Mohinder said:
Seriously dude, get a grip. Untwist your knickers. Fords are dull. BMWs are dull. The Mazda may not be a world beating car, but it's a nice car, and not everyone wants a Ford or a BMW.
I've not even recommended or suggested a BMW. Stop seeing things which are not there becuase it suits your 'arguement'.
Hard to believe I know, but not everyone is you
Really? Well thanks for that, damn, I had no idea, I thought everyone on the forum was an exact replica of myself
and not everyone thinks a 22 year old student is the authority on cars.
Nope and guess what, neither does the 22 year old student. I've never claimed anything like that - you appear to have a perception problem if you think that.
The way you talk's like you know it all and everyone should listen...
No, I give my opinion. Nothing less, nothing more. Anyone is free to discard it, completely ignore it, argue against it, agree with it, or tell me it's stupid. It's how forums tend to work.
The matter of personal taste comes into things, and it's something you've never seemed to be able to comprehend.
God I am soooo bored trying to tell people this is complete and utter rot that I can't be bothered to do it again, what next, you're going to suggest I only ever look for 'value for money'? Somebody tried that last time they had a 'OMG HE HAS.. AN OPINION THATS DIFFERENT TO MINE? HE IS SCUM' rant but they went quiet when I pointed out that BMW's are exceptionally poor value for money.
The Mazda 3 sport is prettier than a Focus by miles, and every other driveway down many roads around here has a focus of some description on it..
That Mazda3 is a reasonable looking, mass market, mass produced mid sized hatchback. It is not a supercar, it is not an Aston Martin, it will not win design awards, single women will not want to have your children if you park up in a Mazda3 when they'd spit on you if you did the same in a Focus. The cars in this market merely blend in.
FWIW I would have posted more or less exactly the same thing had this thread been announcing he'd just bought a Focus 2.0 Zetec for £15k as well, so it's hardly OMFG PRO FORD. I'm so sick of people thinking I'm some sort of a Ford fanboy, I dislike the majority of their product range.
My mum's got a 3 sport, I like it. Lot of money, but they're nice and fairly uncommon.
Ah, so now I see where the rant came from, you feel you need to justify your Mums decision or something. Fair enough.