Just Passed Motobike CBT... WHOOT.

:p I know Exactly how you feel, Chuffed to bits for ya mate, Post pics etc :cool:
Will do, working from home today and catching up, just been out for 30 minutes JESUS CHRIST it's quick, this thing could get you in trouble VERY quickly man...

Will post some piccies later :-) And give a quick update on what I think. Laterz!
Right, just putting some wheel trim tape on him (will suffice until I can powder coat the wheels yellow), I'll post a couple of pictures later. However here's one of him in the garage...


Had time today to look him over properly, although due to rain, not get out (tomorrow will be done!)... however... here's my conclusion... good and bad!

  • Wheels A1 MINT, look like they've come straight from the factory! :)
  • Brake Discs, A1 MINT, Pad have 150 miles on them :)
  • Oil and Brake Fluid all done as was coolant so all ready to rumble :)
  • Faring, Petrol Tank and ALL Yellow Paint A1 Mint :)
  • Exhaust and downpipes... slight and I mean slight corrosion on the downpipes as expected on a 13 year old bike, certainly nothing to worry about and the stainless Devil exhaust is A1 Mint :)
  • All electrics work 100%, nothing fails to work.
  • New battery in October when brake pads replaced and serviced :)
  • Turquoise area, 3-4 places where it's been touched up, this wasn't shown in advert, shame, however nothing major to worry about :(
  • Tyres got around 1k left in them me thinks, so some new ones will be on the way... knew this when I bought him though so. :(
  • Seat as slit in it, but I'm currently replacing with a yellow piped one anyway, so no biggy, just means £40 notes. :(
Apart from that, I really can't think of anything else negative to say from him. Only been out twice, it's fast, clutch and gearbox feel sound and smooth... really am over the moon with "Eric". So on that note, lets have a look at some small but neat little mods planned:

  • Yellow Wheel Trim Tape - Not going to last forever, but will break up the black on the lower side of the bike, plus it's reflective at night, so...
  • Yellow/Gold Pazzo rip off clutch brake levers with black adjusters (in the post as we speak)
  • Chrome Brake Reservoir with CBR Logo on it. The one on the bike looks duff so... lets brighten that dash are up.
  • Already fitted the sat nav adapter to the steering column, and wired in the fag lighter to the battery etc for powering the sat nav for the long trips I've got planned.
  • Already bought front and rear wheel bearings ready for powder coating later in the year...
Will post some fresh picture of him later... just gonna give him a quick coat of wax first!
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Well, wheels just finished, not a bad finish and god knows how long they'll last, if they peel in the first splashes of rain they're off... however for now, they look nice enough, just break up the black! What ya thing?

Looks lovely!

I've managed to pass my CBT last Sunday and got my theory on Monday. Unfortunately won't be able to do lessons untill at least 9th June as I'm in Denmark for the bank holiday.

How much is the insurance setting you back mate?
lovely mate! only thing i'm not keen on is the high level exhaust.

Yeah suppose it's like people either loving the colour or not, I personally think the exhaust when they're like this flow better with the U shape fo the bike, but yeah 100% understand, not to everyone's taste... keeps ya ass warm though ;-)

Looks lovely!

I've managed to pass my CBT last Sunday and got my theory on Monday. Unfortunately won't be able to do lessons untill at least 9th June as I'm in Denmark for the bank holiday.

How much is the insurance setting you back mate?

Great stuff mate, congrats... and good luck with the bigboy lessons... As for Insurance, £138 notes TPFT... not bad hey considering never even been or sat ona bike before Easter Sunday lol
Did the wheels yesterday (new little logo's on etc)... think they look sweet in the first picture on rear wheel, sods law said the front wheel wasn't in same location :-(

Now with Honda logo's. The question is... what next lol. Need to;

  1. Clean the chain right down and use some Wurth Dry Chain Lube... job for weekend.
  2. Fit the Pazzo Brake/Clutch Levers
  3. Get some CBR decals to cover the 4 scratches on the bike, then it'll be perfect.
  4. What else? What mods (tasteful) can I now do...??? Any ideas anyone...;)

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Put your tax disc on the right side as in passenger side. :D
Apart from that the bike looks mint mate nowt else to do but ride it. :cool:
Put your tax disc on the right side as in passenger side. :D
Apart from that the bike looks mint mate nowt else to do but ride it. :cool:
Hahaha, yeah was actually thinking about that the other day and meant to move it... it was like that when I bought it... not sure why he's got it there... hide it away lol. Will by carbon or Ali holder for it and move to LHS ;):D
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