e! lol

I should be able to get it lower once I have rang around.
Could be with me having years of driving no claims and also being 37?
It's currently in the garage. While there, thought I'd treat it to a new battery and a service and MOT anyway, so hopefully be ready tomorrow unless they come back and say engine is knackered lol.
Well, garage called back this afternoon, all done. Basically for a service, MOT, new bulb, new pistons in fron caliper and the clean up of the carb, £195 all in... not bad at all and it's in mint condition now according to the service fella.

So, just in time as on Monday I've got my 2nd session of the Direct Access which is the 4 hours on a 125cc... and I wanted to get at least 4-5 hours on my bike before I did it for more confidence... so tomorrow pick it up from Colwym Bay Motorcycles and will takea blast around North Wales to get used to it.
Well, Monday off work and it's the 4 hours 125cc session, suppose it's just to get literally experience before moving upto the 600's... I went out on mine for around 3 hours this weekend, and am a lot better and more confident now with the gear changes and control of the bike have to admit... looking forward to tomorrow/today however looks like it's gonna be p1ssing it down :-( Will let everyone know how I get on.
@pugheaven has riding your own 125 on L plates in your own time for experience helped in your ability to progress though the das course ?
@pugheaven has riding your own 125 on L plates in your own time for experience helped in your ability to progress though the das course ?
Well got 5 hours in over the weekend I reckon and I seriously think it's helped a lot, it's like 2nd nature now changing gears up and down... don't even have to think about it.. like in the car.., if you have access to a 125cc, get it insured and get out on it mate, I think it's made me a lot better than I would've at todays last 125cc sdession... 600's now from monday onwards... let the big boys out lol
And as of this morning Module One Passed with flying colours... so, last Module Two test next Wednesday and I'm an Easy Rider.
here he is, infact why wait... just bought him now... it's just a matter of getting him home... bought him today... he's a 1999 T Reg (although private plate) CBR600F in my fave colour, yellow, but with the turquoise bottom... only a couple of changes from standard, small indicators, Devil Exhaust, Smoked Bubble Screen... but this was the killer for me, a genuine 8921 miles on him since new, 2 previous owners, currently who's had him 5 years... so made up with this... it'll be ready when I pass my Module 2 next week :-)

So excited now... got it for a steal I think as well judging by what dealers are selling these things for...








COngrats :D

I have just booked my CBT, I am so excited to have a day of riding :D

WHat sort of preperation did you do for you CBT?

*edit* Nice bike! That looks great with the powder coating :)
COngrats :D

I have just booked my CBT, I am so excited to have a day of riding :D

WHat sort of preperation did you do for you CBT?

*edit* Nice bike! That looks great with the powder coating :)

Didn't do any prep mate for the CBT, literally turned up... they show you everything mate, so no need to worry, I'd never even sat on a bike before I went, within 6 hours they signed me off as safe to go on my sons CBR125... which I've battered with 700 miles since to get loads of practice in just for my own confidence.

If you can afford it and never ridden before, pick up a cheap 125 mate, get that mileage in, the difference it's made to me is a lot.
Didn't do any prep mate for the CBT, literally turned up... they show you everything mate, so no need to worry, I'd never even sat on a bike before I went, within 6 hours they signed me off as safe to go on my sons CBR125... which I've battered with 700 miles since to get loads of practice in just for my own confidence.

If you can afford it and never ridden before, pick up a cheap 125 mate, get that mileage in, the difference it's made to me is a lot.

Awesome stuff :)

I'm going to Greece for the summer on the 20th so I wanted to gain a bit of confidence before I went out and got a back there. I can't wait for a day of riding! :D :D
Well, looks like bike will be landing in the UK 16th May and this is the day of my Module 2, so fingers crossed I pass that tomorrow and the bike will be here tomorrow night or Thursday me thinks.

Also question, on a bike of this cost is it worth going fully comp? I normally do, but thinking if I do come off it and I'd probably not go through insurance as I'd be screwed for around 3 years so I'd probably just pay myself...£160 TPFT or £280 fully comp I'm quoted at?
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