"Just stop oil"

I and Wales as a whole have, "just stopped eating welsh"

But that doesn't mean we can't reclaim some of the 90% of our landmass used by a small rich clique right?
I think you'll find that the small rich clique are helping to keep the economy going aswell as a load of small holders
I think you'll find that the small rich clique are helping to keep the economy going aswell as a load of small holders

And 10% of the land being used for something more sustainable will destroy them all will it?

Remember they don't have to do this.

This is just if they want to keep receiving government subsidies.

"Keeping the economy going" with handouts, implies we could just skip them and give the handouts.
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And 10% of the land being used for something more sustainable will destroy them all will it?

Remember they don't have to do this.

This is just if they want to keep receiving government subsidies.

"Keeping the economy going" with handouts, implies we could just skip them and give the handouts.
Who would you have maintain the land then?
Who would you have maintain the land then?
Well when it's not been stripped back to a mono culture it tends to look after itself.

But I suppose we could use the £280m+of farming subsidies to pay for some to do it? We have a lot of national parks already.

Remember the issue here is farmers don't want to keep some of thier natural in exchange for the subsidies they want to use 100% of thier land for industry, sell the produce abroad and be paid by the tax payer to do it while endlessly trying to stop the public using the land. (For the sheep farmers it's fairly easy, as well the natural land is exactly what they need, I think thier complaint is the tree requirement)

For many areas i suppose a wind farm would make the land profitable, and be minimally impactful for "naturalising" the land in regards of ground and insect populations, maybe less so the birds.

But then wales is a strange Dinorwig and it's absolute monstrosity of mining waste is a unesco world heritage site rather than a "we should really clean up our mess" problem. So God knows what the real solution to our issues is.
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Nature, that's kind of its definition
unfortunately we've not got the likes of the apex predators that tend to be required for nature to effectively "manage" itself.
We don't have the beavers that used to manage water ways in a manner that meant you have the spaces that allowed for all sorts of smaller creatures to thrive and fed the larger ones.
We don't have the likes of bears or wolves to "naturally" control the likes of the deer population, with the result that a lot of plants and trees don't stand a chance to get started.

IIRC in one of the US national parks where they reintroduced wolves it resulted in a massive change to the habitat as they controlled the likes of the deer population, which meant that you had a lot more groundcover and smaller/young trees and saplings survive, which meant you had more cover for the small critters to breed and more for them to feed on, which meant you had the likes of birds of prey in larger numbers as they had more to eat.

We've basically spent so long disrupting the environment in the UK that we've effectively made it so that it does require fairly constant human intervention to balance out the missing animals.
unfortunately we've not got the likes of the apex predators that tend to be required for nature to effectively "manage" itself.

It's wales we didnt have any of that crap to begin with. And even now we barely have deer, ther aren't any bevers in the mountains and never were

Bears and wolves where removed so long ago they don't even factor into the environment.

Removing the sheep fixes any over grazing issue.

If not hunting license does the job. Humans being the most apex of apex predators.
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It's wales we didnt have any of that crap to begin with. And even now we barely have deer, ther aren't any bevers in the mountains and never were

Bears and wolves where removed so long ago they don't even factor into the environment.

Removing the sheep fixes any over grazing issue.

If not hunting license does the job. Humans being the most apex of apex predators.
There is never a quick fix though you should know that.
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I mean ag this point your asking for a fix to a problem that doesn't exist.

Our problem is what do we do to offset the huge damage caused by farmers.
Whatever fix you devise cannot be achieved quickly. You could make a snap decision to get rid of sheep say, by saying they are causing this or that sort of damage. Ok that's done but an invasive species of plant takes hold on the land you want left to nature. This plant is so invasive that in outperforms the local plants which die off. You no are left with just this plant that only supports a fraction of the wildlife it have. Is that a good trade off, problems arose from the introduction of grey squirrels, the release of mink, the Japanese knotweed, Himalayan Balsam. On so on what problems do you want to introduce?
I can't believe it's not Just Stop Oil... oh wait, it basically is. So much for the "we really don't want to do this, we just want the government to agree to stop new oil exploration and then we'll stop"... seems like it's same people behind the Insulate Britain protests from a couple of years ago and the Stop Private Jets one that briefly appeared and then disappeared.

I guess people have gotten a bit fed up of JSO but the young people looking for some excuse to get angry and go through their protesting phase are now obsessed with Palestine instead so... same old same old.... spray some paint on buildings:

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