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Just relised the pointlessness of it all - the 8800

29 Mar 2005
LoadsaMoney said:
Not really as no ones bought them for Dx10 as its not about Dx10, its faster Dx9, its a single card that whoops Sli/Crossfire, why would ppl buy them for Dx10 when :-

A: Dx10 is not out for months, and can't be used till it is released, and when it is released, faster/better Dx10 cards will be out.

B: No one knows how the G80 will run Dx10.
someone out there has definatly bought this acrd with the opinion that they are going to play unreal 3 maxxe dout next year
6 Sep 2006
Procedural texturing is all well and good for generic objects or landscape textures but the characters and main props will still all need their own textures and they are what use up the main amount of texture memory as is. Well the landscape textures use up quite a bit too so there would be some saving, maybe as much as 20-30% but not nearly 95%.

As a graphics designer working with the Crysis engine I can tell you that we currently have no plans to be using dynamic procedural textures and I have not seen them stated as being part of the Crysis engine. As a 256mb card user I hope that texture needs don't raise above that but they will only be getting higher and higher from what I am seeing. On saying that your 256mb card will last you atleast til the end of 2007 ;)
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
NightSt@lk3r said:
times change, hardware vendors get greedy'er(is that a word?) :(

Greedier is. :)

As for the rest, the complexity of the card(s) has increased so the price of the cards are likely to increase, not to mention that they now come with more Ram than ever so the rising price of all Ram will not have helped. With that said the overall cost of PCs has either remained roughly the same or dropped so that you can still get a very capable PC for about the same sort of price in real terms that you always have.
17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
LoadsaMoney said:
Not really as no ones bought them for Dx10 as its not about Dx10, its faster Dx9, its a single card that whoops Sli/Crossfire, why would ppl buy them for Dx10 when :-

thats rubbish. you dont go buying the fastest and most expensive card out there if you know a cheaper card would be better at dx10. if you think that IS the case then you're kididng yourself. everybody's banging on about dx10 not being an issue. thats fine, but if they turn out to be about as much use in dx10 as an fx5200 in dx9, dont be suprised when everybody suddenly migrates 'because they want better dx10 performance'....but wait - i though it wasn't an issue. I'm not saying it is right now but it will be, thats for certain and all the adopters of dx10 will be miffed if cheaper cards are outdoing them.
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8 Jul 2003
In a house
Thats what i said in that big G80 thread that the real reason everyone was saying to not buy Dx9 cards anymore, and to only buy the G80 was for Dx10, but i was slated to hell, 'nothing to do with Dx10', 'no ones buying them for Dx10', 'its faster Dx9, single card thats faster than SLi/Crossfire' etc... etc... so as far as im aware Dx10 is not why ppl are buying em. :confused:

The refresher has already been announced for around the time of Vista/R600, so it will be the slowest Dx10 card even before it can use it, as the refresher will be faster, but we don't know if it will be cheaper.
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24 Jun 2004
LoadsaMoney said:
Yup they do own in Dx9, but apparently now everyone is buying them for Dx10, i wish ppl would make their mind up as im well :confused: now.

You must learn that everyone has different reasons for buying, young Padawan. Don't think of 'people' as a single-minded mass.

If you're buying for DX10 do yourself a favour and wait for Vista and R600 before you buy. If you're buying for top notch DX9 performance and you have the disposable cash, then go for it. If it's going to be tough financially, wait for price drops / mid-range cards. Simple as.
4 Jan 2005
The OP does have a point. Does anyone remember the debacle with the 5x00 series? They were advertised as being able to do all DX9 features, including SM2.0 pixel shaders - which in fact, made the games using sm2.0 slow down to a crawl. I believe that single handedly tipped the scales in favour of ATI's Radeon 9x00 series because of Nvidia's corner cutting and deceptions.
26 Aug 2005
I still remember the argument about getting a 6800 series GPU rather than the equivalent because it had Pixel Shader 2.0. Not many games implemented it plus buy the time PS2 was common, the card would be slow anyway.
24 Dec 2005
Gashman said:
in DX9 they do, but we know nothing about DX10 performance, they may be crap at it, remember conroe, brilliant in 32-bit, but not so hot in 64-bit :p gonna personally hold out too see what the red camp has to offer myself

By that time I will have moved on.
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